The Green Bean Endurance website has a new makeover, thanks to the diligent work of Jillane Baros, Sharalyn Hay, Jacke Reynolds, and Deb Moe.
Greenbeanendurance.com - a website resource for Green Bean Education, Encouragement, and Endurance, now offers a formal membership, for both Green Beans and 'Ripe Bean' endurance riders.
The Green Bean Endurance page started on Facebook in January of 2014 as an expansion of the original PNER Green Beans group, and it quickly spread like wildfire. Sharalyn Hay originated the "Green Bean" idea to create an inviting and safe environment for riders new to endurance or who had horses new to endurance to share their experiences and get support. Since then, the title of "Green Bean" has been expanded to include all those who wish to learn more about endurance. The new website offers free access to educational resources and links, discussions, and Green Bean apparel; and it offers extras for joining members.
Green Bean members have access to Member Directories (looking for other Green Beans, or mentors in your area?); Members-Only Forums; monthly giveaways; newsletters; discounts; and Green Bean Competitions. In the new future, they will be rolling out "badges" to recognize individual rider accomplishments on their profiles.
With 120 riders registered, the 2015 Green Bean Teams are full; each team consists of 5 Green Beans with 999 miles or less; completions on any horse count toward overall mileage during the 2015 season.
For more information on joining Green Bean Endurance, as a Green Bean or a Ripe Bean, see:
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