For immediate release:
Triangle Ranch Communications is proud to announce the release of the first book written specifically for beginning endurance riders. Endurance 101: a gentle guide to the sport of long-distance riding is told in a comfortable narrative style with plenty of informative stories and photos.
“This is the manual I wish I’d had when I was a new rider in the sport,” says author Aarene Storms. “I read every book, every magazine article, every listserv and webpage, even the fine print of tack catalogs, and I still made mistakes that I could have avoided with more guidance.”
Storms uses the lessons she has learned in ten plus years of competition and combines them with practical advice from other experienced endurance riders. Endurance 101 enables new endurance riders to make better decisions when choosing a horse and tack, and to make good choices when feeding, conditioning, and competing with a novice endurance horse.
Endurance legend and author Julie Suhr says, “I wish I had this book when I discovered endurance riding!” And Merri Melde, equestrian traveller and correspondent, calls Endurance 101 “the next best thing to a two-legged mentor, unravelling the mysteries of getting you and your horse to the starting line, through your first ride, and through what happens afterwards, always with the goals of caring properly for your horse and having fun.”
Riders seeking a straightforward, easy-to-read book will love Endurance 101’s mix of narrative and practical, step-by-step advice on everything from packing the trailer to keeping their horse sane, sound and safe through the conditioning process. Storm’s enthusiasm for her chosen sport will rapidly infect newcomers, and even experienced riders will be look at their riding and training routines with fresh eyes.
You won’t want to miss taking a ride in the company of Storms while dodging her nemesis, the Bad Idea Fairy, along the trail. Laugh and learn. Endurance 101 is the book you’ve been waiting for.
In the words of endurance powerhouse Dennis Summers, “Read this book, cinch er up tight and get er done!”
Author Information: An advocate for Junior riders, equestrian trails, and novice endurance horse and rider teams, Aarene Storms has published numerous articles in Endurance News and other equestrian sport publications. She has completed more than 2000 AERC miles on several horses, and currently competes on a tall, opinionated Standardbred mare called Fiddle. Her adventures in the saddle and on the ground are documented with tongue firmly in cheek at the Haiku Farm blog.
Photographer: Storms recruited a fellow blogger and rider Monica Bretherton and her stockpile of photos to help bring endurance riding to life. From post-ride grins to the intricate details of endurance tack and ride rituals, the images help to draw the reader into the world of long-distance riding.
Publication Information: Anticipated release date for the ebook edition is October 31, 2012, to be available from Amazon.com and other e-book retailers at the price of $9.99. A print edition to follow shortly thereafter, price to be announced.
Contact Information:For further information about the book or for press photographs, please contact Triangle Ranch Communications via publisher@triangleranch.com. Author Aarene Storms can be reached on the book’s Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/Endurance101 or for bookings at booking@endurance-101.com
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