May 22 2019
Self photographers and voters from around the world enthusiastically participated in Endurance.net's first photo contest, "Between the Ears", sharing their favorite trail views from the saddle. Bonnie Girod, from Libby, Montana, and her grade half Arabian Luna won first place and a custom painting by Steph Teeter.

Now it's time to enter Endurance.net's second photo contest, "HORSIE"!
A "HORSIE" shot is a Horse + Selfie. Take a selfie photo of you with your horse. Be creative, be humorous, be artistic. Email them to contests@endurance.net and include a few short details - your name, horse's name, and where the photo was taken.
Then start voting! One vote per email address per day is allowed. Anybody can enter; anybody can vote. Send your daily votes to contests@endurance.net .
We'll upload the photos to this page on Endurance.net, and post updates on Endurance.net's Facebook page, and everybody will be able to choose their favorite and vote via email. Contest begins today, July 2, and closes July 31.
First, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth places will be determined by sheer number of votes and will receive special prizes. Previous first place winners are not eligible for the first place prize :) .
First Place will receive a small painted portrait of your choice (horse or other pet), courtesy Steph Teeter (www.idaho.com/StephTeeterArt/consignment/ ).
Second place will receive a copy of Merri Melde's book, Tevis Cup Magic: Taking on the World's Toughest Endurance Ride (soft cover or ebook, your choice).
Third place will receive a copy of Leonard Liesen’s book ‘Endurance: a French Perspective'.
Fourth, fifth, and sixth places will receive a gift certificate from Riding Warehouse for $50, $25, and $10, respectively.
Send in your photos now, and vote once a day, now! contests@endurance.net

**Photos can be taken anywhere around the world, but USA addresses only are eligible for prizes, unless you want to pay postage and insurance**

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