The next world championship was in Front Royal, VA, USA. Living out west, Rio was used to breathing and working in very dry air. To create a humid climate, I trained him with his stable sheet on over the saddle. It worked very well. I also made the decision to fly him to the east coast – a 15 hour day as opposed to 3 or 4 days driving across the country. Rio arrived at the ride site and settled comfortably into his stall, and did not seem bothered by the humidity.
The weather was very hot and the day before the race we packed the crew bags. We put in only a light stable sheet since it was so hot. The day of the race the weather turned very cool abut half way through. At the 80 mile check it rained and we had nothing to put on the horse. He was very hungry and stood the entire 20 minutes eating. When we went to take him to the out-timer he was walking very stiffly. We heard a collective gasp from the spectators, who were standing under a shelter nearby...
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