Monday, April 29, 2019
With horses in tow, ‘Lady Long Rider’ returning to area on book tour
Bernice Ende, the Lady Long Rider who stopped five years ago in Dansville and Caledonia, is making a return to the area.
Ende will again be accompanied by her two Norwegian Fjord horses, Montana Spirit and Liska Pearl, but she’s traveling by truck and trailer as part of a book tour for her memoir “Lady Long Rider: Alone Across America on Horseback” (FarCountry Press).
“It is a long ride in the sense that it is just plain long,” Ende said in an email to The Livingston County News. “I do find myself talking as I do when traveling with the horses, like ‘stay focused; you’ll be OK; and just get through the day.’ Things like that. I still sleep with the horses. I still hear them at night. I still cook outside and have the sense of travel with my horses..."
Read and see more at:
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Endurance Horse Podcast - Episode 17
April 27 2019
Welcome to Episode 17 of the Endurance Horse Podcast
It is April in Wisconsin, so one day could be beautiful, 70 degree weather, like when I recorded the intro/outro for this episode and then by today (the following week) when I am stitching together episode 17- it is 30 degrees and snowing! It wont last long, I’m sure we will back to seeing turtles sunbathing on the logs in our front pond, frogs singing us to sleep at night and enjoying a bonfire and the sunny trails again soon.
In episode 17 you will hear about a national champion TN Walking horse, an American Quarter horse working on their second season working on 50’s, hear about Keisha’s first time night riding, an update from a young rider and so much more! Tune in to hear from riders across the globe!
Without further ado, I bring to you episode 17 of Endurance Horse Podcast, may you be encouraged, inspired and find a few riders you can relate to or at the very least, laugh with! Please let me know how you are enjoying the podcast by sending us an email.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Long Distance Rider Gillian Larson Interview Part 2
An interview with long distance rider Gillian Larson - on the support plans behind her expeditions, the highlights of her trails so far and advice for those wanting to give it a go!
23 April 2019
Hannah Phenix
Gillian has completed four amazing journeys on horseback, it was impossible to fit it all into one article! Here, we cover what she takes with her on her journeys and get a better insight into what it takes to start (and finish) a long distance ride. If you want to read about how it all began for Gillian and some of her biggest challenges riding along the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada check here:
How do you structure your expeditions, do you aim to keep moving to somewhere new or stay around one place for a couple of days before moving on?
With a long distance ride I don't have the luxury to stay anywhere for any stretch of time; I have to cover an average of 125 to 150 miles a week if I have any chance of getting to the end of the ride before the arrival of winter weather makes it impossible. The further North we go, the sooner the snow starts falling. In both 2016 on the Pacific Crest Trail and 2018 on the Continental Divide Trail, I spent the last few nights before I reached Canada camping in snow. Both times shortly after I finished, big storms came that would have made it impossible to continue. So I am very respectful of Mother Nature!
If I am riding self-supported, as I did on both the Arizona Trail and the Colorado Trail in 2017, and through most of my second Pacific Crest Trail ride in 2016, I have to take a break once a week to resupply and to move my support vehicles to the next location. That's of course where the luxury of having a support person along to help out is an incredible blessing...
Read more here:
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Join the Appaloosa Horse Club at the 55th Annual Chief Joseph Trail Ride
MOSCOW, IDAHO — The Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC) will host its 55th Annual Chief Joseph Trail Ride, July 22 – 26, 2019. The full route requires thirteen years to complete. This year, the third 100-mile leg will be ridden of the 1,300-mile historic trail, beginning in Grangeville, ID and finishing at Musselshell Meadows (near Pierce, ID). The trail closely follows the route taken by Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce while attempting to escape the US Cavalry in 1877. A quote from George B. Hatley reflecting on the first ApHC ride held in 1965 reads, “Riders recaptured the romance and heartbreak, the heroism and the tragedy of the Nez Perce War of 1877 as they mounted their Appaloosas at Lake Wallowa to follow the footprints which mark the pages of a stirring chapter in the history of the West.”
Forty riders participated in the first Chief Joseph Trail Ride fifty-four years ago, and last year there were more than 125 horses and their riders in attendance. The ride is restricted exclusively to registered Appaloosas, represented in a quote by ApHC Director, Kristen Reiter: “Blankets, leopards, snow caps, roans and snowflake patterns of every color and variety were represented among the herd and reiterated that this was, most definitely, an Appaloosa event.”
If you are ready to experience an epic trail riding adventure, nothing is better than attending one of the ApHC’s organized rides. You will meet new friends from around the world, view breathtaking and seldom trafficked scenery, and return home with enough memories to last a lifetime. Saddle up your horse and come enjoy the ride of your life!
The ApHC is now accepting applications online for the Chief Joseph Trail Ride. For additional information on this year’s Chief Joseph Trail Ride and the official trail ride application, visit
The Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC) was established in 1938 with a mission of honoring the heritage and promoting the future of the Appaloosa horse. The ApHC has since registered more than 700,000 Appaloosas, which are known for their distinctive color, intelligence and even temperament. True to their reputation as an extremely versatile breed, Appaloosas can be found in nearly every discipline including racing, endurance riding and serving as reliable family horses. The international breed registry is headquartered in Moscow, Idaho, the heart of the Palouse region—the Appaloosa breed’s namesake and point of origin.
Monday, April 22, 2019
WSER/WSTF Volunteer Steward Program Announcement
The Western States Trail Foundation (WSTF, organizer of the Tevis Cup) and Western States Endurance Run Foundation (WSERF, organizer of the Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run), in partnership with the American River Ranger District and Truckee Ranger District of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Auburn State Recreation Area (ASRA), wish to announce the creation and implementation of a new model to maintain and improve the trail(s) used by both events. The new Volunteer Steward Program, modeled after successful approaches used to maintain the Pacific Crest Trail and Tahoe Rim Trail, will rely on relatively small well-trained and highly committed groups of volunteers to maintain and improve the Western States and Tevis Trail system.
Although the courses for the Western States Endurance Run and the Tevis Cup vary in certain areas, they share the same trail over the majority of their 100 mile reach. Both organizations have a long history with respect to use of the trail system, and have individually and in partnership built and maintained much of the trail that exists today. Therefore it makes sense to draw from the resources of both organizations to create a focused and efficient system for trail maintenance and improvement.
This new system of trail management will be lead by John Catts (WSER finisher and volunteer, and equestrian), with support from Nicole Wertz (WSTF Trail Manager). To facilitate trail management, the Western States trail system has been segregated into eight Trail Sections. Each Trail Section has a designated Trail Section Lead, and these Section Leads are currently in the process of assembling their respective Trail Section Teams. With a defined management structure and designated Section Leads our goal is to work closely with the USFS and ASRA to identify trail maintenance needs, and work with the USFS and ASRA to both maintain the trails and plan and implement special projects.
The Trail Sections and Trail Section Leads are as follows:
• Robie Equestrian Park to Watson Monument – Jim Mather
• Watson Monument to Red Star Ridge Aid Station – Craig Thornley
• Red Star Ridge Aid Station to Robinson Flat – Kynan Matz
• Robinson Flat to Pacific Slab Mine – Mark Falcone
• Pacific Slab Mine to Foresthill – Chaz Sheya
• Foresthill to Rucky Chucky/ Poverty Bar – Tim & Austin Twietmeyer
• Rucky Chucky to Browns Bar Trail at Quarry Road – Jay Marsh
• Browns Bar Trail at Quarry Road to Finish Lines – Kassandra DiMaggio & Andy Mayo
Although a number of our Section Leads have current chain saw and first aid (with CPR) certification, we have set up training classes to keep our Section Leads and their core team members current with their training, and to provide training for those not yet certified. We have encouraged our Section Leads to participate in trail crew leadership workshops. With a higher level of training and skill our Trail Section Teams should be able to more efficiently respond to trail related issues, and help plan and implement both regular maintenance and special projects over a greater portion of the year.
With respect to entrants selected to participate in the Western States Endurance Run, and their mandatory volunteer requirement, the WSERF and WSTF want to continue to encourage participants to give back to our community, so the volunteer requirement will remain in effect. Although there may be fewer opportunities to fulfill an 8-hour volunteer requirement on the Western States Trail system, there will likely be a one or two trail work opportunities each year that will be advertised on the WSER ( and Tevis Cup ( webpages. These events will likely be special projects where we need greater numbers of people to move or place materials. We will still organize the Robinson Flat Trail Work Campout and Celebration (June 21/22, 2019) to complete trail work in the High Country in advance of WSER and the Tevis Cup. And you are encouraged to join one of our Trail Section Teams by contacting a Section Lead or John Catts (
In addition there are many other opportunities to help our trail community, by volunteering your time to either do trail work or work an aid station or vet check (see the WSER and Tevis volunteer pages). As an example The Canyons Endurance Run has already planned local trail work days on April 13/14, May 11/12, and July 6/7, with signup at ultrasignup. Because this is a shift in how the WSER and Tevis Cup trails have been maintained in the past (a handful of core individuals and a number of large volunteer days), it will take some time to optimize our new Volunteer Steward Program. So please feel free to join a team, provide constructive feedback, or participate in our Robinson Flat Campout to learn how you can help.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Spring is Here - Let the (Tevis) Training Begin!

April 8 2019
Ride Director's Message
chuckOld man winter blasted us again in 2018-19, and I am sitting here looking east to very snow covered mountains. Spring is arriving ever so slowly and that snow just keeps building rather than melting. As a result, the 2019 Tevis has been pushed out a month to August 17. However, the weather can change at any time, and we are looking forward to some warm weather to help us out. As of now, it looks like our trail will be “traditional.” We will ride from Robie Park to Auburn.
You are encouraged to participate in trail work days and help WSTF/ WSER trail groups get the trail ready for the 64th running of the Tevis Cup. The joint WSTF and WSER trail committee has scheduled work days between now and the end of June, and we welcome your participation on the trail teams. You would need to go to and click on the “sign up---be a trail volunteer” tab. No matter your conditioning or skill level you will be welcome to join and participate. Everyone learns something they did not know when they work on trail days.
Many times foreign riders lease local horses to make the 100 mile ride. If you are interested in that program, please notify the office, and someone will get back to you with updates and options. We have a link on the Tevis website. Just click on the “links” tab, and you will find “Rider Resources.” You can contact Linda Glazier who will help you by posting that you are interested in a horse or you have a horse to lease. The sooner you monitor that site, the better your chances of getting a good match with your goals. As always, you are encouraged to look up the AERC horse record for the horse you are considering leasing to verify the strength of the horse’s finishing record.
As of now, we are planning to stay with the new location for the first full vet check at Red Star. The layout there handles the large crowd that comes through early in the race. Many positive comments were heard from the 2017 & 2018 riders about the ease of the traffic flow getting through this location. I would like to welcome John Catts of Western States Endurance Run (WSER) fame to the Head Volunteer team. John will be heading up the crew at Red Star this year and will be joined by a few of his running buddies to get the job done.
This is also the time of year for vendors and sponsors to sign up to participate at Robie Park, Foresthill, and/or Auburn. Information about these two programs are also on the website. If you have questions about the vendor program, you can email Pam Stalley at or for sponsors please contact Pam Bailie at
I often get asked the question, "How many 50-mile rides should I do with my horse in the year I want to complete Tevis." I have heard Tevis Veterinarian Jamie Kerr recommend, that in a perfect year, you want to finish three 50s before Tevis. In a year with warm dry weather, we see success from horses in that type of program. However, this year has been extremely wet all over the state of California and many of us are way behind in getting our horses out to train nevertheless getting them to a competition. Just be patient and careful as you cannot make up for lost time by just going faster. Ride long and slow for success at Tevis.
I would like to acknowledge Brad Weston (of API Printing and Marketing) for heading up the 2019 horse transport team. Brad has lots of experience with the Tevis ride having served at Lower Quarry for the past several years. He’ll do a fine job getting those horses to safety if they need a trailer to Auburn. We are excited to have him in this critical spot as he has great skills in this area.
Happy Training,
Chuck Stalley
2019 Tevis Ride Director
Tuesday, April 16, 2019's "Between The Ears" Photo Contest Celebrates Beautiful Trails; Winners Announced

April 16 2019's first "Between the Ears" photos showcased beautiful trails and fun adventures from around the USA, and the world. Riders shared their favorite photos of the view between the ears of some of their favorite mounts on some of their favorite rides.
Gallery is here:
First place winner, by highest number of votes, is Bonnie Girod and her grade half Arabian, Luna, riding along the Kootenai River in Libby, Montana. We'll have a profile of Bonnie and Luna soon. Bonnie will receive a small painted portrait of her choice, courtesy Steph Teeter ( ).
Runner-up prize winners have been chosen with digital randomness. They are:
Donna Mickelson - a copy of Merri Melde’s book 'Soul Deep in Horses’
Lindsey Sears - an original edition of Leonard Liesen’s book ‘Endurance: a French Perspective'
Tara Rothwell - a $50 gift certificate from Riding Warehouse
Laura Hayes - a $50 gift certificate from Riding Warehouse
Winners will be contacted. We will keep a link to our running contests on our page, and this gallery will live on our EnduranceNet Facebook page, at
Congratulations everybody, and thanks to all the entrants and voters who participated in our first "Between the Ears" contest. Stay tuned for more!
Monday, April 15, 2019
The world’s longest, hardest horse race meets Canisius alumna, Claire Taberski
April 12, 2019 by wojcik5
Abby Wojcik
Features Editor
At one point, Claire Taberski was taking ABEC classes in Science Hall and working as captain of the Canisius Riding Team.
Now, she is preparing for the longest, toughest horse race in the world: the Mongol Derby.
The Mongol Derby is a annual ten day, 650-mile race across the Mongolian Steppe. About 40 riders will self-navigate an unmarked route once used as Genghis Khan’s 13th-century messenger system, while enduring harsh weather conditions and a completely foreign culture.
Claire Taberski, class of 2014, majored in ABEC and Anthropology at Canisius and she currently works as a horse trainer and farm manager. She was chosen out out of hundreds of applicants to participate in this prestigious race. Taberski’s race takes place in August of 2020...
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Thursday, April 11, 2019's "Between the Ears" Photo Contest Closes Tonight

April 11 2019's Between the Ears photo contest ends at midnight tonight, April 11. Final votes will be tabulated for first place, runner ups will be chosen at digital random, and winners will be announced Tuesday, April 16.
Browse the fun and beautiful photos looking down the trails between the ears of our equine companions:
You can cast your final votes by sending an email to . The rule is: one vote per email address per day.
First place (determined by highest number of votes) will receive a small painted portrait of your choice (horse or other pet), courtesy Steph Teeter ( ). "Best Condition" and "Middle of the Pack" prizes will be chosen at digital random: a copy of Merri Melde’s book 'Soul Deep in Horses’, an original edition of Leonard Liesen’s book ‘Endurance: a French Perspective', plus $50 gift certificates from Riding Warehouse!
See the photos and choose your favorite, and more information at:
An interview with long distance rider Gillian Larson
Thursday 11 April 2019
When I first came across Gillian I was taken aback by how approachable she was. On her social media channels, she answers everyone who asks something of her which is great with nearly 29 thousand Instagram followers!
Gillian has been on some truly amazing journeys with her horses Shyla and Takoda. She has done four long distance treks covering thousands of miles across the USA from Mexico to Canada, covering lots of types of terrain. Gillian has visited some really remote places and battled whatever mother nature threw at her along the way. Most of us would love to release our inner adventurer given half a chance, but just end up sticking to a hack for a few hours on a Sunday! It was great to have the opportunity to interview her and find out more about her adventures, her horses and what made her take on these great challenges.
Tell me about your horses Shyla and Takoda, how old are they and how long have they been with you?
I have had Shyla since I was 13 and she was 7 (she is 21 this year), and Takoda is Shyla's son, so I have had him for the entire 12 years of his life. I got Shyla when I outgrew my first horse. Shyla definitely was a handful for me when I first acquired her, as she was very hot, excitable and wasn't used to riding a lot on trails, but her energy is part of what has made her such an incredible long-distance horse. She is always ready to go, and she is walking just as fast at the end of a 30 mile day as she is at the beginning. Lots of people think you need a quiet, safe, "bombproof" horse for the kind of riding I do, but I find if the horse is too laid back and relaxed they don't have the drive they need to cover the thousands of miles that long-distance riding entails. Shyla is AQHA registered, and the year after I bought her I bred her to an AQHA stallion; she is a dark buckskin, and the stallion is a lighter, buttermilk colour, which I love. I had hoped that the foal would have the sire's colouring, but instead I pretty much got a clone of Shyla in Takoda. He has a very different personality, as he is much more curious, friendly and people-oriented than she is, but he also got her athleticism and lean physique in addition to her colour, so I am happy it all turned out as it did. In fact, people usually assume on the trail that they are Arabians due to their build and the way that they carry their heads and tails high, especially Shyla. Takoda doesn't quite have Shyla's overwhelming drive, but he has shown a real talent for packing. He is sure-footed, smart and handles obstacles beautifully all on his own, he is also a really talented jumper! I don't know if he can jump under saddle, as I have never tried, but he can launch himself over four-foot tall downed tree trunks from a standstill with a pack on his back, all on his own, and that's pretty amazing to me...
Read more here:
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
2019 April's Endurance Day on Horses in the Morning

Horses in the Morning Endurance Day: 1,000 Mile Scotland to Cornwall Ride, AERC Hall of Fame Inductee Dr. Baldwin, Apr. 09, 2019
Apr 9, 2019
Cathleen Leonard tells us about her thousand mile horse trek across the U.K, AERC Hall of Fame inductee Dr. Jim Baldwin shares stories from his thirty plus years in endurance. Listen in..
Wednesday, April 03, 2019
Endurance Horse Podcast - Episode 16
Endurance Horse Podcast - Episode 16
Welcome to Episode 16 of the Endurance Horse Podcast
Publishing on the third of April 2019.
It is April and I am happy to hear frogs singing, it’s SPRING! And also to bring to you a new episode of Endurance Horse Podcast. It is April, and in Wisconsin that means the Midwest Horse Fair, for the first time I will have a vendor booth to advertise my photography to the greater WI horse industry. Hope to see some of you there!
In this episode, we will hear from some riders who are new to the podcast, please be sure to welcome them if you happen to notice them on the Endurance Horse Podcast FB page.
Without further ado, I bring to you episode 16 of Endurance Horse Podcast, may you laugh, cry, learn and be inspired. (you might even wince)
Cheektowaga equestrian selected for Mongol Derby

By Jim Herr
April 2, 2019
CHEEKTOWAGA – Town of Cheektowaga resident Claire Taberski has accepted an international invitation to compete as one of forty equestrians in the Mongol Derby, a 650-mile race across the Mongolian Steppe in northeastern China.
The journey is billed as “the longest and toughest horse race in the world” and takes nearly ten days to complete as competitors self-navigate an unmarked route once used as Genghis Khan’s thirteenth-century messenger system.
“The Derby is about endurance,” said Ms. Taberski. “It isn’t about being the fastest and pushing each animal to its limits. Riders can only ride during daylight hours, and we have to deliver our horses to each station in great health, or we can be penalized. It’s about your ability as an equestrian and the adventure of the journey...”
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