Amy B Wang, The Republic | azcentral.com
April 6, 2015
Canadian Len Crow wanted to help fund orphanages, so he decided to ride horseback from Alaska to Mexico. Six times.
For the last 10 months, neither snow nor rain nor heat nor torn rotator cuff has stayed rancher and pastor Len Crow from his goal: to ride 6,800 miles on horseback from the edge of the Arctic Ocean to Guadalajara, Mexico.
This is Crow's sixth such "endurance" horseback ride for charity. The 61-year-old Canadian is using the trip to raise money to build five orphanages, one each in Cambodia, Guatemala, India, Mexico and the Philippines.
Crow began his journey on June 6, 2014, departing from — of all places — Deadhorse, Alaska. He'll admit it was not the most auspiciously named starting point, but the map left him no choice.
"I wanted to go as far north in North America as I could by road," Crow said. "That was as far as I could get. We chose that as our beginning point."
By the time he pulled into Eagar, Ariz., last week, Crow had ridden about 5,400 miles. He has 1,400 to go...
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