April 8 2019
Ride Director's Message
chuckOld man winter blasted us again in 2018-19, and I am sitting here looking east to very snow covered mountains. Spring is arriving ever so slowly and that snow just keeps building rather than melting. As a result, the 2019 Tevis has been pushed out a month to August 17. However, the weather can change at any time, and we are looking forward to some warm weather to help us out. As of now, it looks like our trail will be “traditional.” We will ride from Robie Park to Auburn.
You are encouraged to participate in trail work days and help WSTF/ WSER trail groups get the trail ready for the 64th running of the Tevis Cup. The joint WSTF and WSER trail committee has scheduled work days between now and the end of June, and we welcome your participation on the trail teams. You would need to go to WSTrail.org and click on the “sign up---be a trail volunteer” tab. No matter your conditioning or skill level you will be welcome to join and participate. Everyone learns something they did not know when they work on trail days.
Many times foreign riders lease local horses to make the 100 mile ride. If you are interested in that program, please notify the office, and someone will get back to you with updates and options. We have a link on the Tevis website. Just click on the “links” tab, and you will find “Rider Resources.” You can contact Linda Glazier who will help you by posting that you are interested in a horse or you have a horse to lease. The sooner you monitor that site, the better your chances of getting a good match with your goals. As always, you are encouraged to look up the AERC horse record for the horse you are considering leasing to verify the strength of the horse’s finishing record.
As of now, we are planning to stay with the new location for the first full vet check at Red Star. The layout there handles the large crowd that comes through early in the race. Many positive comments were heard from the 2017 & 2018 riders about the ease of the traffic flow getting through this location. I would like to welcome John Catts of Western States Endurance Run (WSER) fame to the Head Volunteer team. John will be heading up the crew at Red Star this year and will be joined by a few of his running buddies to get the job done.
This is also the time of year for vendors and sponsors to sign up to participate at Robie Park, Foresthill, and/or Auburn. Information about these two programs are also on the website. If you have questions about the vendor program, you can email Pam Stalley at pstalley@yahoo.com or for sponsors please contact Pam Bailie at pbailieequestrian@gmail.com.
I often get asked the question, "How many 50-mile rides should I do with my horse in the year I want to complete Tevis." I have heard Tevis Veterinarian Jamie Kerr recommend, that in a perfect year, you want to finish three 50s before Tevis. In a year with warm dry weather, we see success from horses in that type of program. However, this year has been extremely wet all over the state of California and many of us are way behind in getting our horses out to train nevertheless getting them to a competition. Just be patient and careful as you cannot make up for lost time by just going faster. Ride long and slow for success at Tevis.
I would like to acknowledge Brad Weston (of API Printing and Marketing) for heading up the 2019 horse transport team. Brad has lots of experience with the Tevis ride having served at Lower Quarry for the past several years. He’ll do a fine job getting those horses to safety if they need a trailer to Auburn. We are excited to have him in this critical spot as he has great skills in this area.
Happy Training,
Chuck Stalley
2019 Tevis Ride Director
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