Posted Monday, January 11, 2021
This year we are offering free entries* to any junior who has not previously finished Tevis**.
Their entry must be accompanied by a paid entry from a sponsor (who must be at least 21 years old on ride day).
Both sponsor and junior must have their qualifying miles.
** Does not include the cost of a buckle or stabling.
* Includes Juniors who previously entered the ride but did not complete.
The Scripps Foundation Cup
The Josephine Stedem Scripps Foundation Trophy recognizes Junior finishers of the Western States Trail Ride. Roxanne Greene, who donated the Cup, and her daughter Rebecca Greene, the youngest rider ever to win ten Tevis buckles, presented the cup for the first time in 1994. The trophy honors all junior riders and their horses who complete the Ride.
The award was founded to encourage good horsemanshipand to recognize cooperation between the junior rider, horse, family and friends. The base of the Scripps Cup bears the names of both horse and rider. Each junior rider, upon completion of the 100 Mile Ride, receives a photograph of the Cup and an inscribed brass plate for the rider's saddle. The Cup is on permanent display along with the Lloyd Tevis Cup and the James Ben Ali Haggin Cup in the foyer display case at the Auburn City Hall.
For more information see:
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