Endurance competitors and enthusiasts from all over the United States and Canada will gather for the annual American Endurance Ride Conference convention March 8-9, 2019, in Reno, Nevada, at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino. This year AERC will be joined by the North American Trail Ride Conference (NATRC) and will welcome all distance riders to attend.
Education is a main component of AERC, a 46-year-old nonprofit organization which sanctions rides ranging from 25 to 100 miles in one day, and the convention’s nine seminars will provide cutting-edge knowledge for current and prospective endurance riders.
Seminars at the 2019 AERC convention:
• “When Do Metabolic Problems Begin?” with Langdon Fielding, DVM, DACVECC, DACVSMR, of Loomis Basin Equine Medical Center in Northern California
• “Gait Assessment” with Yvette Nout-Lomas, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVECC, an assistant professor of equine internal medicine at Colorado State University’s College of Veterinary and Medical Science
• “Pacing in Segments of an Endurance Competition” with Jerry Gillespie, DVM, PhD, a longtime endurance veterinarian and chair of AERC’s Research Committee
• “Endurance Clinics and Fun Rides: The Do’s and Don’ts” with Nick Warhol, a veteran endurance competitor who has conducted many successful endurance clinics
• “How To’s for the ‘Perfect’ Ride” with Mollie Krumlaw-Smith, AERC Ride Managers Committee Chair
• “Equine Regenerative Medicine–Beyond the Hype” with Kenneth L Marcella, DVM, DACT, of KLM Equine in Canton, Georgia
• “Best Condition–A Veterinary Viewpoint” with Nick Kohut, DVM, chair of AERC’s Welfare of the Horse Committee
• “Comparative Endurance Medicine: What We Can Learn from Current Research in Humans and Other Species” with Margaret Brosnahan, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, Midwestern University Animal Health Institute Clinical Assistant Professor, Equine Internal Medicine
• Safe Sport Discussion with Monica Chapman, AERC Acting President
But the convention isn’t all serious education. It’s also a celebration of accomplishments, with both regional and national award ceremonies. There is also a Friday night dance hosted by NATRC with The Country Kickers—sure to get people out on the dance floor.
All visitors are welcome at the trade show, which features a wide variety of vendors from around the world offering endurance gear—everything from tack and saddles to heart rate monitors and rider clothing. The trade show is free and open to the public. Hours are 8:00-6:00 on Friday, March 8, and 8:00-5:00 on Saturday, March 9. If you enjoy horses, this is a great opportunity to come and shop.
In addition, conference attendees always enjoy the popular annual Tack Swap that allows riders to pick up tack and related items at bargain prices, with a percentage of the proceeds benefitting AERC, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Located a quick shuttle ride away from the Reno-International Airport, the Grand Sierra Resort (775-789-2000) is a spectacular site for the midsize convention, with plentiful public and private hotel space, dining options, movie theater, bowling center and gym. Special AERC convention rates are limited so early reservations are a must.
For more information, and to register and receive the best pricing on conference seminars, please visit aerc.org/convention.
Thursday, January 31, 2019
2019 Distance Horse National Championships Headed to Oklahoma
Distance Nationals is heading back to Alanna & Gunnar Franks Ranch in Vinita, OK, from October 25-27.
The American Saddlebred Registry (ASR) has joined our growing list of partnered breeds, which include: the Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC), Paso Fino Horse Association (PFHA), Performance Shagya-Arabian Registry (PShR), American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA), and the Akhal-Teke Association of America (ATAA).
Remember that along with all of the National Championships offered, there are multiple Open Owl Hoot Spook 25 Mile LD’s and 50 Mile rides along with an Open Owl Hoot Spook 100 Mile ride and an Open CTR. These Open rides do not require qualifications or membership and are open to any breed.
The LD Challenge was added in 2018, also Open to all breeds with no membership or qualification requirements. All LD riders will have a pulse down requirement of 60, which is new this year.
Find more information regarding the LD Challenge event.
See you in Oklahoma!
The American Saddlebred Registry (ASR) has joined our growing list of partnered breeds, which include: the Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC), Paso Fino Horse Association (PFHA), Performance Shagya-Arabian Registry (PShR), American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA), and the Akhal-Teke Association of America (ATAA).
Remember that along with all of the National Championships offered, there are multiple Open Owl Hoot Spook 25 Mile LD’s and 50 Mile rides along with an Open Owl Hoot Spook 100 Mile ride and an Open CTR. These Open rides do not require qualifications or membership and are open to any breed.
The LD Challenge was added in 2018, also Open to all breeds with no membership or qualification requirements. All LD riders will have a pulse down requirement of 60, which is new this year.
Find more information regarding the LD Challenge event.
See you in Oklahoma!
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
U.S. Endurance in Limbo After Governing Bodies Split
Horse-canada.com - Full Article
January 21, 2019
by: Pippa Cuckson
American endurance riders planning to compete internationally this year may have some gaps in their schedules. Following the overnight severance of their national body from the US Equestrian Federation, competitors have been left wondering if there will be any FEI rides on home soil this season.
At this time, both parties – the American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) and USEF – are discussing emergency plans for scheduled rides, while USEF makes longer-term arrangements with ride organizers and finds a replacement for national body for endurance. It is a potential minefield, as FEI General Regulations require all national federations to ensure FEI rules are upheld at FEI rides. This, obviously, is not enforceable with non-affiliated organizations.
During a 48-hour hiatus last week, AERC advised USEF it would be disaffiliating in December 2019. But USEF wrong-footed AERC, announcing that it was going to terminate their association anyway, and suspended AERC immediately.
In the U.S., it is normal to run FEI rides in conjunction with AERC national rides, rather than stand-alone international fixtures. Seven FEI dates were scheduled for 2019.
USEF is setting up a task force and has invited AERC members to apply to sit on the USEF sport committee, subject to completing Safe Sport Training and refraining “from participating in gossip, blaming, or other negative types of communication,” among other conditions...
Read more here:
January 21, 2019
by: Pippa Cuckson
American endurance riders planning to compete internationally this year may have some gaps in their schedules. Following the overnight severance of their national body from the US Equestrian Federation, competitors have been left wondering if there will be any FEI rides on home soil this season.
At this time, both parties – the American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) and USEF – are discussing emergency plans for scheduled rides, while USEF makes longer-term arrangements with ride organizers and finds a replacement for national body for endurance. It is a potential minefield, as FEI General Regulations require all national federations to ensure FEI rules are upheld at FEI rides. This, obviously, is not enforceable with non-affiliated organizations.
During a 48-hour hiatus last week, AERC advised USEF it would be disaffiliating in December 2019. But USEF wrong-footed AERC, announcing that it was going to terminate their association anyway, and suspended AERC immediately.
In the U.S., it is normal to run FEI rides in conjunction with AERC national rides, rather than stand-alone international fixtures. Seven FEI dates were scheduled for 2019.
USEF is setting up a task force and has invited AERC members to apply to sit on the USEF sport committee, subject to completing Safe Sport Training and refraining “from participating in gossip, blaming, or other negative types of communication,” among other conditions...
Read more here:
Monday, January 21, 2019
Endurance Horse Podcast - Episode 14
EnduranceHorsePodcast - Listen
Wooohooo! That is so awesome! We are at over 5,000 downloads between Podbean and iTunes, I honestly remember being in awe when we reached 256 downloads! It seems the podcast has filled a niche for riders.
It is officially 20th of January, only by a few minutes, I stayed up late to get this podcast out to you! Sometimes, a girl has to do what a girl has to do- and that sometimes means the only quiet time in the house is after everyone, including the dogs, have gone to sleep! This time I admit, I think it is pretty neat to publish the podcast on my little brother's birthday. Cool that I still get to call him my little brother even though he is WAY taller than I am.
It is so exciting when we get to hear from young riders in the sport and in this episode we will hear from a young rider in southern Wisconsin who rides the trails with her awesome Momma & Ride Manager, we will hear for the first time from two Florida young riders who have a great support team around them in their families and in their 4H Club. In Episode 14 we have some nail bitter stories from two of our long time listeners, Jenny Chandler (New Zealand) and Darice Whyte (Canada). We will also hear from rider, blogger, Audrey Hager from May the Horse be with You. And, if you are reading this Courtney, Jim blames you for my interest in at least trying a short RT at least once!
Please do check out the links provided in the show notes as they have some great resources, whether you’d like to hear the Templeton Thompson song that Courtney sang through the woods, if you’d like to check out the Ride & Tie website or if you are interested in learning more about 4H Clubs, or maybe you’d like to read more stories by Darice Whyte at Twisted Tales, and read more stories by Audrey Hager, you can follow the links and get more content!
I also included flyers to the midwest rides that were mentioned, though I don’t know how long those links will last as the new 2019 flyers will likely replace them. As always, life is a journey, enjoy the ride! Send me some audio files and remember it’s as much about the journey as it is the destination.
See more and listen at:
Wooohooo! That is so awesome! We are at over 5,000 downloads between Podbean and iTunes, I honestly remember being in awe when we reached 256 downloads! It seems the podcast has filled a niche for riders.
It is officially 20th of January, only by a few minutes, I stayed up late to get this podcast out to you! Sometimes, a girl has to do what a girl has to do- and that sometimes means the only quiet time in the house is after everyone, including the dogs, have gone to sleep! This time I admit, I think it is pretty neat to publish the podcast on my little brother's birthday. Cool that I still get to call him my little brother even though he is WAY taller than I am.
It is so exciting when we get to hear from young riders in the sport and in this episode we will hear from a young rider in southern Wisconsin who rides the trails with her awesome Momma & Ride Manager, we will hear for the first time from two Florida young riders who have a great support team around them in their families and in their 4H Club. In Episode 14 we have some nail bitter stories from two of our long time listeners, Jenny Chandler (New Zealand) and Darice Whyte (Canada). We will also hear from rider, blogger, Audrey Hager from May the Horse be with You. And, if you are reading this Courtney, Jim blames you for my interest in at least trying a short RT at least once!
Please do check out the links provided in the show notes as they have some great resources, whether you’d like to hear the Templeton Thompson song that Courtney sang through the woods, if you’d like to check out the Ride & Tie website or if you are interested in learning more about 4H Clubs, or maybe you’d like to read more stories by Darice Whyte at Twisted Tales, and read more stories by Audrey Hager, you can follow the links and get more content!
I also included flyers to the midwest rides that were mentioned, though I don’t know how long those links will last as the new 2019 flyers will likely replace them. As always, life is a journey, enjoy the ride! Send me some audio files and remember it’s as much about the journey as it is the destination.
See more and listen at:
Thursday, January 17, 2019
American Endurance Ride Conference Votes To Leave USEF
Chronofhorse.com - Full Article
By: Ann Glavan
Jan 16, 2019
On Jan. 14 American Endurance Ride Conference board members voted to terminate the AERC/U.S. Equestrian Federation endurance affiliate agreement at the end of 2019.
“There’s been some dissatisfaction from different segments of our membership for a number of years now over what has gone on overseas with [Regional Group 7],” said AERC President Monica Chapman. Group 7 is the geographical designation the Fédération Equestre Internationale assigns to the Middle East.
“The whole flat track race riding style is not palatable to some of our members,” Chapman continued.
Group 7 has come under attack in recent years for a variety of issues in endurance, including horse injuries and deaths from riding too fast, doping violations and outright cheating.
In 2015 the FEI suspended the United Arab Emirates Equestrian Federation for its endurance violations, and the FEI introduced new rules with harsher penalties for doping and mandatory rest periods for horses between rides.
In October of this year the FEI set up a temporary committee to: “Urgently assess the issues currently affecting the sport of Endurance and carry out an in-depth review of the rules in order to identify the most effective way of bringing the discipline back to its original roots of Endurance riding as opposed to Endurance racing, with horse welfare and horsemanship at its core, while still maintaining the competitive aspect of the sport.”
The AERC was established in 1972 as the national governing body for long distance riding and has just under 5,000 members today. As the USEF endurance affiliate, AERC represents the international discipline of endurance, which has a body of rules in the USEF Rule Book.
“We have a portion of our membership that doesn’t want to be associated with USEF; they feel USEF isn’t doing what they can to address horse welfare concerns,” Chapman said. “We don’t want the abusive actions of some riders in Region 7 to tarnish the whole sport; we don’t want to be guilty by association...”
Read more here:
By: Ann Glavan
Jan 16, 2019
On Jan. 14 American Endurance Ride Conference board members voted to terminate the AERC/U.S. Equestrian Federation endurance affiliate agreement at the end of 2019.
“There’s been some dissatisfaction from different segments of our membership for a number of years now over what has gone on overseas with [Regional Group 7],” said AERC President Monica Chapman. Group 7 is the geographical designation the Fédération Equestre Internationale assigns to the Middle East.
“The whole flat track race riding style is not palatable to some of our members,” Chapman continued.
Group 7 has come under attack in recent years for a variety of issues in endurance, including horse injuries and deaths from riding too fast, doping violations and outright cheating.
In 2015 the FEI suspended the United Arab Emirates Equestrian Federation for its endurance violations, and the FEI introduced new rules with harsher penalties for doping and mandatory rest periods for horses between rides.
In October of this year the FEI set up a temporary committee to: “Urgently assess the issues currently affecting the sport of Endurance and carry out an in-depth review of the rules in order to identify the most effective way of bringing the discipline back to its original roots of Endurance riding as opposed to Endurance racing, with horse welfare and horsemanship at its core, while still maintaining the competitive aspect of the sport.”
The AERC was established in 1972 as the national governing body for long distance riding and has just under 5,000 members today. As the USEF endurance affiliate, AERC represents the international discipline of endurance, which has a body of rules in the USEF Rule Book.
“We have a portion of our membership that doesn’t want to be associated with USEF; they feel USEF isn’t doing what they can to address horse welfare concerns,” Chapman said. “We don’t want the abusive actions of some riders in Region 7 to tarnish the whole sport; we don’t want to be guilty by association...”
Read more here:
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
USEF Initiates Proceedings to Terminate AERC Affiliate Status
by US Equestrian Communications Department | Jan 16, 2019, 12:18 PM EST
Lexington, Ky. – The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) has announced that it has initiated proceedings to terminate the recognized affiliate status of the American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) as soon as possible following the AERC Board of Director’s approval of a disaffiliation motion on January 14, 2019, indicating that they wish to terminate their affiliation with USEF as of December 1, 2019.
While USEF shares AERC’s concerns regarding horse welfare, the Federation considers this delayed disaffiliation to be contrary to the best interest of the future of endurance sport on a national and international level. During AERC’s proposed period between now and December 1, 2019, USEF cannot be certain that AERC will comply with USEF’s affiliate requirements, including compliance with bylaws, rules, decisions of the Hearing Committee, and not impeding athletes’ ability to participate in international competitions, as protected under the Ted Stevens Act.
USEF will continue its commitment to national and international endurance sport and will appoint a special task force to oversee the development of the necessary mechanisms to fulfill the needs of endurance. Additionally, USEF is encouraged by the creation of the FEI Temporary Endurance Committee and looks forward to their report and recommendations for the future of endurance. USEF acknowledges that there may be some challenges as a transitional plan is put in place and will work to ensure minimal impact.
Please email usefendurance@usef.org with questions or concerns.
by US Equestrian Communications Department | Jan 16, 2019, 12:18 PM EST
Lexington, Ky. – The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) has announced that it has initiated proceedings to terminate the recognized affiliate status of the American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) as soon as possible following the AERC Board of Director’s approval of a disaffiliation motion on January 14, 2019, indicating that they wish to terminate their affiliation with USEF as of December 1, 2019.
While USEF shares AERC’s concerns regarding horse welfare, the Federation considers this delayed disaffiliation to be contrary to the best interest of the future of endurance sport on a national and international level. During AERC’s proposed period between now and December 1, 2019, USEF cannot be certain that AERC will comply with USEF’s affiliate requirements, including compliance with bylaws, rules, decisions of the Hearing Committee, and not impeding athletes’ ability to participate in international competitions, as protected under the Ted Stevens Act.
USEF will continue its commitment to national and international endurance sport and will appoint a special task force to oversee the development of the necessary mechanisms to fulfill the needs of endurance. Additionally, USEF is encouraged by the creation of the FEI Temporary Endurance Committee and looks forward to their report and recommendations for the future of endurance. USEF acknowledges that there may be some challenges as a transitional plan is put in place and will work to ensure minimal impact.
Please email usefendurance@usef.org with questions or concerns.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
American Endurance Ride Conference Severs Ties with USEF
January 15, 2019
The American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC), the national governing body for endurance riding since 1972, announced on January 15 that, as of December 1, 2019, it will no longer be affiliated with the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF).
The AERC Board of Directors voted on the disaffiliation motion at their January 14 conference call meeting after months of comments and deliberation.
Continuing the AERC/USEF affiliation through the 2019 ride season will allow previously co-sanctioned rides to be held and allow for a transition period before the 2020 ride season.
AERC, a nonprofit organization founded in 1972, was affiliated with USEF and its predecessor, the American Horse Show Association, since endurance riding became an international sport. Endurance riding was first included in the World Equestrian Games held in Sweden in 1990. The winner of that event was American Becky Grand Hart, riding RO Grand Sultan+/.
AERC’s International Committee, founded in 1991, will be working with the AERC Board of Directors to find a means to allow those seeking to participate in international competitions to continue to do so.
The AERC Board of Directors, which represents the organization's more than 4,900 members, will be working on a plan to facilitate the separation from USEF, according to AERC President Monica Chapman.
For more information about the American Endurance Ride Conference, visit www.AERC.org.
About the AERC
The American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) was founded in 1972 as a national governing body for long distance riding. Over the years it has developed a set of rules and guidelines designed to provide a standardized format and strict veterinary controls. The AERC sanctions more than 700 rides each year throughout North America and in 1993 Endurance became the fifth discipline under the United States Equestrian Team.
In addition to promoting the sport of endurance riding, the AERC encourages the use, protection, and development of equestrian trails, especially those with historic significance. Many special events of four to six consecutive days take place over historic trails, such as the Pony Express Trail, the Outlaw Trail, the Chief Joseph Trail, and the Lewis and Clark Trail. The founding ride of endurance riding, the Western States Trail Ride or “Tevis,” covers 100 miles of the famous Western States and Immigrant Trails over the Sierra Nevada Mountains. These rides promote awareness of the importance of trail preservation for future generations and foster an appreciation of our American heritage. For more information please visit us at www.aerc.org.
January 15, 2019
The American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC), the national governing body for endurance riding since 1972, announced on January 15 that, as of December 1, 2019, it will no longer be affiliated with the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF).
The AERC Board of Directors voted on the disaffiliation motion at their January 14 conference call meeting after months of comments and deliberation.
Continuing the AERC/USEF affiliation through the 2019 ride season will allow previously co-sanctioned rides to be held and allow for a transition period before the 2020 ride season.
AERC, a nonprofit organization founded in 1972, was affiliated with USEF and its predecessor, the American Horse Show Association, since endurance riding became an international sport. Endurance riding was first included in the World Equestrian Games held in Sweden in 1990. The winner of that event was American Becky Grand Hart, riding RO Grand Sultan+/.
AERC’s International Committee, founded in 1991, will be working with the AERC Board of Directors to find a means to allow those seeking to participate in international competitions to continue to do so.
The AERC Board of Directors, which represents the organization's more than 4,900 members, will be working on a plan to facilitate the separation from USEF, according to AERC President Monica Chapman.
For more information about the American Endurance Ride Conference, visit www.AERC.org.
About the AERC
The American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) was founded in 1972 as a national governing body for long distance riding. Over the years it has developed a set of rules and guidelines designed to provide a standardized format and strict veterinary controls. The AERC sanctions more than 700 rides each year throughout North America and in 1993 Endurance became the fifth discipline under the United States Equestrian Team.
In addition to promoting the sport of endurance riding, the AERC encourages the use, protection, and development of equestrian trails, especially those with historic significance. Many special events of four to six consecutive days take place over historic trails, such as the Pony Express Trail, the Outlaw Trail, the Chief Joseph Trail, and the Lewis and Clark Trail. The founding ride of endurance riding, the Western States Trail Ride or “Tevis,” covers 100 miles of the famous Western States and Immigrant Trails over the Sierra Nevada Mountains. These rides promote awareness of the importance of trail preservation for future generations and foster an appreciation of our American heritage. For more information please visit us at www.aerc.org.
Rebecca "Bucky" Spicer 1929-2019

Rebecca Hanna Spicer (Bucky) died on January 9, 2019 at Homewood of Crumland Farm in Frederick, Maryland. Her husband, John S. Spicer, Sr., predeceased her on June 3, 2017. She was born in Franklin, Pennsylvania on October 2, 1929. She was the daughter of Rebecca Sponsler and John Richard Hanna. Bucky’s first six years were spent in Franklin where she fell in love with horses. Her grandfather, John Lindsay Hanna, was business manager for the Sibley Estates, where they would let Bucky ride one of the team horses at lunch time.
In 1936 her father was transferred to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with Atlantic Refining Company, then she grew up in that area. She attended the Shipley School in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania then attended the Ambler branch of Temple University where she majored in agriculture and acquired her first German Shepherd. She made her social debut in Philadelphia in 1947.
When her parents moved to Sewickley, Pennsylvania, she fox hunted several years with the Sewickley Hunt Club. She then attended Penn State and became a milk tester. She traveled the state with her dog Brandy, doing advanced registry and AHR testing. Wanting to stay in one place, she became a Dairy Herd Information Association (DHIA) tester for Adams County, Pennsylvania where she met her future husband. During that year she was whipper-in for the Beaufort Hunt Club in Harrisburg.
She was then head of the riding department at the Gunston School in Centreville, Maryland and head of the riding department at Happy Valley Camp in Port Deposit, Maryland, always accompanied by her dog.
In 1955 she married John Stephen Spicer of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. They spent the first year of their married life at the farm he managed with his father and brother before moving to Sewickley, Pennsylvania for three years. Daughters Susan Rebecca and Sara Stephenie were born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. John was transferred to Bowling Green, Kentucky where Bucky established herself as the first female real estate agent in Bowling Green, and where son John Stephen, Jr. was born.
John was transferred back east where the family settled in Frederick, Maryland. Bucky became a real estate agent with Baker Kefauver before becoming a residential sales manager for Paul Ganley. During this time, she was on the Altar Guild at All Saints Episcopal Church and was also the Organizing Regent for the Carrollton Daughters of the American Revolution.
In 1969 the family moved to a farm in Woodsboro, Maryland, which they named Johnny-Reb Farm. Bucky became a whipper-in for Carrollton Hounds and then for the New Market Hunt Club. She was the first female director of the Maryland Angus Association. Bucky hosted the first handicapped riding program in Frederick County.
During those wonderful years with the children in Pony Club and 4-H, school and college, she bred and showed thoroughbred horses and even showed an Angus bull at the Frederick Fair. She started her competitive trail riding era in 1975 with horses Pywacket, Admiral Boy and Dagget. In 1992 she acquired an Arabian gelding named Bart (Caynga Vartan). The two of them won numerous championships and had over 6,000 miles in competition, besides the thousands of miles during training and pleasure rides. A highlight was when they completed the Old Dominion 100 mile one-day endurance ride. Bart won the Arabian Horse Association’s Legions of Honor, Supreme Honor, and Excellence, and was Horse of the Year before Cushing and Lyme disease forced him into retirement. He died on June 23, 2014...
Read more here:
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Last race of the year in the USA in Ocala, Florida
Endurance-world.com - Full Article
11 January 2019
Race Report made with the assistance of Cheryl Van Deusen
Florida Horse Park, Ocala, FL, USA. Friday 27 and Saturday 28 December 2018 was the site of two days of CEI 1*2* 3* endurance for seniors and young riders. It was unusually hot for winter and the course was difficult given the recent rains leading to erosion on the trails exposing lots of roots and deep sand.
Although a small ride overall given the post WEG recovery, the organisers were pleased to have athletes competing from nine countries to Canada, China, Columbia, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, South Africa, and the USA.
On Friday, the senior 2* event was won by Cheryl Van Deusen on Ebs Regal Majjan in 10:06 riding with the winning young rider Kate Bishop on LR April Breeze, owned by Lisa Green. Cheryl and Regal won the FEI BC for seniors and Kate Bishop and LR April Breeze was the Best Condition for YR. Kate and Breeze had a great day winning the overall best condition in the national CEI 120 distance as well!...
Read more here:
11 January 2019
Race Report made with the assistance of Cheryl Van Deusen
Florida Horse Park, Ocala, FL, USA. Friday 27 and Saturday 28 December 2018 was the site of two days of CEI 1*2* 3* endurance for seniors and young riders. It was unusually hot for winter and the course was difficult given the recent rains leading to erosion on the trails exposing lots of roots and deep sand.
Although a small ride overall given the post WEG recovery, the organisers were pleased to have athletes competing from nine countries to Canada, China, Columbia, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, South Africa, and the USA.
On Friday, the senior 2* event was won by Cheryl Van Deusen on Ebs Regal Majjan in 10:06 riding with the winning young rider Kate Bishop on LR April Breeze, owned by Lisa Green. Cheryl and Regal won the FEI BC for seniors and Kate Bishop and LR April Breeze was the Best Condition for YR. Kate and Breeze had a great day winning the overall best condition in the national CEI 120 distance as well!...
Read more here:
Wednesday, January 09, 2019
2019 January's Endurance Day on Horses in the Morning

Jan 8, 2019
In today’s Endurance episode we talk about the history of Endurance with Dawn Kerr, the Maggy Price Endurance Excellence Award winner Cheryl Van Deusen and Lisa Schneider Board of Directors member on new rules changes for 2019 ride season. Plus, Karen’s trip to the ER and The Distance Depot Marino sheepskins, listen in...
Sunday, January 06, 2019
2019 AERC Convention Information

March 8 and 9, 2019 - Grand Sierra Resort – Reno, Nevada
1. The first 200 people to sign up will receive a hand-made ceramic horse magnet, courtesy of Adventures In Clay Ceramics
2. Drawing #1 – sign up by 2/10/19 – $50 Riding Warehouse gift card and 10 AERC raffle tickets
3. Drawing #2 – sign up by 2/10/19 – handmade platter by Anne York of Starfire Design Studio (see her booth at convention!) and 25 AERC raffle tickets
We're heading back to Reno for the 2019 AERC convention. AERC's convention is the most fun you can have without your horse! Two days of informative and thought-provoking seminars on Friday and Saturday, shopping galore, seeing old friends and meeting new ones, awards presentations, Hot Topics seminars, plus fun Friday night entertainment and the awards banquet on Saturday night.
Sign up for the 2019 AERC Convention online! You're also welcome to call the AERC office to register: 866-271-2372.
Register by February 22, 2019, to receive discounted seminar pricing. While the complete seminar schedule is not yet available, we can confirm that speakers will include veterinarian/clinicians Margaret Brosnahan, Langdon Fielding, Kenneth Marcella, Yvette Nout-Lomas and Mike Peralez, There will also be a session by expert ride managers. Watch for more details!
HOTEL: A favorite of AERC members, the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino at 2500 E 2nd Street in Reno, Nevada 89595 has everything all in one spot, so it's a great place to stay, and eat, and shop -- all under one roof.
Grand Sierra Resort
Reservations are now OPEN! For online reservations: Grand Sierra Resort reservation link. For phone reservations: 800-501-2651, and give this code: ARIDE9.
Thank you for making your reservation through the AERC links. Hotel costs: weeknights are $116.70 total; $143.83 on weekend nights. The hotel rooms have all been remodeled and should be a wonderful place to stay while you enjoy all the convention has to offer.
VETERINARIANS: The Veterinary Committee has tentatively scheduled a two-day CE (veterinarian-only) for March 7 and 8, 2019. This two-day program is very popular with AERC veterinarians and we hope you will join in.
TRADE SHOW EXHIBITORS: We welcome exhibitors! Here is the information you need to know to be part of the 2019 AERC Convention Trade Show -- with map of available booths and a link to an online sign-up forms. Please contact the AERC office if you you have any questions: 866-271-2372.
Cheryl Van Deusen and Alex Shampoe Awarded Top Honors in Endurance
by US Equestrian Communications Department | Jan 4, 2019, 10:43 AM EST
Lexington, Ky. - US Equestrian (USEF) is pleased to announce the winners of two prestigious awards in the discipline of endurance. Cheryl Van Deusen has been awarded the Maggy Price Endurance Excellence Award, and Alex Shampoe has been awarded the Brunjes Junior/Young Rider Trophy.
The Maggy Price Endurance Excellence Award is presented to the top U.S. senior endurance rider. This award is sponsored by Gold Medal Farm and Larry and Valerie Kanavy, in memory of Maggy Price. Price was the 1992 FEI World Endurance Championship silver medalist and was instrumental in the development of international endurance in the U.S. The Brunjes Junior/Young Rider Trophy is presented to the top U.S. young rider and is awarded in memory of Kathy Brunjes. Brunjes was a successful endurance athlete and an active supporter of the junior/young rider program.
Van Deusen (New Smyrna Beach, Fla.) is currently ranked in the top 10 on the FEI Endurance Open Riders World Ranking list. Van Deusen’s characteristic consistency and dedication shown through again throughout 2018, ending the competition year at the Broxton Bridge CEI3*-160 and CEI2*-120 where she placed fourth and second, respectively. Van Deusen also rode for the U.S. Endurance Team for the FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018 with Hoover the Mover, her 15-year-old Arabian gelding. This impressive combination currently tops the FEI Endurance Open Combination World Ranking list. This is the second consecutive year Van Deusen has won the Maggy Price Endurance Excellence Award.
Shampoe (Colorado Springs, Colo.) kicked off the competition year with a top-three finish in the High Roller CEIYJ2*-120. She went on to win the Fire Mountain CEIYJ2*-70+ (2) and three more CEIYJ2*-120 competitions throughout the year, all with different mounts. This ambitious young rider strives to develop her skills and gain more experience, most recently competing and completing a CEI1*-80 and a CEI2*-120 in Dubai.
The 2018 Maggy Price Endurance Excellence Award and the Brunjes Junior/Young Rider Trophy will be presented at the Horse of the Year Awards presented by AON during the 2019 US Equestrian Annual Meeting on Saturday, January 12, in West Palm Beach, Fla.
Stay up to date on U.S. Endurance by following USA Endurance on Facebook and US Equestrian on Instagram and Twitter. Use #USAEndurance.
by US Equestrian Communications Department | Jan 4, 2019, 10:43 AM EST
Lexington, Ky. - US Equestrian (USEF) is pleased to announce the winners of two prestigious awards in the discipline of endurance. Cheryl Van Deusen has been awarded the Maggy Price Endurance Excellence Award, and Alex Shampoe has been awarded the Brunjes Junior/Young Rider Trophy.
The Maggy Price Endurance Excellence Award is presented to the top U.S. senior endurance rider. This award is sponsored by Gold Medal Farm and Larry and Valerie Kanavy, in memory of Maggy Price. Price was the 1992 FEI World Endurance Championship silver medalist and was instrumental in the development of international endurance in the U.S. The Brunjes Junior/Young Rider Trophy is presented to the top U.S. young rider and is awarded in memory of Kathy Brunjes. Brunjes was a successful endurance athlete and an active supporter of the junior/young rider program.
Van Deusen (New Smyrna Beach, Fla.) is currently ranked in the top 10 on the FEI Endurance Open Riders World Ranking list. Van Deusen’s characteristic consistency and dedication shown through again throughout 2018, ending the competition year at the Broxton Bridge CEI3*-160 and CEI2*-120 where she placed fourth and second, respectively. Van Deusen also rode for the U.S. Endurance Team for the FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018 with Hoover the Mover, her 15-year-old Arabian gelding. This impressive combination currently tops the FEI Endurance Open Combination World Ranking list. This is the second consecutive year Van Deusen has won the Maggy Price Endurance Excellence Award.
Shampoe (Colorado Springs, Colo.) kicked off the competition year with a top-three finish in the High Roller CEIYJ2*-120. She went on to win the Fire Mountain CEIYJ2*-70+ (2) and three more CEIYJ2*-120 competitions throughout the year, all with different mounts. This ambitious young rider strives to develop her skills and gain more experience, most recently competing and completing a CEI1*-80 and a CEI2*-120 in Dubai.
The 2018 Maggy Price Endurance Excellence Award and the Brunjes Junior/Young Rider Trophy will be presented at the Horse of the Year Awards presented by AON during the 2019 US Equestrian Annual Meeting on Saturday, January 12, in West Palm Beach, Fla.
Stay up to date on U.S. Endurance by following USA Endurance on Facebook and US Equestrian on Instagram and Twitter. Use #USAEndurance.
Saturday, January 05, 2019
Endurance Rider Holly Corcoran Shines in a Sport She Loves
EastCoastEquestrian.net - Full Article
Suzanne Bush - January 2019
Growing up in New Jersey, Holly Corcoran rode horses on her family’s farm. She loved horses and she loved trail riding. But she took some time off to raise her two children and eventually found herself back in the company of horses after a 15-year break.
“When I got back into riding, my kids were riding one horse and we did showing. My daughter was into the showing, but I was not excited about the horse show prospects.” She thought about what she really loved: trails. And her odyssey began. Really. It became an epic adventure!
Corcoran, who has a small farm in Effort PA, in Monroe County, joined a close-knit band of riders who compete against each other and against teams from all over the world in Endurance Riding. The competitions can be short (it’s all relative, of course) 25 or 30 miles, or longer, as in, 50 miles and 100 miles, during which horse and rider compete against other teams. But they’re also competing against their own stamina, heart and ability to stay focused when it’s dark and cold or sunny and brutally hot or rainy, snowy, misty or you-name-it. The footing isn’t always predictable. There are “craggly” places, as Corcoran describes them. But those are mere footnotes in the adventure...
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Suzanne Bush - January 2019
Growing up in New Jersey, Holly Corcoran rode horses on her family’s farm. She loved horses and she loved trail riding. But she took some time off to raise her two children and eventually found herself back in the company of horses after a 15-year break.
“When I got back into riding, my kids were riding one horse and we did showing. My daughter was into the showing, but I was not excited about the horse show prospects.” She thought about what she really loved: trails. And her odyssey began. Really. It became an epic adventure!
Corcoran, who has a small farm in Effort PA, in Monroe County, joined a close-knit band of riders who compete against each other and against teams from all over the world in Endurance Riding. The competitions can be short (it’s all relative, of course) 25 or 30 miles, or longer, as in, 50 miles and 100 miles, during which horse and rider compete against other teams. But they’re also competing against their own stamina, heart and ability to stay focused when it’s dark and cold or sunny and brutally hot or rainy, snowy, misty or you-name-it. The footing isn’t always predictable. There are “craggly” places, as Corcoran describes them. But those are mere footnotes in the adventure...
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Thursday, January 03, 2019
Young Riders: Anne Ayala AERC Scholarship Application Due January 7
Young riders! Just a few days remain to apply for the Anne Ayala AERC Scholarship! Click on the link if you are (or know!) an AERC member between senior year in high school and age 21. Please apply but get that application in by January 7.
Scholarship details and information all on the link or contact Steph Teeter, Junior Committee chair, at steph@endurance.net.
Young riders! Just a few days remain to apply for the Anne Ayala AERC Scholarship! Click on the link if you are (or know!) an AERC member between senior year in high school and age 21. Please apply but get that application in by January 7.
Scholarship details and information all on the link or contact Steph Teeter, Junior Committee chair, at steph@endurance.net.
Illinois: Iconic and ironic: Metro East farm plans to sell Arabian horses to Saudi Arabia
NewsPressNow.com - full article
y joe holleman • St. Louis Post-Dispatch Jan 2, 2019
Of all that Saudi Arabia may lack, one wouldn’t guess that Arabian horses are one of them.
But unlikely as it seems, this is where a Metro East stable comes in — providing Arabian horses to Saudi Arabia.
“For thousands of years, Saudi Arabia was a country that moved on horses and camels,” said Rodger Davis, owner of the Riding Center near Freeburg. “But once oil was discovered, it became a country of Rolls Royces and Maseratis.
“Some of the bloodlines of these animals got lost. And some Saudis feel they lost connection with their past.”
And as unlikely as it may sound, the Arabian horses that are now being bred at Davis’ 300-acre operation off Route 13 on Red Ray Mine Road are as pure as it gets.
So Davis and his head trainer, Sarah Sanders, visited several times last year with Saudi officials and hope to strike a long-term business deal...
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y joe holleman • St. Louis Post-Dispatch Jan 2, 2019
Of all that Saudi Arabia may lack, one wouldn’t guess that Arabian horses are one of them.
But unlikely as it seems, this is where a Metro East stable comes in — providing Arabian horses to Saudi Arabia.
“For thousands of years, Saudi Arabia was a country that moved on horses and camels,” said Rodger Davis, owner of the Riding Center near Freeburg. “But once oil was discovered, it became a country of Rolls Royces and Maseratis.
“Some of the bloodlines of these animals got lost. And some Saudis feel they lost connection with their past.”
And as unlikely as it may sound, the Arabian horses that are now being bred at Davis’ 300-acre operation off Route 13 on Red Ray Mine Road are as pure as it gets.
So Davis and his head trainer, Sarah Sanders, visited several times last year with Saudi officials and hope to strike a long-term business deal...
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