It’s never too late to plan early! Entries are now open for the 69th running of the Tevis Cup, which will be held on July 12, 2025.
Traditional Entry: $500 ($600 on and after June 29, 2025), Signature Entry: $1600
To qualify to enter the Western States Trail Ride, Riders (not the equine) must, at the time of application, meet one of the two qualifications below. The equine must be a minimum of 72 months (6 years) old at the time of the ride. Mares in foal and/or lactating are not allowed to enter the Ride.
1. I have previously completed the Western States Trail Ride. OR 2. I have completed a total of 300 miles of rides sanctioned by WSTF, AERC, NATRC, and/or a national/international equivalent. All rides were 35 miles/day or more in length. The 300 miles are cumulative lifetime.
Rules governing the WSTF differ in some respects from those of other AERC sanctioned rides. The WSTF Rules will be applied and adhered to before, during and after the Ride.
Receipt of a completed entry by the WSTF does not guarantee acceptance to the ride.
When the limit of 210 participants has been reached, further entries will be placed on a waiting list. Ten additional entries in the Ride List are discretionary and are generally accorded to foreign riders.
Applications by junior riders who are over 12 and under 18 on ride day will only be considered if accompanied by the entry of an adult rider (21 years or older) as sponsor.
All entries must be completed online. Link to the entry form is here: