April 28 2020
MOSCOW, IDAHO—The Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC) has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Chief Joseph Trail Ride, set to take place August 3 – 7, 2020. This would have been the 56th consecutive year the historical event has been held.
Due to COVID-19, the United States Forest Service (USFS) is unable to issue recreational permits, hindering the ability for ApHC trail leaders to access trails and establish a ride route. Trail maintenance has also been halted for the time being which would support a safe ride for members, organizers, and their Appaloosas.
“As a Board, this was one of the most difficult decisions we’ve ever had to make,” said ApHC President Ken Johnson. “But our hands were tied by circumstances out of control. That said, I’m confident that the historic Chief Joseph Trail Ride will be back next year better than ever, with even greater participation.”
The uncertainty of this situation and lack of a set timeline for when USFS operations will return to normal have required the ApHC to make this decision. In order for the Appaloosa Horse Club to successfully hold a safe and enjoyable ride, the time for proper preparation is not feasible this year.
While the situation is unfortunate, the Appaloosa Horse Club and its leaders encourage Chief Joseph riders and participants to look forward to next year when this special tradition can be continued. The fourth leg of the Chief Joseph Trail Ride over Lolo pass will now be ridden in 2021. Meanwhile, ApHC encourages members to spend quality time with their Appaloosa and consider enrolling in the Saddle Log program where awards are earned for their time spent in the saddle.
For additional information on the Chief Joseph Trail Ride and further updates that become available in the following months, please visit https://www.appaloosa.com/trail/ChiefJoseph.htm.
The Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC) was established in 1938 with a mission of preserving, promoting and enhancing the Appaloosa breed. The ApHC has since registered more than 700,000 Appaloosas, which are known for their distinctive color, intelligence and even temperament. True to their reputation as an extremely versatile breed, Appaloosas can be found in nearly every discipline including racing, endurance riding and serving as reliable family horses. The international breed registry is headquartered in Moscow, Idaho, the heart of the Palouse region—the Appaloosa breed’s namesake and point of origin.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
USEF Update on COVID-19: Suspension Extended Through May 31, 2020
by US Equestrian Communications Department | Apr 25, 2020, 8:15 AM EST
April 25, 2020
Dear USEF Members and Competition Organizers (Licensees and Managers),
We continue to carefully monitor the COVID-19 Pandemic situation and the position of health experts, including the CDC and other public health authorities. It appears that in several areas of the country, restrictions put in place by State Governors, such as the “stay-at-home” orders, are making a positive difference. Federal, state and local governments are discussing plans for re-opening the environment in the near future. However, this will not occur overnight and will very likely consist of a graduated easing of restrictions over several weeks, which may vary greatly state-to-state, as well as within the states themselves.
The success of these plans is predicated on a mindful and responsible approach to easing restrictions while also maintaining best practices that we have all learned and adopted in order to reduce exposure to and transmission of the COVID-19 virus. Once USEF competitions resume, we must all continue to support and maintain these best practices as part of our daily activities to help prevent further disruptions to our lives. We hope that resumption of competition comes soon.
With that in mind, the suspension of all USEF owned and named events, selection trials, training camps, clinics and activities is being extended through May 31, 2020. This suspension also includes points, scores, money won, qualifications, or rankings toward any USEF award programs, USEF owned and named events, or selection to a US team including USEF National Championships. Upon the expiration of this suspension, competitions must comply with requirements issued by USEF for operating sport horse competitions in this environment.
Collaborating with competition organizers, affiliate leaders and other industry experts, USEF has been developing competition protocols for safely operating competitions and mitigating the risks associated with COVID-19. Once finalized, we will be providing all competition organizers with these protocols as well as other risk mitigation tools for their use. These tools and resources will also be front-facing on our website and accessible by all members and website visitors.
We have been working on amendments to qualification and selection processes for numerous USEF owned and named events as well as how USEF HOTY awards and ranking lists are calculated. We have started announcing modifications that will make the process as fair as possible for all participants, despite the disruption to the competition year and the likelihood of a staggered regional start-up.
We have received inquiries as to whether USEF will grant exemptions to the junior competitor age restrictions, equine age restrictions and equine eligibility restrictions based on competitive experience. While these topics are being discussed, it is still too early to make definitive conclusions regarding these issues.
We will continue to assess the pandemic impact, and we will keep you informed of any updates to our position as circumstances warrant or as instructed by the government and public health authorities.
The safety and welfare of our members and their horses must continue to be our top priority.
Stay safe,
William J. Moroney
Chief Executive Officer
Friday, April 24, 2020
Wild West Virtual Endurance Ride

Joining a couple of other innovative endurance riders and ride managers, Wild West is hosting a virtual endurance ride - a one day ride on May 9 or 10, or a week-long challenge May 9-17.
It's a way to get your virtual endurance riding on while still practicing social distancing and while having a goal for your fit equines.
After you complete your ride(s), you'll e-mail Wild West your GPS tracks, a screenshot of them or a link to them. Then watch on their Facebook page for your standings. Awards will be mailed out after the ride but depending on the popularity it could take up to a month to arrive depending on availability.
For more information and to sign up, see
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Behind the Lens: Get to Know Endurance Ride Photographer Susan Kordish

by Merri Melde-Endurance.net
April 15 2020
Next up in my "Behind the Lens" series, featuring members of the Endurance Ride Photographers Guild (ERPG), is Susan Kordish, of AZ Cowgirl Photography.
Those of you who ride in the Southwest region have seen Susan behind the lens the last decade. In this article, Susan shifts between saying “I” and “We,” because her husband John is a very important part of her photography business. “He takes great photos,” Susan says, “and one of our Endurance News covers was actually his image. We are two halves of a whole.”
Where do you live?
We currently live in Skull Valley, Arizona. We vacationed here for 10 years prior to moving here in 2005 from Northern Vermont.
What is your profession?
My husband John and I owned and operated a convenience store/gas station for 20 years in Vermont. When we moved here to Arizona we both went to work for the local casino operation. I still work full-time as the Administrative Licensing Technician. My job is to process people's paperwork and do the initial background investigation for gaming licenses (required to work in a casino). I am hoping once I retire to make photography my full-time occupation.
Do you have horses? Do you ride?
I began riding at 8...and I am now 60. My very first horse was actually a Chincoteague Pony. His name was Little Fellow and the man that owned him wrote a book about his early life called "Hundred Acre Welcome" by Ronald Rood. Little Fellow came to me when I was 10 and he was 6. He lived with me until he was 36! Currently I have a registered Morab gelding named Chase. He will be 21 this year. John has a registered Arabian mare named Fancy. Fancy will be 28 this summer.
When I was a kid I competed in hunter/jumper, eventing, gymkhanas and some dressage. My husband and I competed as a team in hunter pace events in Vermont. Since moving here we are trail riders although neither of us is riding lately.
How did you first get into photography?
I casually did photography as a kid with a little 110 camera. My big breakthrough came on our first trip together to the West. We made a trip to Las Vegas in the early 90's. I had met a horseback rider and photographer on an AOL chat room. She said she would take us riding in the desert around Las Vegas. Not only did she take us riding, she took us on a photo safari to the desert near Vegas and handed me her Minolta 35mm with a 70-300 lens and pointed out mustangs in the desert! I was HOOKED! When we got home I bought the same camera and lens combo; I still have it but have moved on to digital. While in Vermont I mostly shot dressage, hunter/jumper and some gymkhana and team penning. I also do some fine art photography and editing.
What equipment do you normally shoot with?
I currently have two Canon 7D bodies, one has a 70-200 f2.8 pro lens and the other has a 24-105 f4 pro lens. My husband is my second shooter. We both use monopods to help with the long hours that shooting endurance rides entails.
When did you start shooting endurance rides?
I originally shot alone. Our first endurance ride came about in an interesting way. We were set to volunteer at a new endurance ride happening right here in Skull Valley. I first tried to be the Official Photographer, but another photographer (Linda Sherrill), well known in the endurance world, was already chosen. The day before the ride I was asked if I could shoot the ride, as Linda was ill and couldn't make the trip. That ride was the Prescott Chaparral Ride in 2011. I had a Canon XTi and a 70-300mm lens and no website. I was able to get a website up and running in 3 days. It wasn't pretty but it functioned and I had a way to sell. A few years later my husband John started being the second shooter so we could get more images of each rider.
Why do you like shooting endurance rides?
We love the excitement and camaraderie of the endurance shoots. We know many of our riders by name and they know us at this point. I love the smiles and kind words they share with us. We feel like part of the endurance family here in Arizona.
What are challenges you find in shooting endurance rides?
The challenges are to find great locations, and the weather. Most of our rides are a bit of a distance from where we live, so we either have to make a scouting trip or arrive a few days early to scout. The weather is usually great but once in awhile the rain comes and makes it very hard. Had an expensive repair when the rain cover didn't protect well enough...I have since purchased a better rain cover!
What are one or two of your favorite ride shooting stories/adventures/misadventures?
Every November we photograph the Lead, Follow or Get Out of My Way ride at McDowell Mountain Regional Park down near Phoenix. We always take our mountain bikes because the biking is wonderful there. So, the ride was on Saturday...I spent much of Sunday working on images, so Monday we decided to head out for a bike ride. About 3 miles in...John fell crossing a dry wash. I could tell immediately that he was hurt bad!! The rest of that day was spent waiting for the helicopter to arrive...then meeting the ambulance back at the park. I was dropped off at our travel trailer to arrange to stay a bit longer - we were supposed to head home the next morning. I arrived at the hospital to find John in the ER with a broken femur/broken hip. A couple of days later while John was having surgery to put a titanium rod into his femur I had to learn to drive the truck pulling the travel trailer alone for the 3 or so hour drive back home. Having driven horse trailers I did fine, but yikes. The good news is he is on the mend and he only missed one shoot.
Also...last April while at our first location at the Lead, Follow or Get Out of My Way at Bumble Bee we got chased out of the desert by a huge bull. We were walking back towards the car to catch the last few riders when we started to hear a bull calling out behind us...then crashing in the desert brush...walking faster I looked back and it was coming our way! I don't think he actually had bad intentions towards us BUT we were in between where he was and where the other bull was. We stopped once we were safe and took a few shots of them sparring!
And any other pertinent info you’d like to share with us?
We have been fortunate to have been published extensively, with covers on The Horse, The Horse's Hoof, Trail Blazer and Endurance News. Many of our photos have been used to illustrate articles and for advertising. Along with our website we have a Fine Art America site. I also have my fine art work available locally at The Prescott Art Market and the Skull Valley Station. In the past I entered many juried art shows both locally and online.
Below are a couple of Susan’s favorite shots and rides over the years.

In the Flagstaff Monsoon Fever ride in Arizona, Junior rider Hailey Zehring is riding Andrea Maitland's mustang Wyatt Earp. This made the cover of Endurance News a few months ago.

Brad Person in the Lead, Follow ride in McDowell, Arizona. Brad is Susie Kramer's significant other.

Mary Jane Fridley on Dreamer, in the Dashing through the Trails ride near Goodyear, Arizona.

Here's one of Susan's favorite cover shots
Behind the Lens: Becky Pearman profile is here:
Behind the Lens: Dave Honan profile is here:
Behind the Lens: Linda Sherrill profile is here:
Behind the Lens: Steve Bradley profile is here:
Vermont 100 Cancelled
April 14 2020
Due to the COVID-19 viral pandemic, the Vermont 100 ride committee made the very difficult decision to cancel this year's endurance rides, scheduled for July 18, 2020.
"Consideration for the health and safety of the endurance riding community, our generous volunteers, veterinarians, and the public in general are our foremost concerns in making this decision. These are truly unique circumstances.
This was a very difficult decision for the committee, as we understand the love and passion so many have for this incredibly unique event. We feel that this was the only responsible course of action. We will be back stronger than ever for 2021! Please be safe and well as we rise to meet this global challenge by working together while staying apart."
Pam and the ride committee.
Due to the COVID-19 viral pandemic, the Vermont 100 ride committee made the very difficult decision to cancel this year's endurance rides, scheduled for July 18, 2020.
"Consideration for the health and safety of the endurance riding community, our generous volunteers, veterinarians, and the public in general are our foremost concerns in making this decision. These are truly unique circumstances.
This was a very difficult decision for the committee, as we understand the love and passion so many have for this incredibly unique event. We feel that this was the only responsible course of action. We will be back stronger than ever for 2021! Please be safe and well as we rise to meet this global challenge by working together while staying apart."
Pam and the ride committee.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
2020 April's Endurance Day on Horses in the Morning

Horsesinthemorning.com - Listen
Apr 14, 2020
Endurance Day Revisit: We chat with 2017 Tevis Cup winner Tenney Lane, Haggin Cup winner Jeremy Reynolds and Molly Farkas shares her adventures riding this year’s race on her Appaloosa Spotted Wap; 49 years after her first Tevis Cup. Listen in...
Thursday, April 09, 2020
Suzy Kelley Passes
The endurance community is not the same without Suzy Kelley, who passed away on the first of April.
She was the 2008 AERC Hall of Fame inductee and known as a tough competitor with a heart of gold. Her daughter, Laurel Wynn Black, wanted to be sure endurance riders knew that "You all were such a big part of her life for so many years!"

She was the 2008 AERC Hall of Fame inductee and known as a tough competitor with a heart of gold. Her daughter, Laurel Wynn Black, wanted to be sure endurance riders knew that "You all were such a big part of her life for so many years!"

Wednesday, April 08, 2020
2020 AERC National Championships June 5-7 Cancelled
April 8 2020
Due to the uncertainty and upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 AERC National Championship June 5-7 at Fort Howes, Montana, has been cancelled. The difficult decision was made by ride managers and hosts Jan and Bill Stevens today.
They are uncertain at this time if they will postpone till a fall 2020 date, or June 11-13, 2021.
Stay tuned to AERC.org for further developments.
Due to the uncertainty and upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 AERC National Championship June 5-7 at Fort Howes, Montana, has been cancelled. The difficult decision was made by ride managers and hosts Jan and Bill Stevens today.
They are uncertain at this time if they will postpone till a fall 2020 date, or June 11-13, 2021.
Stay tuned to AERC.org for further developments.
Washington's Jill Ann Smith approaches her wide-ranging pursuits with passion and dedication
Inlander.com - Full Article
By Carrie Scozzaro
April 8 2020
hat do Arabian horses, women veterans, ceramics and the food industry have in common? They're all things Jill Ann Smith has built businesses around.
"I've always been a niche marketer," says Smith, who lives in the Little Spokane River area in an older home with a newer shop surrounded by funky outdoor sculptures and a garden. From the road, a unique metal fence reads like a biography of Smith's life with cutouts of things like leaves and horses.
Cutouts of Air Force jets relate to her husband, Doug, whom she met while on the westside, where she grew up and earned her art degree at the University of Puget Sound. Fairchild Air Force base brought the couple to Spokane.
Smith likes to tell the story about a trip to Serbia she and her husband took to secure contracts for EarthGoods, one of many ventures she has run or created in her 50 years as a self-styled entrepreneur.
"In Serbia," explains Smith, "business is done over drinking." Only one person spoke English and none had ever dealt with an American nor a woman. Through hand gestures and smiles, they persisted, with Smith pointing to her husband as the "designated drinker," so as not to offend their hosts.
"My husband drank the Serbs under the table," says Smith, laughing.
Her husband also gave Smith her first horse, opening the floodgates, she calls it. Although she never rode a real one as a child — she made do with stick ponies and stories of the Black Stallion — Smith was especially enamored of Arabians...
Read more here:
By Carrie Scozzaro
April 8 2020
hat do Arabian horses, women veterans, ceramics and the food industry have in common? They're all things Jill Ann Smith has built businesses around.
"I've always been a niche marketer," says Smith, who lives in the Little Spokane River area in an older home with a newer shop surrounded by funky outdoor sculptures and a garden. From the road, a unique metal fence reads like a biography of Smith's life with cutouts of things like leaves and horses.
Cutouts of Air Force jets relate to her husband, Doug, whom she met while on the westside, where she grew up and earned her art degree at the University of Puget Sound. Fairchild Air Force base brought the couple to Spokane.
Smith likes to tell the story about a trip to Serbia she and her husband took to secure contracts for EarthGoods, one of many ventures she has run or created in her 50 years as a self-styled entrepreneur.
"In Serbia," explains Smith, "business is done over drinking." Only one person spoke English and none had ever dealt with an American nor a woman. Through hand gestures and smiles, they persisted, with Smith pointing to her husband as the "designated drinker," so as not to offend their hosts.
"My husband drank the Serbs under the table," says Smith, laughing.
Her husband also gave Smith her first horse, opening the floodgates, she calls it. Although she never rode a real one as a child — she made do with stick ponies and stories of the Black Stallion — Smith was especially enamored of Arabians...
Read more here:
Thursday, April 02, 2020
Along for the Ride

INL employee uses endurance equine racing to explore the great outdoors
Published online: Apr 02, 2020 Articles, East Idaho Outdoors Rebecca Jones
Jessica Cobbley loves preparing others for the ride of their lives.
In her work at Idaho National Laboratory, Cobbley works as an Advanced Test Reactor e-learning technologist. She spends her days finding ways to incorporate new technology like virtual and augmented reality or 3-D printing into the training classroom for the national laboratory’s test reactor.
Off the clock, Cobbley spends time with her passion of equine endurance racing – and works to help others in Idaho enjoy her beloved sport as well.
Growing up in Montana, Cobbley claims she was “riding horses before I could walk.” Her love for horses only grew when she discovered long-distance competitive trail rides at the age of 11. She spent years training, competing and caring for her horses.
She began endurance racing in 2014. Today, Cobbley and her husband both compete in the sport. The couple has seven horses, three of which are used for the difficult endurance races...
Read more here:
Waiting Out Coronavirus, and Thank You to Our Endurance.net Advertisers
April 2 2020
First and foremost, in this time of social distancing and lockdowns and uncertainty with COVID-19, we at Endurance.net would like to send all of you best wishes for staying well and coping. We hope you can still get your horse therapy and horse hugs on!
We will continue to provide our usual US and world-wide endurance news, stories, and uplifting equine-related entertainment for distraction and to look forward to the time we emerge on the other side of this, ready to get back to riding and the sport we all enjoy.
Endurance.net is suspending advertising fees for the months of March and April due to coronavirus and the economic situation, and we are offering 2 free months for new/introductory advertisers. As always, we will continue to promote and share our advertisers' businesses through our popular social media channels, Ridecamp, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
We do want to thank our current advertisers for the mutual support. Please take time to look them, shop, and keep them in mind as we all go through this journey together. Thank you all!
Interested in new advertising? Contact steph@endurance.net.

Belesemo Arabians - in Caldwell, Idaho has been breeding quality endurance and sport horses for more than 35 years. Horses with Belesemo bloodlines account for 18 National AERC titles, 23 U.S. National Champion, Reserve Champion and Top Ten Sport Horses,and numerous Regional & Best Condition placings, in addition to numerous Class A and Open show ring wins.
In the 2016 Tevis Ride - 3 horses sired by stallions in the Belesemo breeding program were in the Top 14. Belesemo Arabians are becoming known as "the definitive endurance horse", the Cadillac of trail horses. Their versatility in all areas of halter & performance are widely accepted.
Cypress Trails Equestrian Center - in Humble, Texas. Darolyn Butler's stables offer adventure trail rides, training and lessons, horse boarding, and more.
WE ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS! We have established a safety protocol for our staff and customers and are supplying surgical gloves to riders. There are no crowds and we ride in the fresh air along the creek. Reservations adored. Walk-ups will be accommodated if possible, but those with reservations will be given priority. Book online 24/7 or call 281.446.7232 8:00 am to 7:00 pm.
The Distance Depot - The Distance Depot has grown into one of the premier shops, for custom made Beta BioThane tack, endurance and trail riding equipment supplies in the nation.
Manufacturing their products in the USA remains important to the integrity of their business, as well as offering proven, innovative products that are used by top riders in the endurance and trail riding communities. Maintaining expert customer service, and providing the fastest shipping available on all of their orders, continues to be a top priority for this company.
Dixie Midnight No-Sweat Vent Pads - Dixie Midnight No-Sweat Vent Pads are made Exclusively For Horses By Riders Who Care, right Here In The USA!! No-Sweat vent pads are guaranteed to perform as described and the FAQS are......There is no finer piece of tack made.
This is how the No-Sweat vent pad is placed upon your horse. Your No-Sweat rests on your horse's back, your saddle pad rests on the No-Sweat, and your saddle rests upon your saddle pad. Your horse will be cooler and more comfortable, your saddle pad will stay clean and dry, no matter how hard you ride.
Drinkers of the Wind Arabians in Bellevue, Idaho - Robert Bouttier has owned and operated Drinkers of the Wind Arabians since the 1970's and named it Drinkers of the Wind Arabians after the book written by Carl Raswan.
Robert raises mostly Polish Arabian horses with the Forta and Sabellina bloodlines which produced the great horses such as Sambor, Sabson, Samtyr, Monarch AH, Falat, NF Proof, etc. French Arabian bloodlines have also been included in the DWA breeding program by stallions such as Haffir el Rimal, Chndaka, Ala Croixnoire, Falina des Fabries, and Darwinn. Many of the DWA horses have excelled at the racetrack as well as in endurance, and others have made excellent pleasure and trail horses.
Equipedic Saddle Pads - Can a saddle pad improve your horse's performance? Can it increase the oxygenated blood flow levels across the horse's back? Can it help build strength and accelerate muscle recovery? Will it provide your horse with more energy without supplements? Can a saddle pad lower the body surface temperature of a horse? Can it eliminate saddle fit problems and pressure points? The answer to all of these questions is a resounding YES, if it is an EquiPedic® Saddle Pad! There is no other saddle pad like it!
EquiPedic, Inc. has utilized the latest in space age technology and proven existing technology to bring you the ultimate in equine comfort! A saddle pad that actually lowers the body surface temperature of your horse, increases the transcutaneous oxygen levels of your horse's back, increases energy levels, and speeds muscle recovery. All while protecting its back!
All in an orthopedic, anti-slip, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, machine washable saddle pad! Combining phase change material, Celliant (formerly known as Holofiber), and the most advanced impact reduction material, Confor™ material, with natural wool and non coated breathable 1000 denier Cordura eliminates saddle fit problems, increases oxygen, energy, muscle recovery and keeps your horse cooler when it's hot and warmer when it's cold!

Euroxciser - We’ve been manufacturing Horse Exercisers for over two decades. It’s our focus and all we do. Built strong to last and meet your horse training needs every day, all day, year after year.
Owning a EuroXciser is an investment to improve the performance and health of your horses. The euro walker opens a wide range of training opportunities. Improve your horses’ fitness base with daily work plans. Integrate interval training to build strength and speed. Rehabilitate horses in a safe controlled environment. Exercise several horses at once saving time with fewer hands to manage the work. Keep your older horses sound and in shape. Prep your yearlings and foals for sales. The options are many; transform your facility with a EuroXciser. Find training tips and more on our blog.
Idaho Saddle Company - Welcome to Idaho Saddle Company - Trail & Endurance Saddles
Let's find your new trail or endurance saddle today! I have a large inventory to pick from of new, used, and demo saddles or I can order you a new custom Arabian Saddle Company saddle. I went through a ton of trail and endurance saddles before I found Arabian Saddle Company saddles. I have ridden in an ASC Solstice for 10 years and own two of them. They are the best English saddle for trail riding and endurance riding. I am always amazed at how they fit me and my three horses that have different shaped backs.
Moss Rock Endurance - MRE is a maker of Beta Biothane® tack, and it’s created right here in the USA. Excellent customer service and high quality tack has always been and remains our highest priority! Additionally, you'll find a wide assortment of headstalls, reins, saddle accessories, and dog equipment.
A family-owned business since 2000, Moss Rock understands your passion, so let’s tack up and ride!
Renegade Hoof Boots - The Worlds Highest Performing Hoof Boots! Proudly manufactured In the USA by Lander Industries Inc.
Featuring unique pivoting heel captivator technology; if properly sized, fitted, adjusted and installed, the Renegade Hoof Boot will not rub, not even for distances of 100 miles (Tevis proven) and requires no accessories whatsoever to accomplish this feat.
The Renegade® Hoof Boot has been a long time coming but its arrival represents the unleashing of the inherent performance potential of the barefoot performance horse, providing them with the extra protection they need to achieve unprecedented levels of performance over the toughest of terrain.
Riding Warehouse - Affectionately called "RW" by its devotees, Riding Warehouse is Your One-Stop Online Tack Shop for English, Western and Endurance riders. Located in San Luis Obispo, California, Riding Warehouse offers a wide selection of quality equine products including horse tack, riding apparel, horse trailer and stable equipment, plus gifts for horse lovers. RW everyday mainstays are: Free Shipping & Free Return Shipping (for a year!), Guaranteed Lowest Prices, and Unbeatable Customer Service.
The RW Creed tells you more about the heart and soul of Riding Warehouse and its staff. Get to know each of our crew members' backgrounds and horse interests on our blog's RW Crew Bios page. We welcome you to engage with us in-store, via our website (try live chat!), or social outlets - say 'hello' and share a photo with us on facebook!
Happy Riding!
Slypner Gear - Quality Gear for Horse & Rider.
We personally test each product we offer, so we know each one is high quality and will serve our riders well so you can turn to our dedicated team to deliver quality horse care products and the finest riding gear. At Slypner Gear of Claremont, New Hampshire, our large selection of products includes hard-to-find products for trail riders and horse aficionados.
We specialize in products designed especially for the trail rider and horse – from grooming supplies and supplements to saddles and heart rate monitors. We are also the home of Slypner Athletic Horseshoes, designed and developed in Denmark. Our name was derived from the mythological Nordic horse with 8 legs that walked on water, in the air, and over the ground. We strive to offer products that enhance the well being and health of the horse, the weekend warrior and the seasoned competitor. Here you will find high quality products designed for the horse and rider who do it all – just like Slypner!
Slypner Gear is a division of the Slypner Athletic Horseshoe Company located in Claremont, New Hampshire. Building on the concept of Slypner shoes which put the horse’s comfort first, we have sought out superior products for the trail and endurance horse and rider. Our goal is to provide a complete and convenient source for tested products for the trail horse and rider. If you can’t find something you’re looking for on our site please call us and we will try to help you.
Specialized Saddles - “The worldwide mission of Specialized Saddles is to alleviate horse’s sore backs, resulting from poor saddle fit. Specialized Saddles provides both horse & rider with unequaled comfort.” We are blessed to have made great strides toward achieving this goal. Our customers and their input & support keep Specialized Saddles growing and improving.
Specialized Saddles more popular features are:
* Adjustable stirrup positions (forward, balanced or centered).
* Patented 3-D (three dimensional) fit system, allowing you to fit multiple horses.
* Lightweight close contact saddle.
* Custom saddles, built to fit the rider’s specific needs.
The patented adjustable 3-D fitting system developed by David Kaden has greatly improved saddle fit. This improved technology has led to superior performance by horses worldwide, Specialized Saddles has customers and sales representatives around the world.
Synergist Saddles - Custom saddles for you and your horse or mule and all your riding needs. Whether you are looking for custom Western Trail Saddles, Lightweight Trail Saddles, Endurance Saddles, or English Saddles we have just what you need.
As a custom saddle maker, our saddles are hand made in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Each of our custom made saddles are fit to you and your horse or mule. You’ll also find matching tack, articles about horse care, horse health and saddle fitting.
* Patented EQUImeasure Kit included with every custom order to ensure proper fit of your horse or mule
* With the kit it’s like having your horse or mule right there in the shop
* The fit of your saddle is adjustable for life to accommodate the growing or aging horse or mule
* Saddle can be adjusted for a new horse or mule of similar width back
* For multiple horse needs we can build a generic tree bottom to fit the type of horses you ride
Taylored Tack - Designed with your horse in mind!
Are you tired of the same old BioThane® and Beta® tack out there? Taylored Tack™ has the solution! We make quality, hand-crafted, unique tack designed with you and your horse in mind. . . . and most importantly, our tack is made in the good ol’ US of A with Stainless Steel hardware, guaranteed not to rust or fade!
Whether it’s an Arab or a Warmblood, size does not matter. Our solution and commitment to you will be to provide unique and beautiful tack . . . that fits properly.
Each Taylored Tack™ product is individually hand crafted by Amanda Taylor, with close attention to detailing down to the last stitch. No other Beta® and BioThane® tack manufacturer comes close to the quality of Taylored Tack™.
Taylored Tack™ is proudly made in the USA
First and foremost, in this time of social distancing and lockdowns and uncertainty with COVID-19, we at Endurance.net would like to send all of you best wishes for staying well and coping. We hope you can still get your horse therapy and horse hugs on!
We will continue to provide our usual US and world-wide endurance news, stories, and uplifting equine-related entertainment for distraction and to look forward to the time we emerge on the other side of this, ready to get back to riding and the sport we all enjoy.
Endurance.net is suspending advertising fees for the months of March and April due to coronavirus and the economic situation, and we are offering 2 free months for new/introductory advertisers. As always, we will continue to promote and share our advertisers' businesses through our popular social media channels, Ridecamp, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
We do want to thank our current advertisers for the mutual support. Please take time to look them, shop, and keep them in mind as we all go through this journey together. Thank you all!
Interested in new advertising? Contact steph@endurance.net.

Belesemo Arabians - in Caldwell, Idaho has been breeding quality endurance and sport horses for more than 35 years. Horses with Belesemo bloodlines account for 18 National AERC titles, 23 U.S. National Champion, Reserve Champion and Top Ten Sport Horses,and numerous Regional & Best Condition placings, in addition to numerous Class A and Open show ring wins.
In the 2016 Tevis Ride - 3 horses sired by stallions in the Belesemo breeding program were in the Top 14. Belesemo Arabians are becoming known as "the definitive endurance horse", the Cadillac of trail horses. Their versatility in all areas of halter & performance are widely accepted.

WE ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS! We have established a safety protocol for our staff and customers and are supplying surgical gloves to riders. There are no crowds and we ride in the fresh air along the creek. Reservations adored. Walk-ups will be accommodated if possible, but those with reservations will be given priority. Book online 24/7 or call 281.446.7232 8:00 am to 7:00 pm.

Manufacturing their products in the USA remains important to the integrity of their business, as well as offering proven, innovative products that are used by top riders in the endurance and trail riding communities. Maintaining expert customer service, and providing the fastest shipping available on all of their orders, continues to be a top priority for this company.

This is how the No-Sweat vent pad is placed upon your horse. Your No-Sweat rests on your horse's back, your saddle pad rests on the No-Sweat, and your saddle rests upon your saddle pad. Your horse will be cooler and more comfortable, your saddle pad will stay clean and dry, no matter how hard you ride.
Robert raises mostly Polish Arabian horses with the Forta and Sabellina bloodlines which produced the great horses such as Sambor, Sabson, Samtyr, Monarch AH, Falat, NF Proof, etc. French Arabian bloodlines have also been included in the DWA breeding program by stallions such as Haffir el Rimal, Chndaka, Ala Croixnoire, Falina des Fabries, and Darwinn. Many of the DWA horses have excelled at the racetrack as well as in endurance, and others have made excellent pleasure and trail horses.

EquiPedic, Inc. has utilized the latest in space age technology and proven existing technology to bring you the ultimate in equine comfort! A saddle pad that actually lowers the body surface temperature of your horse, increases the transcutaneous oxygen levels of your horse's back, increases energy levels, and speeds muscle recovery. All while protecting its back!
All in an orthopedic, anti-slip, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, machine washable saddle pad! Combining phase change material, Celliant (formerly known as Holofiber), and the most advanced impact reduction material, Confor™ material, with natural wool and non coated breathable 1000 denier Cordura eliminates saddle fit problems, increases oxygen, energy, muscle recovery and keeps your horse cooler when it's hot and warmer when it's cold!

Euroxciser - We’ve been manufacturing Horse Exercisers for over two decades. It’s our focus and all we do. Built strong to last and meet your horse training needs every day, all day, year after year.
Owning a EuroXciser is an investment to improve the performance and health of your horses. The euro walker opens a wide range of training opportunities. Improve your horses’ fitness base with daily work plans. Integrate interval training to build strength and speed. Rehabilitate horses in a safe controlled environment. Exercise several horses at once saving time with fewer hands to manage the work. Keep your older horses sound and in shape. Prep your yearlings and foals for sales. The options are many; transform your facility with a EuroXciser. Find training tips and more on our blog.

Let's find your new trail or endurance saddle today! I have a large inventory to pick from of new, used, and demo saddles or I can order you a new custom Arabian Saddle Company saddle. I went through a ton of trail and endurance saddles before I found Arabian Saddle Company saddles. I have ridden in an ASC Solstice for 10 years and own two of them. They are the best English saddle for trail riding and endurance riding. I am always amazed at how they fit me and my three horses that have different shaped backs.

A family-owned business since 2000, Moss Rock understands your passion, so let’s tack up and ride!

Featuring unique pivoting heel captivator technology; if properly sized, fitted, adjusted and installed, the Renegade Hoof Boot will not rub, not even for distances of 100 miles (Tevis proven) and requires no accessories whatsoever to accomplish this feat.
The Renegade® Hoof Boot has been a long time coming but its arrival represents the unleashing of the inherent performance potential of the barefoot performance horse, providing them with the extra protection they need to achieve unprecedented levels of performance over the toughest of terrain.

The RW Creed tells you more about the heart and soul of Riding Warehouse and its staff. Get to know each of our crew members' backgrounds and horse interests on our blog's RW Crew Bios page. We welcome you to engage with us in-store, via our website (try live chat!), or social outlets - say 'hello' and share a photo with us on facebook!
Happy Riding!

We specialize in products designed especially for the trail rider and horse – from grooming supplies and supplements to saddles and heart rate monitors. We are also the home of Slypner Athletic Horseshoes, designed and developed in Denmark. Our name was derived from the mythological Nordic horse with 8 legs that walked on water, in the air, and over the ground. We strive to offer products that enhance the well being and health of the horse, the weekend warrior and the seasoned competitor. Here you will find high quality products designed for the horse and rider who do it all – just like Slypner!
Slypner Gear is a division of the Slypner Athletic Horseshoe Company located in Claremont, New Hampshire. Building on the concept of Slypner shoes which put the horse’s comfort first, we have sought out superior products for the trail and endurance horse and rider. Our goal is to provide a complete and convenient source for tested products for the trail horse and rider. If you can’t find something you’re looking for on our site please call us and we will try to help you.

Specialized Saddles more popular features are:
* Adjustable stirrup positions (forward, balanced or centered).
* Patented 3-D (three dimensional) fit system, allowing you to fit multiple horses.
* Lightweight close contact saddle.
* Custom saddles, built to fit the rider’s specific needs.
The patented adjustable 3-D fitting system developed by David Kaden has greatly improved saddle fit. This improved technology has led to superior performance by horses worldwide, Specialized Saddles has customers and sales representatives around the world.

As a custom saddle maker, our saddles are hand made in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Each of our custom made saddles are fit to you and your horse or mule. You’ll also find matching tack, articles about horse care, horse health and saddle fitting.
* Patented EQUImeasure Kit included with every custom order to ensure proper fit of your horse or mule
* With the kit it’s like having your horse or mule right there in the shop
* The fit of your saddle is adjustable for life to accommodate the growing or aging horse or mule
* Saddle can be adjusted for a new horse or mule of similar width back
* For multiple horse needs we can build a generic tree bottom to fit the type of horses you ride

Are you tired of the same old BioThane® and Beta® tack out there? Taylored Tack™ has the solution! We make quality, hand-crafted, unique tack designed with you and your horse in mind. . . . and most importantly, our tack is made in the good ol’ US of A with Stainless Steel hardware, guaranteed not to rust or fade!
Whether it’s an Arab or a Warmblood, size does not matter. Our solution and commitment to you will be to provide unique and beautiful tack . . . that fits properly.
Each Taylored Tack™ product is individually hand crafted by Amanda Taylor, with close attention to detailing down to the last stitch. No other Beta® and BioThane® tack manufacturer comes close to the quality of Taylored Tack™.
Taylored Tack™ is proudly made in the USA
Wednesday, April 01, 2020
Behind the Lens: Get to Know Endurance Ride Photographer Steve Bradley

by Merri Melde-Endurance.net
March 31 2020
In my "Behind the Lens" series, readers and endurance riders get a glimpse of members of the Endurance Ride Photographers Guild.
The ERPG was formed in 2019, and consists of a group of two dozen professional, skilled photographers from around the USA dedicated to documenting AERC endurance ride events in the USA.
Steve Bradley, of the aptly named Stevesphoto, was sort of roped into endurance ride photography by his wife Cindy. Since spouses are usually part of endurance, photographing the rides was a perfect option.
His photos have been published in Endurance News, Arabian Horse and the now defunct Trail Blazer magazine. "It is both exciting and humbling," Steve says, "to see your photo on a cover or included in a story line."
Where do you live?
Idaho and Arizona, hate the snow and love the warm after 30+ years of shoveling snow.
What is your profession?
Retired from Law Enforcement (just in time)
How did you first get into photography?
I have had a camera around me since High School. I worked as a wildland firefighter and carried a Kodak 110 and took a lot of fire pictures. I started shooting horses after I met my wife who is crazy about Morgan horses. She was into the show horse scene and I kind of naturally started shooting her in the various show classes.
What equipment do you normally shoot with?
Nikon D500, Sigma f 2.8 80-200 and 18-300 Nikon lens, heavy but built like a tank.
When did you start shooting endurance rides?
1999 was my first ride, it was at the “Purple Passion” ride in Eagle, Idaho.
Why do you like shooting endurance rides?
I like the challenge that shooting endurance rides give me. I try to shoot with great background, good footing for the horses, (most of the time) and show the smiles of the riders as they go by me. My goal is to show the connection between the horse and the rider. I have hiked miles up the trails or rode my motorcycle or mountain bike on the same trails that the horses use to get the best shot of the riders that I can.
What are challenges you find in shooting endurance rides?
Lighting, it is very difficult sometimes to get appropriate light, the trails dictate where we must go to shoot and then there are the days when the sun is shining and clouds come over and we have to quickly change the setting on the camera to compensate for that change, ( I shoot manual and do not use any auto settings so got to be fast on the dials).
Another challenge is when ride management has to split the different distances and I try to make sure that all riders that pay an entry get a photo.
What are one or two of your favorite ride shooting stories/adventures/misadventures?
I like to tell people how I got into shooting rides. Cindy (my wife) decided that she wanted to try endurance riding. She was trying to tell me what fun it would be (for her) to ride endurance and I could come and hang out in camp. I just couldn’t see sitting around camp and she figured that out pretty fast (cuz I told her so). So at the Purple Passion ride I had worked a graveyard shift and I went to camp to see Cindy. To my surprise she brought my camera gear down and told Pam, the ride manager I could take photos. So I got the good news when I arrived in camp. I had a Canon AE-1 that was manual everything, no stress there. I think I sold those shots for $2.00 each just to cover developing expenses this was BD, (before digital).
One more story, years ago we traveled all the way from Idaho to Arizona so I could shoot the Old Pueblo ride south of Tucson and Cindy could ride it. I bought a new camera and did not take a lot of time to get familiar with it. End result was I shot 6 rolls of 35MM film, all were under exposed as the light setting was set wrong, I gave that camera away shortly after. Bot the camera's fault, but it made me feel better.
And any other pertinent info you’d like to share with us?
Just want the riders to know all of the ride photographers do the best they can to show both rider and horse in the best light as they go down the trails. If you have a ride photographer at your ride don’t hesitate to ask questions and ask if there is anything we can do to make outstanding photos of you and your equine partner. At the same time please respect our work and follow the rules pertaining to copyright on our photos.
Below are a couple of Steve's favorite shots and rides over the years.

Cindy Bradley and Bogar Tucker at the Owyhee Fandango, Idaho

Dave Rabe and Kerry Redente at Mt Carmel, Utah. It's one of 12 shots that Steve took of those 2 galloping by him. The series of pics really shows how in sync the two were running down the trail.
Behind the Lens: Becky Pearman profile is here:
Behind the Lens: Dave Honan profile is here:
Behind the Lens: Linda Sherrill profile is here:
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