Horses Hope and Healing….pretty much says it all... and ACTHA/Cavallo decided to help.
Recently ACTHA (The American Competitive Trail Horse Association) and Cavallo Horse and Rider Inc. teamed up with other ACTHA sponsors like Trail Blazer, Rick Lamb, Trail Town USA, Mayatex and others too numerous to mention, to see what could be done for the cause of Tiffany Oreglia and The Staff at Horses Hope and Healing, a non-profit in Sacramento California(www.horseshopehealing.com). "This is our business here at ACTHA" states Karen VanGetson Co-Founder of ACTHA, "and this was one we relished!"
In a nut shell HHH combines kids at risk with horses at risk (rescues). Together each finds a friend and each is bolstered in their travels through life. When Tiffany Oreglia, Founder of HHH was originally asked by Greg Giles of Cavallo as to how he could help, Tiffany said she had need for a new pitch fork and some other modest supplies.
Greg called Tom Scrima at ACTHA and shared his admiration of what this wonderful organization was doing with such modest funds. Together they embarked on giving what they could…a fishing pole and a few fish.
Through ACTHA's and Cavallo's help Tiffany and her crew at HHH were able to put on a ACTHA sanctioned ride where almost 100 riders came, competed, laughed and had a great time. With ACTHA and Cavallo's leadership sponsors flourished and great prizes were won by all. At the end of the day several THOUSAND dollars was raised by HHH and the work goes on.... smiling kids and grateful horses. Best of all HHH now has a proven way to consistently raise funds for their needs.
"In a perfect world this is how it should be, and who says we can’t strive for perfection?" states the 2 representatives from Cavallo and ACTHA, Greg Giles and Tom Scrima.
To date ACTHA has helped and enabled more than 100 wonderful charities and Causes like Tiffany's at Horses Hope and Healing.
We're proud of our members, sponsors and affiliates for making this possible...lets make it 1,000 !!!
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