RELEASE: February 28, 2013
AUTHOR/ADMINISTRATOR: USEF Communications Department
Lexington, KY - The Florida Department of Agriculture has confirmed the positive diagnosis of Equine Herpes Virus 1 (EHV-1) in horses in Florida. Six of the confirmed cases are linked to the HITS competition in Ocala. An additional horse in the Wellington area (with no identified direct or indirect connection to the Ocala show grounds) has been tested and found to be EHV-1 positive.
The Florida Department of Agriculture has posted a detailed report regarding this situation and is updating the report regularly. These updates include links to additional resources and are available at: Please check this source regularly for the most current and reliable information regarding the status of the disease.
The equestrian community is being advised of the importance of horsemen implementing good biosecurity protocols that should be routine when attending competitions or visiting other venues where horses of different origin and disease status are congregating. If planning to travel to such venues, make certain you contact the venue prior to travel to understand what biosecurity measures have been imposed. Additionally, it is advised that you consult with your veterinarian in evaluating your horse's current vaccination and immunity status and to review or develop an individual biosecurity plan. The California Department of Food & Agriculture has published a bio-security tool kit at this link: Dr. Stephen Schumacher, Chief Administrator for the USEF Drugs & Medication Program describes this as a "good comprehensive resource compiled from a number of sources."
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Clark on short list for endurance riding world’s in France - Full Article
February 28, 2013
Marla Pretty Brock
Eatonton’s Mary Kathryn Clark has another honor – she is among the riders expected to represent the United States in France in July at the 2013 Federation Equestre Internationale’s World Junior and Young Rider Championships in France.
Clark, 18, is ranked second in the FEI for endurance riding. The ranking puts her on a short list of riders who have qualified for the world championships by competing in four international races by this May.
“I am ready to go to France,” Clark said recently. “I’m really excited about the chance to return to the world’s this year. We already have a team together that will help us.”
Clark’s teams have always included her mom, Peggy. This year, if afforded the opportunity, Clark said her father will be traveling with them for the first time.
Clark said the event will be held in Tarbes, France, a mountainous region that she expects will offer a wealth of riding experiences.
“There will be a host of different courses they could have set up,” Clark said. “It is not unusual to see street races at European races. Of course, there will be mountainous terrain.”
Clark said the final list for the American team is expected to be announced in June after time trials. Seven Americans top the list of equestrians in endurance racing, and all will be vying for a seat on the five-person team...
Read more here:
February 28, 2013
Marla Pretty Brock
Eatonton’s Mary Kathryn Clark has another honor – she is among the riders expected to represent the United States in France in July at the 2013 Federation Equestre Internationale’s World Junior and Young Rider Championships in France.
Clark, 18, is ranked second in the FEI for endurance riding. The ranking puts her on a short list of riders who have qualified for the world championships by competing in four international races by this May.
“I am ready to go to France,” Clark said recently. “I’m really excited about the chance to return to the world’s this year. We already have a team together that will help us.”
Clark’s teams have always included her mom, Peggy. This year, if afforded the opportunity, Clark said her father will be traveling with them for the first time.
Clark said the event will be held in Tarbes, France, a mountainous region that she expects will offer a wealth of riding experiences.
“There will be a host of different courses they could have set up,” Clark said. “It is not unusual to see street races at European races. Of course, there will be mountainous terrain.”
Clark said the final list for the American team is expected to be announced in June after time trials. Seven Americans top the list of equestrians in endurance racing, and all will be vying for a seat on the five-person team...
Read more here:
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Mustang Lady: A Reflection
February 26 2013
2001 AERC Hall of Fame horse Mustang Lady, owned and campaigned by Naomi Preston, turns 33 this year.
In 1991 she was featured on Idaho Public Television's show "Outdoor Idaho" and a national show "The West", which can be seen here:
A look back at her career can be seen here
"She was my once-in-a-lifetime horse, my pride and joy," Naomi says.
2001 AERC Hall of Fame horse Mustang Lady, owned and campaigned by Naomi Preston, turns 33 this year.
In 1991 she was featured on Idaho Public Television's show "Outdoor Idaho" and a national show "The West", which can be seen here:
A look back at her career can be seen here
"She was my once-in-a-lifetime horse, my pride and joy," Naomi says.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Jackie Bumgardner Reaches 30,000 AERC Miles
February 24 2013
In the 32nd annual Twenty Mule Team on February 23, 2013 near Ridgecrest, California, Jackie Bumgardner reached 30,000 AERC miles on her gelding Fire Mt Zane, whom she bred and raised. Jackie is one of the top ten high mileage riders in AERC lifetime miles.
Robert and Melissa Ribley manage the 20 Mule Team, a ride which Jackie used to manage.
Additionally, Definetly Spice, ridden by Gretchen Montgomery, reached 4000 miles with their completion in the 100-mile ride. It was Spice's first 100-mile completion.
In the 32nd annual Twenty Mule Team on February 23, 2013 near Ridgecrest, California, Jackie Bumgardner reached 30,000 AERC miles on her gelding Fire Mt Zane, whom she bred and raised. Jackie is one of the top ten high mileage riders in AERC lifetime miles.
Robert and Melissa Ribley manage the 20 Mule Team, a ride which Jackie used to manage.
Additionally, Definetly Spice, ridden by Gretchen Montgomery, reached 4000 miles with their completion in the 100-mile ride. It was Spice's first 100-mile completion.
Glidden's Tracy McIntosh saddles up for endurance rides

February 23 2013
She and Amigo finish famed Tevis Cup and are competing this weekend in Oklahoma
News Editor
Riding a horse on narrow trail with sheer cliff on one side and straight drop-off on the other isn’t for the faint of heart.
Navigating such terrain safely, riders employ their considerable skills and also put great trust in their horses.
A misstep can mean tragedy.
That’s the challenge Tracy McIntosh of Glidden accepted this summer when she and her 14-year-old Arabian horse, Amigo, who’s already proved himself to be a survivor, participated in the annual Tevis Cup in California, considered to be the country’s pinnacle of endurance horseback endurance racing.
Riders push to complete the 100-mile course that steers riders and horses through highly demanding of terrains — mountain, canyons and switchbacks — within 24 hours.
Tevis Cup began shortly after 5 a.m. Aug. 4, at Robie Equestrian Park near Truckee, Calif., crossed the Sierra Nevada Mountains and finished at Gold County Fairgrounds arena at Auburn.
Right off the bat, riders climbed from 6,200-foot elevation at Squaw Valley to 8,750 feet at Emigrant Pass.
For McIntosh, that was a grueling start but also a favorite part of the ride. “That was really beautiful climbing. And the scenery was beautiful up there,” she says.
Indeed, the course’s dramatic changes in elevation was one of the biggest challenges for McIntosh and Amigo.
“In Iowa, there’s no place you can train for those elevations,” she says. “You can’t really train for the altitude. You just have to put in your miles and try to do some hills.”
With the cliffs, canyons and dropoffs, the Tevis Cup course has a lot of other features McIntosh doesn’t normally see.
Danger adds to the challenge.
“You don’t have a lot of trail space,” she says. “The trail can be barely a foot wide. They’ve widened it a little bit, but you have cliffs and you have dropoffs, so you can’t add too much.”
With the course crossing the Sierra Nevada Mountains, she remarks, “It’s tough stuff. You just have to trust your horse you won’t slip and fall...”
Friday, February 22, 2013
Dr. Richard Barsaleau Obituary: Veterinarian, teacher and poet

By Robert D. Dávila
Published: Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013
Dr. Richard Barsaleau, a veterinarian and noted equestrian who championed care for horses as a competitive rider, teacher and poet, died Feb. 13 at 87.
He died in his sleep after receiving an X-ray test at a hospital for a complaint of chest congestion, said his son Dean. The X-ray showed no problems, his son said.
Dr. Barsaleau was widely recognized as an authority on the care of horses, especially in the sport of distance riding. He was a longtime veterinarian and judge for the annual Western States Trail Ride, also known as the Tevis Cup Ride. Meanwhile, he competed 16 times in the 100-mile ride from Lake Tahoe to Auburn, finished 14 rides and won three top-10 awards.
He judged horses professionally for many years and was a lecturer and clinician at horse events in the United States, Canada and Australia. He wrote a handbook for veterinary judges and many articles on equine performance, training and conditioning.
Dr. Barsaleau also co-founded and served as director of the animal health technology program at Cosumnes River College from 1972 to 1989. He invited students to practice skills at his Loomis home, where he raised and trained Arabian horses.
"He could be gruff because he was an ex-Marine, so you kind of toed the line his way – but it was a good way," said former student Cheryl Buch, a registered veterinary technician. "He set a high reputation for Cosumnes River College, and our students are recognized all over the state..."
Read more here:
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Virginia Horse Council and Equine Land Conservation Resource Present a One-Day Educational Forum
February 19, 2012
CONTACT: Holley Groshek, Director of Marketing and Membership, Equine Land Conservation Resource
(859) 455-8383 or
Virginia Horse Council and Equine Land Conservation Resource Present a One-Day Educational Forum
As part of the Equine Land Conservation Resource’s (ELCR) ongoing regional forum series, ELCR is partnering with the Virginia Horse Council (VHC) to present a special one day educational forum on March 16, 2013 at Blue Ridge Community College in, Weyers Cave, Virginia. The event, sponsored by Bayer Animal Health, USA Equestrian Trust and Weller and Associates Insurance, will be held in conjunction with the VHC Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon.
The morning general session entitled No Time to Waste: Protect Your Equine Land & Trails, focusing on important equine land conservation issues relative to Virginia and the surrounding areas, will include the following presentations:
· “Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late - Land Use Planning for Horsemen” – Tom Daniels, PhD, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA
· “Protect Your Watershed, Protect Your Land - Equine Land Best Management Practices” – Mr. Willie Woode, Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District, Fairfax VA
· “Protecting Horse Land and History - Conservation Easements Work for Virginia” - Ms. Heather Richards, Piedmont Environmental Council, Warrenton VA
Afternoon concurrent break-out sessions will be offered in the following topic areas: equine health, equine land conservation and emerging industry issues. A special full day youth track will be offered for ages 9-18 years.
The pre-registration deadline is March 5, 2013. For the full program agenda, registration information or hotel accommodations please visit or contact Virginia Horse Council at 888-467-7382 or
About the Equine Land Conservation Resource (ELCR): The Equine Land Conservation Resource is the only national not-for-profit organization advancing the conservation of land for horse-related activity. ELCR serves as an information and networking resource for land and horse owner, organizations, agencies and all equine enthusiasts on issues related to farm and ranch land conservation, land use planning, farm and ranch land stewardship/best management practices, trail access and sustainability, liability and equine economic impacts. For more information about the ELCR visit our website at or call (859) 455-8383.
February 19, 2012
CONTACT: Holley Groshek, Director of Marketing and Membership, Equine Land Conservation Resource
(859) 455-8383 or
Virginia Horse Council and Equine Land Conservation Resource Present a One-Day Educational Forum
As part of the Equine Land Conservation Resource’s (ELCR) ongoing regional forum series, ELCR is partnering with the Virginia Horse Council (VHC) to present a special one day educational forum on March 16, 2013 at Blue Ridge Community College in, Weyers Cave, Virginia. The event, sponsored by Bayer Animal Health, USA Equestrian Trust and Weller and Associates Insurance, will be held in conjunction with the VHC Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon.
The morning general session entitled No Time to Waste: Protect Your Equine Land & Trails, focusing on important equine land conservation issues relative to Virginia and the surrounding areas, will include the following presentations:
· “Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late - Land Use Planning for Horsemen” – Tom Daniels, PhD, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA
· “Protect Your Watershed, Protect Your Land - Equine Land Best Management Practices” – Mr. Willie Woode, Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District, Fairfax VA
· “Protecting Horse Land and History - Conservation Easements Work for Virginia” - Ms. Heather Richards, Piedmont Environmental Council, Warrenton VA
Afternoon concurrent break-out sessions will be offered in the following topic areas: equine health, equine land conservation and emerging industry issues. A special full day youth track will be offered for ages 9-18 years.
The pre-registration deadline is March 5, 2013. For the full program agenda, registration information or hotel accommodations please visit or contact Virginia Horse Council at 888-467-7382 or
About the Equine Land Conservation Resource (ELCR): The Equine Land Conservation Resource is the only national not-for-profit organization advancing the conservation of land for horse-related activity. ELCR serves as an information and networking resource for land and horse owner, organizations, agencies and all equine enthusiasts on issues related to farm and ranch land conservation, land use planning, farm and ranch land stewardship/best management practices, trail access and sustainability, liability and equine economic impacts. For more information about the ELCR visit our website at or call (859) 455-8383.
Back Country Horsemen of America Celebrates 40 Years
February 19, 2013
Contact Peg Greiwe
Back Country Horsemen of America Celebrates 40 Years
By Sarah Wynne Jackson
From the vision and insight of four mountain men was born Back Country Horsemen of America, the nation’s leading organization in our fight to preserve our right to ride horses on public lands. In 40 years, a handful of folks has increased to over 13,000 members from over 185 chapters and affiliates in 26 states.
Humble Beginnings
The seeds of BCHA were planted in the late 60s and early 70s. As hiking, mountain biking, and other trail uses rapidly grew, the general sentiment toward horses on public lands soured. Pack and saddle stock were quickly restricted to a few particular trails or prohibited altogether.
Four friends from Montana — Roland Cheek, Ken Ausk, Dennis Swift, and Dulane Fulton – could see the future on the horizon. They knew they needed an organization of horsemen to represent the interests of back country horse users on matters regarding public lands.
Gathered around the fire at Roland’s hunting camp in the Bob Marshall Wilderness of western Montana, they brainstormed and developed a vision for a new organization and a course of action for it to follow. They also arrived at three basic principles which have guided BCHA since its inception: 1) become involved in public land management issues that affect recreational stock use; 2) participate in volunteer programs on public lands that enhance riding opportunities; 3) educate horsemen in low impact methods of using stock on public lands.
The founding members presented their ideas to local officials of the Flathead National Forest (Montana), who endorsed the concept and encouraged them to proceed. The founding members gathered community support and at a public meeting on January 17, 1973, officially formed the first Back Country Horsemen organization. True to the principles of the new group, they immediately became involved in wilderness issues and volunteer programs related to equestrian use.
The idea of a united voice speaking for the interests of stock users spread throughout Montana and Idaho during the 1970s. Around the same time, the Washington State Horsemen and the High Sierra Stock Users Association of California, both with similar goals and objectives as the new Back Country Horsemen organizations in Montana and Idaho, became interested in affiliation. In 1986, a constitution was adopted by representatives of all four states and the organization officially became Back Country Horsemen of America.
Making a Difference
In the years since then, BCHA had addressed a variety of issues at the local, state, and national levels, including forest management, wilderness use, the US Forest Service’s Limits of Acceptable Change process, invasive species, stock restrictions, user fees, trail closures, outsourcing, sale of public lands, endangered species, agency funding, and more. BCHA takes an active role on these issues and helps shape outcomes that will benefit recreational stock use as well as other trail users.
The path hasn’t always been a smooth one. Despite their reasonable expectation of fairness and cooperation, BCHA’s efforts were at times rebuffed. A prime example is the US Forest Service’s poorly conceived trails classification plan that failed to consider horse use almost completely. After many unsuccessful efforts at communicating this problem, Back Country Horsemen of America finally filed a lawsuit in 2005. A federal judge ruled in favor of BCHA to give horsemen across the country a say in how pack and saddle stock trails are managed.
From the very start, Back Country Horsemen of America have been folks who believe in giving back. They find ways to volunteer their time, manpower, horsepower, and money towards projects that benefit the community and keep public lands open for recreational stock use. The quality and scope of this work is truly outstanding and includes cleaning trails after storms; blazing new trails; hauling in materials for the construction of bridges and camps; preserving historic trail structures; public education about enjoying and protecting America’s wilderness lands; picking up litter (including a junk car and a World War II bomb); food drives for local food banks; stocking fish; rescuing ill and injured hikers; and so much more. Many of these projects, although performed by horsemen, benefit all trail users and the wilderness in general.
Often, BCHA does these projects in cooperation with other organizations, such as the US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, state divisions of natural resources, Sierra Club, The Wilderness Society, Colorado Plateau Mountain Bike Association, Wyoming Wilderness Association, Washington Trails Association, Pacific Crest Trail Association, Montana Conservation Corps, Capon Valley 50K Run (West Virginia), Continental Divide Trail Alliance, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, Trout Unlimited, and Southern Appalachian Wilderness Stewards.
It is doubtful that any other organization in the country donates as much to our public lands as BCHA. The numbers alone are staggering. In 2011, Back Country Horsemen across the country donated 326,347 hours to volunteer activities. The total value of the “grunt labor,” vehicle mileage, stock hauling, pack and stock used, and equipment and supplies used during those hours was nearly $11 million. During the past 17 years BCHA has contributed $74 million of service and 2,970,000 hours of time. Is your favorite trail well-maintained? If so, you can probably thank a Back Country Horseman.
Back Country Horsemen of America is celebrating their 40th anniversary throughout 2013 with events and activities at all levels of the organization; chapter, state, and national. Some special activities are scheduled during their annual national board meeting in April in Rapid City, South Dakota. Fitting for the occasion, the festivities include educational clinics (one will be given by a US Forest Service Lead Packer), meet and greet gatherings, and recognition of the folks who have helped make BCHA the amazing organization it is today.
About Back Country Horsemen of America
BCHA is a non-profit corporation made up of state organizations, affiliates, and at-large members. Their efforts have brought about positive changes in regards to the use of horses and stock in wilderness and public lands.
If you want to know more about Back Country Horsemen of America or become a member, visit their website:, call 888-893-5161, or write PO Box 1367, Graham, WA 98338-1367. The future of horse use on public lands is in our hands!
Contact Peg Greiwe
Back Country Horsemen of America Celebrates 40 Years
By Sarah Wynne Jackson
From the vision and insight of four mountain men was born Back Country Horsemen of America, the nation’s leading organization in our fight to preserve our right to ride horses on public lands. In 40 years, a handful of folks has increased to over 13,000 members from over 185 chapters and affiliates in 26 states.
Humble Beginnings
The seeds of BCHA were planted in the late 60s and early 70s. As hiking, mountain biking, and other trail uses rapidly grew, the general sentiment toward horses on public lands soured. Pack and saddle stock were quickly restricted to a few particular trails or prohibited altogether.
Four friends from Montana — Roland Cheek, Ken Ausk, Dennis Swift, and Dulane Fulton – could see the future on the horizon. They knew they needed an organization of horsemen to represent the interests of back country horse users on matters regarding public lands.
Gathered around the fire at Roland’s hunting camp in the Bob Marshall Wilderness of western Montana, they brainstormed and developed a vision for a new organization and a course of action for it to follow. They also arrived at three basic principles which have guided BCHA since its inception: 1) become involved in public land management issues that affect recreational stock use; 2) participate in volunteer programs on public lands that enhance riding opportunities; 3) educate horsemen in low impact methods of using stock on public lands.
The founding members presented their ideas to local officials of the Flathead National Forest (Montana), who endorsed the concept and encouraged them to proceed. The founding members gathered community support and at a public meeting on January 17, 1973, officially formed the first Back Country Horsemen organization. True to the principles of the new group, they immediately became involved in wilderness issues and volunteer programs related to equestrian use.
The idea of a united voice speaking for the interests of stock users spread throughout Montana and Idaho during the 1970s. Around the same time, the Washington State Horsemen and the High Sierra Stock Users Association of California, both with similar goals and objectives as the new Back Country Horsemen organizations in Montana and Idaho, became interested in affiliation. In 1986, a constitution was adopted by representatives of all four states and the organization officially became Back Country Horsemen of America.
Making a Difference
In the years since then, BCHA had addressed a variety of issues at the local, state, and national levels, including forest management, wilderness use, the US Forest Service’s Limits of Acceptable Change process, invasive species, stock restrictions, user fees, trail closures, outsourcing, sale of public lands, endangered species, agency funding, and more. BCHA takes an active role on these issues and helps shape outcomes that will benefit recreational stock use as well as other trail users.
The path hasn’t always been a smooth one. Despite their reasonable expectation of fairness and cooperation, BCHA’s efforts were at times rebuffed. A prime example is the US Forest Service’s poorly conceived trails classification plan that failed to consider horse use almost completely. After many unsuccessful efforts at communicating this problem, Back Country Horsemen of America finally filed a lawsuit in 2005. A federal judge ruled in favor of BCHA to give horsemen across the country a say in how pack and saddle stock trails are managed.
From the very start, Back Country Horsemen of America have been folks who believe in giving back. They find ways to volunteer their time, manpower, horsepower, and money towards projects that benefit the community and keep public lands open for recreational stock use. The quality and scope of this work is truly outstanding and includes cleaning trails after storms; blazing new trails; hauling in materials for the construction of bridges and camps; preserving historic trail structures; public education about enjoying and protecting America’s wilderness lands; picking up litter (including a junk car and a World War II bomb); food drives for local food banks; stocking fish; rescuing ill and injured hikers; and so much more. Many of these projects, although performed by horsemen, benefit all trail users and the wilderness in general.
Often, BCHA does these projects in cooperation with other organizations, such as the US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, state divisions of natural resources, Sierra Club, The Wilderness Society, Colorado Plateau Mountain Bike Association, Wyoming Wilderness Association, Washington Trails Association, Pacific Crest Trail Association, Montana Conservation Corps, Capon Valley 50K Run (West Virginia), Continental Divide Trail Alliance, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, Trout Unlimited, and Southern Appalachian Wilderness Stewards.
It is doubtful that any other organization in the country donates as much to our public lands as BCHA. The numbers alone are staggering. In 2011, Back Country Horsemen across the country donated 326,347 hours to volunteer activities. The total value of the “grunt labor,” vehicle mileage, stock hauling, pack and stock used, and equipment and supplies used during those hours was nearly $11 million. During the past 17 years BCHA has contributed $74 million of service and 2,970,000 hours of time. Is your favorite trail well-maintained? If so, you can probably thank a Back Country Horseman.
Back Country Horsemen of America is celebrating their 40th anniversary throughout 2013 with events and activities at all levels of the organization; chapter, state, and national. Some special activities are scheduled during their annual national board meeting in April in Rapid City, South Dakota. Fitting for the occasion, the festivities include educational clinics (one will be given by a US Forest Service Lead Packer), meet and greet gatherings, and recognition of the folks who have helped make BCHA the amazing organization it is today.
About Back Country Horsemen of America
BCHA is a non-profit corporation made up of state organizations, affiliates, and at-large members. Their efforts have brought about positive changes in regards to the use of horses and stock in wilderness and public lands.
If you want to know more about Back Country Horsemen of America or become a member, visit their website:, call 888-893-5161, or write PO Box 1367, Graham, WA 98338-1367. The future of horse use on public lands is in our hands!
Idaho: Horsemen call wilderness trails a disaster - Full Article
February 19 2013
The Back Country Horsemen of Idaho are seeking to have one of their favorite destinations declared a disaster area.
Fed up over the lack of trail clearing and maintenance in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness Area, the group is behind House Joint Memorial No. 1 which would declare the 2.3 million acre wilderness a natural resource disaster area.
They say the memorial is an attempt to point much needed attention at a problem that too few Idahoans know about. It's not about getting more money for trails at a time when budgets are tight. Rather, they contend, its about U.S. Forest Service making trail work a priority.
"Our play isn't asking for more money from Congress..."
Read more here:
February 19 2013
The Back Country Horsemen of Idaho are seeking to have one of their favorite destinations declared a disaster area.
Fed up over the lack of trail clearing and maintenance in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness Area, the group is behind House Joint Memorial No. 1 which would declare the 2.3 million acre wilderness a natural resource disaster area.
They say the memorial is an attempt to point much needed attention at a problem that too few Idahoans know about. It's not about getting more money for trails at a time when budgets are tight. Rather, they contend, its about U.S. Forest Service making trail work a priority.
"Our play isn't asking for more money from Congress..."
Read more here:
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Tevis Reception at AERC Convention
Western States Trail Foundation
Western States Trail Endowment Fund
Invites you to attend their
- SHOWING OF DVD - "They Crossed the Mountains" -
the history of the Western States Trail
- 2013 Tevis Entries
- Adopt-The-Trail
- 2013 Educational and Fun Ride information
Date: Friday march 8 2013
Time: 5:00 PM - 7 PM
Place: Grand Sierra Resort & Casino
Tahoe room (casino Level)
Hot Hors d'Oeuvres & snacks provided
No host cocktails
Friday, February 15, 2013
Unwanted Horse Coalition's Partnership with American Competitive Trail Horse Association Picks Up Steam
Tom Scrima
Managing Member of ACTHA
On January 28, 2013 The Unwanted Horse Coalition (UHC) and the American Competitive Trail Horse Association (ACTHA) joined forces to help the over 700 rescues listed with the UHC. "ACTHA will facilitate rides for as many rescues that want them and donate all the net proceeds to the rescue and the UHC to continue their valuable work," stated Tom Scrima of ACTHA.
And it looks like the rescues are ready! With only 12 days into the effort preliminary interest from the rescues is high. "We're getting about a 20% return from our initial contacts within a small test sector of the rescues. Rides are being scheduled almost every day since the original announcement. We've added staff to help with the phones and have dedicated our top trainers to make sure the rides are a success," says Robin Tilghman, Director of Special Projects for ACTHA.
The effort is planned to go on for the year 2013. ACTHA and the UHC are planning on hundreds of rescues to take them up on the offer which not only supplies funding in the short term but also acts as a funding fishing pole. This results from the rides being repeatable whenever there is a need.
With the initial responses it would seem to indicate that up to 500 rides with over 15,000 horse and riders partaking is likely. All made possible by thousands volunteers from Coast to Coast, and ACTHA.
"We need sponsors interested in being a part of this cause. There will be a lot of eyes on the effort," said Scrima.
For more information see or contact Tom Scrima at 830-693-2065 (
The UHC is a broad alliance of equine organizations that have joined together under the umbrella of the American Horse Council to reduce the number of unwanted horses and to improve their welfare through education and the efforts of organizations committed to the health, safety, and responsible care and disposition of these horses.
For more information about the UHC or unwanted horses, please visit the UHC website at or contact Ericka Caslin at (phone: (202) 296-4031). The UHC website has a list of facilities that accept horses, additional assistance for horse owners in need, free downloadable materials about unwanted horses, and information about owning responsibly.
Tom Scrima
Managing Member of ACTHA
On January 28, 2013 The Unwanted Horse Coalition (UHC) and the American Competitive Trail Horse Association (ACTHA) joined forces to help the over 700 rescues listed with the UHC. "ACTHA will facilitate rides for as many rescues that want them and donate all the net proceeds to the rescue and the UHC to continue their valuable work," stated Tom Scrima of ACTHA.
And it looks like the rescues are ready! With only 12 days into the effort preliminary interest from the rescues is high. "We're getting about a 20% return from our initial contacts within a small test sector of the rescues. Rides are being scheduled almost every day since the original announcement. We've added staff to help with the phones and have dedicated our top trainers to make sure the rides are a success," says Robin Tilghman, Director of Special Projects for ACTHA.
The effort is planned to go on for the year 2013. ACTHA and the UHC are planning on hundreds of rescues to take them up on the offer which not only supplies funding in the short term but also acts as a funding fishing pole. This results from the rides being repeatable whenever there is a need.
With the initial responses it would seem to indicate that up to 500 rides with over 15,000 horse and riders partaking is likely. All made possible by thousands volunteers from Coast to Coast, and ACTHA.
"We need sponsors interested in being a part of this cause. There will be a lot of eyes on the effort," said Scrima.
For more information see or contact Tom Scrima at 830-693-2065 (
The UHC is a broad alliance of equine organizations that have joined together under the umbrella of the American Horse Council to reduce the number of unwanted horses and to improve their welfare through education and the efforts of organizations committed to the health, safety, and responsible care and disposition of these horses.
For more information about the UHC or unwanted horses, please visit the UHC website at or contact Ericka Caslin at (phone: (202) 296-4031). The UHC website has a list of facilities that accept horses, additional assistance for horse owners in need, free downloadable materials about unwanted horses, and information about owning responsibly.
An Update from Dave Rabe

An Update from Dave Rabe, recovering from his Death Valley accident
February 14 - Valentine's Day 2013
This writeup is from Dave. He said he had nothing else to do,so it got kind of long! When my accident happened on December 30,2012 I feel fortunate to be riding with Robert Bischoff,a retired fireman, Jackie Beaupre,and Judi Hommertzheim who all pitched in with my fall and got me ready to go to the hospital. I guess my Wyoming mechanic Richard Simcox drove me to the hospital. Rick is the only mechanic that could fix my truck in the last four years (I have had LOTS of mechanics!)
Thanks to Jackie Bumgardner for taking care of my horses at her place in Ridgecrest. Thanks to Tony and Sue Wilkie for bringing my truck and trailer with my horses to Bishop,CA where my good friends Bob and Gina Hall and my favorite nurse Tami Rogeau (who is my hero for serving in both Iraq and Afghanistan) met them at the half way point. They brought my horses back to Nevada to Jackie Beaupre’s place in Silver Springs,NV. Jackie is still taking care of my four horses. She has 2+ acres of sandy pasture which is better than my 20 acres of snow and ice. Jackie says they love it there. I still haven’t seen my horses yet. I really miss them...
Read more here:
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Cracker Trail Ride to create cross-state cattle drive for 26th year - Full Article
February 13 2013
MANATEE -- David and Megan Reed began taking part in the cross-state Florida Cracker Trail ride 11 years ago, retracing the Florida cattle drives of more than 100 years ago from Manatee County to Fort Piece.
David Reed saw it as a way to build his relationship with his daughter, at that time a Haile Middle School student.
It would also build self-reliance, perseverance and responsibility, he said.
"It can be a very difficult ride. It is can be a endurance ride rather than a trail ride. The weather can be drenching wet, cold, muddy, or dry and dusty," he said.
All that time in the saddle and camping at ranches across the state can also build enduring friendships.
For the 26th year, the Florida Trail Ride sets off at 8 a.m. Saturday from Kibler Ranch off State Road 64 in East Manatee...
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February 13 2013
MANATEE -- David and Megan Reed began taking part in the cross-state Florida Cracker Trail ride 11 years ago, retracing the Florida cattle drives of more than 100 years ago from Manatee County to Fort Piece.
David Reed saw it as a way to build his relationship with his daughter, at that time a Haile Middle School student.
It would also build self-reliance, perseverance and responsibility, he said.
"It can be a very difficult ride. It is can be a endurance ride rather than a trail ride. The weather can be drenching wet, cold, muddy, or dry and dusty," he said.
All that time in the saddle and camping at ranches across the state can also build enduring friendships.
For the 26th year, the Florida Trail Ride sets off at 8 a.m. Saturday from Kibler Ranch off State Road 64 in East Manatee...
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Northwest Regional Director Change
Stephanie Teeter of Oreana, Idaho, will be serving as a Northwest Regional Director after the resignation of Tom Noll. Thanks to Tom for his many years of representing the NW region.
Stephanie Teeter of Oreana, Idaho, will be serving as a Northwest Regional Director after the resignation of Tom Noll. Thanks to Tom for his many years of representing the NW region.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Back Country Horsemen of America Names New Advisor for Wilderness and Recreation
Press Release by Sarah Wynne Jackson
Back Country Horsemen of America, the organization leading the fight to preserve our right to ride horses on public lands, has experienced a changing of the guard. The legendary Dennis Daily recently retired and endorsed Randy Rasmussen as his replacement as Advisor for Wilderness and Recreation.
A Natural Fit
Dennis and Randy met a number of years ago when Randy was working with American Hiking Society and trying to convince them to “work with the horsemen.” In 2008, Randy made sure BCHA was involved in a conference focused on traditional or “quiet” trail use. Since then, Randy and Dennis have been working together to bridge the gap between hikers and horsemen. When it came time for Dennis to hand over the reins, Randy seemed a natural fit.
He comes to Back Country Horsemen of America with a wide range of skills gained throughout his lifetime of interest in protecting both the environment and our ability to enjoy America’s beautiful wild places. He earned a Master’s degree from Colorado State University in Natural Resources and Recreation, emphasizing Wilderness Management, and he has over 12 years of experience developing partnerships to protect traditional forms of recreation and to conserve important landscapes.
Back Country Horsemen of America, the organization leading the fight to preserve our right to ride horses on public lands, has experienced a changing of the guard. The legendary Dennis Daily recently retired and endorsed Randy Rasmussen as his replacement as Advisor for Wilderness and Recreation.
A Natural Fit
Dennis and Randy met a number of years ago when Randy was working with American Hiking Society and trying to convince them to “work with the horsemen.” In 2008, Randy made sure BCHA was involved in a conference focused on traditional or “quiet” trail use. Since then, Randy and Dennis have been working together to bridge the gap between hikers and horsemen. When it came time for Dennis to hand over the reins, Randy seemed a natural fit.
He comes to Back Country Horsemen of America with a wide range of skills gained throughout his lifetime of interest in protecting both the environment and our ability to enjoy America’s beautiful wild places. He earned a Master’s degree from Colorado State University in Natural Resources and Recreation, emphasizing Wilderness Management, and he has over 12 years of experience developing partnerships to protect traditional forms of recreation and to conserve important landscapes.
National Trails Day®

What is National Trails Day®?
American Hiking Society's National Trails Day® (NTD) is a celebration of America's magnificent Trail System, occuring annually on the first Saturday in June. NTD features a series of outdoor activities, designed to promote and celebrate the importance of trails in the United States. Individuals, clubs and organizations from around the country host National Trails Day® events to share their love of trails with friends, family, and their communities. NTD introduces thousands of Americans to a wide array of trail activities: hiking, biking, paddling, horseback riding, trail running, and bird watching and more. For public and private land managers alike, National Trails Day® is a great time to showcase beautiful landscapes and special or threatened locales as thousands of people will be outside looking to participate in NTD events.
National Trails Day® evolved during the late ‘80s and ‘90s from a popular ethos among trail advocates, outdoor industry leaders and political bodies who wanted to unlock the vast potential in America’s National Trails System, transforming it from a collection of local paths into a true network of interconnected trails and vested trail organizations. This collective mindset hatched the idea of a singular day where the greater trail community could band together behind the NTD moniker to show their pride and dedication to the National Trails System.
When is National Trails Day®?
This year National Trails Day will occur on June 1, 2013. National Trails Day is always the first Saturday in June.
View the National Trails Day historical timeline.
Why Celebrate Trails?
America's 200,000 miles of trails allow us access to the natural world for recreation, education, exploration, solitude, inspiration, and much more. Trails give us a means to support good physical and mental health; they provide us with a chance to breathe fresh air, get our hearts pumping, and escape from our stresses. All it takes is a willingness to use them!
National Trails Day® also aims to highlight the important work thousands of volunteers do each year to take care of America's trails. Trails do not just magically appear for our enjoyment; their construction and maintenance takes hours of dedicated planning and labor. So give thanks to your local volunteers and consider taking a day to give back to your favorite trail.
Who Can Host a National Trails Day® event?
Anyone can host a National Trails Day® event. If you need help with programming ideas or would like more information, take some time to read through the materials on the host information page. There you will find all the information you need to host a successful event. Once you've planned the event, remember to register it!
If you have any questions contact John Michels, Trail Programs Manager, at 301-565-6704 x 208 or .
Who Can Attend a National Trails Day® event?
Anyone is allowed to attend public NTD events, unless otherwise noted. All public events are listed under the event search page. Events registered as "private" will not appear on the event search page.
What Kinds of Events are Included?
National Trails Day® events involve a broad array of activities, including hiking, bike riding, trail maintenance, birding, wildlife photography, geocaching, paddle trips, trail running, trail dedications, health-focused programs, and children’s activities. Whatever you like to do outdoors, there is bound to be an event to fit your interests. If you don't find the type of event you want, then plan it yourself -- and be sure to register it.
How do Trails Make You Healthy?
Trails give you the opportunity to get your heart pumping, lungs expanding, and muscles working at various levels of difficulty, thereby improving your physical as well as mental well-being. With obesity rates skyrocketing, exercise is increasingly important, and trails provide a wide variety of opportunities for being physically active.
Does National Trails Day® have to be the first Saturday in June?
If your organization has a conflict with the first Saturday in June, plan your National Trails Day® event for a day or weekend that works best for you. No matter what day you choose, be sure to register your event with American Hiking Society; the national attention will draw more participants and media, and American Hiking Society will help you throughout the entire planning process.
Looking for ways to get involved year round?
Become a member of American Hiking Society or join the Alliance of Hiking Organizations.
2012 Final Report
National Trails Day 2012 Statistics:
2,176 registered activities in all 50 states, Washington DC, Puerto Rico, & Canada
157,000 participants (including 21,400 trail volunteers)
375,000 miles hiked
200,000 miles biked
33,000 miles paddled
11,000 miles on horseback
1,291 miles of trail maintained
Wednesday, February 06, 2013
Horse breeder 'Bazy' Tankersley, of Al-Marah Arabians, dies at 91

Veronica M. Cruz - Arizona Daily Star
Ruth "Bazy" McCormick Tankersley, renowned Arabian horse breeder and the founder of St. Gregory College Preparatory School, died Tuesday at her home. She was 91.
Tankersley bought her first purebred Arabian horse when she was 19 years old and opened Al-Marah Arabians in her early 20s when she and her husband moved to Tucson in 1941, according to Star archives.
Tankersley moved the ranch to Maryland in the 1950s but returned to Tucson in the mid-1970s.
In 2001, Tankersley bequeathed the 85-acre property at 4101 N. Bear Canyon Road to the University of Arizona, which will continue to use the property as a working ranch.
Tankersley also helped found horse breeder organizations, created a program to train young horse lovers and was a supporter of Therapeutic Riding of Tucson, known as TROT, a program that helps children with disabilities ride horses.
"You see, I come from that old-fashioned background of noblesse oblige: If you're born with money, you have an obligation to do good works for others," Tankersley said in a biography. "Only in recent years did I come to feel that through Arabian horses I might do more for my fellows than in any other way."
Tankersley was born in Chicago in 1921. Her father, Medill McCormick, was a U.S. senator from Illinois and her mother, Ruth Hanna McCormick, was an Illinois congresswoman. Both parents were also in the newspaper industry...
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Tuesday, February 05, 2013
AERC International at Convention
Saturday, March 9, 1-3: USA Chef d'Equipe Emmett Ross will be presenting "International Endurance, Past and Future: Where Are We Headed?"
AERC/USEF committee meetings will be held Saturday morning 8-noon.
TBA: Jan Stevens will speak to ride managers interested in hosting FEI competitions. Complete schedule available at the convention!
AERC/USEF committee meetings will be held Saturday morning 8-noon.
TBA: Jan Stevens will speak to ride managers interested in hosting FEI competitions. Complete schedule available at the convention!
Still Time to Sign up for the AERC Convention

2013 AERC Convention:
Think Like a Vet
Learn From the Vets
March 8 & 9 - Gran Sierra Resort, Reno, Nevada
The convention is a fabulous two days of endurance, endurance and more endurance! It's a wonderful place to see old friends, meet new ones, and check out all the latest endurance gear at the always-terrific trade show.
For more information and to sign up:
USA Young Riders: Interested in riding a 1* or 2* FEI event?
February 1 2013
AERC International's new program allows a $50 ride entry fee subsidy for the first event and $20 for subsequent events (as long as funds are available). If you're a young rider and are interested, fill out the 2013 Young Rider Incentive Program form or see the form for contact information if you have any questions.
AERC International's new program allows a $50 ride entry fee subsidy for the first event and $20 for subsequent events (as long as funds are available). If you're a young rider and are interested, fill out the 2013 Young Rider Incentive Program form or see the form for contact information if you have any questions.
Saturday, February 02, 2013
A Tribute to the Still's - Karen Bumgarner

February 1 2013
n December, Cole Still lost his lovely bride, Charlotte, she was 86. Just less than two months after Charlotte's passing, Cole, 93, joined her in the great beyond. They had wed in October of 1942, and had settled in the Prineville, OR. in 1948 with their daughters Connie and Carolyn.
In 1973 the Still's rode the Pacific Crest Trail from the Columbia River to the California Border in 17-1/2 days, setting a new record for that accomplishment as no one had previously ridden it in less than 20 days. Charlotte and Cole rode many rides back in the old days of AERC and PNER. Cole and Charlotte were there helping Lew Hollander and Elwin Wines form PNER in 1972, and Cole always said that he was PNER's oldest member. In 1974 Charlotte and Zella Hai placed 11th on the PNER Top 15 Senior Riders. In 1975 PNER gave out awards to the Top 25 and Charlotte placed 5th while Cole was 22nd; Charlotte also placed 17th on the AERC National Top 25 that year.
I met Cole and Charlotte in 1977 when I began endurance riding. What characters with a great sense of humor. They were truly kind, helpful people and also great competitors. When we first met Cole, he worked at the mill North of Prineville. He had built a corral there by a shed and rode his horse to and from work every day, 16 miles round trip. No wonder the man and his horses were so tough!
In the early 80's we joined the Prineville Ridge Riders and Cole had already been the club President forever. Cole joined the Ridge Riders in 1951 and had been President since 1958! He, Charlotte and the club put on the Prineville Endurance Ride north of Prineville on The Crooked River National Grasslands since 1972. I believe Cole rode that ride for 32 consecutive years, missing it for the first time when he was 83 after Stormy fell with him and he had a broken foot...
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Search Continues for Missing Endurance Horse in Florida
2 February 2013
Another large search is scheduled today to search for Maruf (aka Magoof), the endurance horse owned by Robin Schadt who disappeared into the forest in Levy County during an endurance ride on January 12. Missing since January 12, the gray gelding was wearing blue tack when he dumped his rider and disappeared in the Goethe State Forest near Tidewater Campground in Dunnellon, Florida (Ocala area).
for more information see
or contact Robin Schadt at
(708) 280-8241
Another large search is scheduled today to search for Maruf (aka Magoof), the endurance horse owned by Robin Schadt who disappeared into the forest in Levy County during an endurance ride on January 12. Missing since January 12, the gray gelding was wearing blue tack when he dumped his rider and disappeared in the Goethe State Forest near Tidewater Campground in Dunnellon, Florida (Ocala area).
for more information see
or contact Robin Schadt at
(708) 280-8241
Friday, February 01, 2013
EHV-1 Confirmed in Horse at National Western Stock Show Rodeo
By Edited Press Release • Jan 29, 2013 • Article #31277
The Colorado Department of Agriculture is investigating one confirmed case of equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) within the state. A quarantine has been placed on seven horses, including the index case, and a hold order has been placed on six additional horses who might have had direct contact.
The affected horse, a 6-year-old gelding from Texas, is part of a team of Quarter Horses used during the National Western Stock Show (NWSS) rodeo (which took place Jan. 12-27 in Denver) to pull a stagecoach during rodeo performances. The horse began showing clinical signs of disease Jan. 27 and was transported to the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital for diagnosis and treatment. The EHV-1 diagnosis was confirmed Jan. 28.
The affected horse is isolated and in stable condition. The other horses from the team are under quarantine at the NWSS coliseum and hold orders have been placed on other horses who might have had direct contact.
"The department is taking quick and appropriate actions to investigate, control, and mitigate this disease," said Colorado State Veterinarian Keith Roehr, DVM. "We will continue to trace the potential contacts of this horse in order to protect Colorado's equine industry."
The affected horse was housed in the coliseum at the NWSS from January 7 to 28. Neither the gelding nor the rest of the team had any contact with horses being housed and shown in the Events Center and the Hall of Education. Horse owners who traveled to the NWSS and participated in events in the coliseum are urged to monitor their horses for clinical signs and contact their veterinarian immediately if their horse becomes ill or has a fever. Owners who have horses with clinical signs consistent with neurologic EHV-1 infection should consult their veterinarian.
Although it's not transmissible to humans, EHV-1 is highly contagious among horses and camelids, and it is generally passed from horse to horse via aerosol transmission (when affected animals sneeze/cough) and contact with nasal secretions. The disease can cause a variety of ailments in equines, including rhinopneumonitis (a respiratory disease usually found in young horses), abortion in broodmares, and myeloencephalopathy (EHM, the neurologic form).
Myeloencephalopathy is characterized by fever, ataxia (incoordination), weakness or paralysis of the hind limbs, and incontinence. Should a horse with potential EHV-1 exposure display any of the aforementioned clinical signs, a veterinarian should be called to obtain samples and test for the disease.
EHV-1 was also diagnosed in Douglas County, Colo., in 2012. In early May, one horse tested positive for EHV-1. Prior to exhibiting signs of the disease, the affected horse had recently traveled to Colorado from Iowa. The Douglas County horse was euthanized after showing severe neurologic signs associated with the disease.
Three Farriers Recognized As Rising Shoeing Stars
For more information, contact:
Frank Lessiter
(262) 782-4480, ext., 402
Three Farriers Recognized As Rising Shoeing Stars
Three young horseshoers were recognized for outstanding career progress in the equine footcare field during the recent 10th International Hoof-Care Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio. These individuals were honored as Rising Shoeing Stars in a program that promotes the importance of further footcare education while encouraging young shoers to succeed in their careers.
The program is co-sponsored by six outstanding equine footcare industry suppliers that include G.E. Forge & Tool, Delta Mustad Hoofcare Center, Life Data Labs, Purcell Farrier Supply, R.J. Mathews Co. and Vettec.
This year’s program honored three outstanding farriers who graduated from horseshoeing school in 2009 and have spent the past 3 years establishing their equine footcare careers.
The first-place farrier received $1,000 and had his expenses paid to this year’s International Hoof-Care Summit to accept the award in front of the industry’s leading footcare professionals. Two runners-up each received $500 awards.
Jake Giguere of Smithers, British Columbia, is a 2009 graduate of the Pacific Horseshoeing School in Plymouth, Calif. He handles the footcare work of 300 horses in Northern British Columbia and works closely on therapeutic shoeing concerns with most of the equine veterinarians located within 75 miles of his home.
Already on the road to becoming an outstanding farrier at a young age, his goals are to provide a good living for his family, earn the respect from clients and equine veterinarians and enjoy industry recognition as an excellent farrier.
Justin Court of La Grange Ky., is a 2009 graduate of the Kentucky Horseshoeing School at Richmond, Ky. Specializing in Thoroughbred footcare, he grew up around racetracks and breeding farms. Along with his trimming and shoeing skills, he attributes much of his success to being able to stay calm, cool and collected in his daily work.
Wayne Whitson of Viola, Del., is a 2009 graduate of the Lookout Mountain Horseshoeing School in Gadsden, Ala. While he handles footcare work with many types of horses and has done some training of horses, he’s working toward specializing in the footcare work of Standardbred horses.
Nominations for next year’s 2014 Rising Shoeing Star program are now being accepted. To nominate a young farrier who graduated from a horseshoeing school in 2010, send a two- or three-page letter explaining why he or she is a candidate for a “Rising Shoeing Star” award. Mail your nomination to American Farriers Journal, P.O. Box 624, Brookfield, WI 53008-0624 or email it to prior to Aug. 31, 2013.
For more information, contact:
Frank Lessiter
(262) 782-4480, ext., 402
Three Farriers Recognized As Rising Shoeing Stars
Three young horseshoers were recognized for outstanding career progress in the equine footcare field during the recent 10th International Hoof-Care Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio. These individuals were honored as Rising Shoeing Stars in a program that promotes the importance of further footcare education while encouraging young shoers to succeed in their careers.
The program is co-sponsored by six outstanding equine footcare industry suppliers that include G.E. Forge & Tool, Delta Mustad Hoofcare Center, Life Data Labs, Purcell Farrier Supply, R.J. Mathews Co. and Vettec.
This year’s program honored three outstanding farriers who graduated from horseshoeing school in 2009 and have spent the past 3 years establishing their equine footcare careers.
The first-place farrier received $1,000 and had his expenses paid to this year’s International Hoof-Care Summit to accept the award in front of the industry’s leading footcare professionals. Two runners-up each received $500 awards.
Jake Giguere of Smithers, British Columbia, is a 2009 graduate of the Pacific Horseshoeing School in Plymouth, Calif. He handles the footcare work of 300 horses in Northern British Columbia and works closely on therapeutic shoeing concerns with most of the equine veterinarians located within 75 miles of his home.
Already on the road to becoming an outstanding farrier at a young age, his goals are to provide a good living for his family, earn the respect from clients and equine veterinarians and enjoy industry recognition as an excellent farrier.
Justin Court of La Grange Ky., is a 2009 graduate of the Kentucky Horseshoeing School at Richmond, Ky. Specializing in Thoroughbred footcare, he grew up around racetracks and breeding farms. Along with his trimming and shoeing skills, he attributes much of his success to being able to stay calm, cool and collected in his daily work.
Wayne Whitson of Viola, Del., is a 2009 graduate of the Lookout Mountain Horseshoeing School in Gadsden, Ala. While he handles footcare work with many types of horses and has done some training of horses, he’s working toward specializing in the footcare work of Standardbred horses.
Nominations for next year’s 2014 Rising Shoeing Star program are now being accepted. To nominate a young farrier who graduated from a horseshoeing school in 2010, send a two- or three-page letter explaining why he or she is a candidate for a “Rising Shoeing Star” award. Mail your nomination to American Farriers Journal, P.O. Box 624, Brookfield, WI 53008-0624 or email it to prior to Aug. 31, 2013.
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