For Immediate Release: May 28, 2013
Contact: Peg Greiwe
By Sarah Wynne Jackson
Back Country Horsemen of America is known for protecting our right to ride horses on public lands and for donating millions of dollars of volunteer value each year towards maintaining trails, but their hard work doesn’t end there. These horsemen and horsewomen see themselves as an integral part of their communities and they enjoy using their unique skills to benefit those around them.
Cowboy Canned Food Convoy
Each year, the Redwood Unit of Back Country Horsemen of California partners with Food for People (the food bank of Humboldt County) for the Cowboy Canned Food Convoy as part of the county’s Annual Holiday Spirit Food & Fund Drive and Hunger Fighter Challenge.
Collected cans are gathered at Quality Body Works on West Del Norte Street in Eureka. Just before Thanksgiving, the Redwood Unit loads their pack horses with the bounty and delivers it to the food bank through streets lined with townsfolk gathered to see the horses. The food bank staff greets the horses with carrots and apples. Last year, the Redwood Unit of BCHC transported 440 pounds of non-perishable food donations to be distributed to those in need in their area.
The Redwood Unit of Backcountry Horsemen of California is based in Eureka. Many members live in outlying areas, primarily in Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. Their local public lands of interest include the Lost Coast, Redwood National Park, Humboldt Redwoods State Park, the Marble Mountain Wilderness Area, Trinity Alps Wilderness Area, Yolla Bolly Wilderness, several BLM management areas, and county park beaches.
Cans and Cash
The High Sierra Chapter of Back Country Horsemen of Nevada participates in an annual food drive for the Food Bank of Northern Nevada, which is sponsored by local television stations. Throughout the year, chapter members bring non-perishable food items to their monthly meetings, which are stored for delivery to the food bank during the holidays.
Last year, in addition to their gift of 350 pounds of food, the High Sierra Chapter presented the food bank with a generous check. At the chapter’s holiday party, member Don Daniel told the rest of the group that he would match money they donated to the food drive that night. Challenge donations totaled $250 to make a donation of $500.
Members of the High Sierra Chapter loaded their donations onto pack horses and delivered them to one of the three drop-off locations, the Carson Valley Inn and Casino in Minden. On a cold, dark December evening, the team rode into the parking lot amidst fire engines with flashing emergency lights, city traffic, and TV camera crew lights. Local people came to pat the horses and have their photos taken with them.
High Sierra Chapter Vice President Edward Acosta was interviewed on live television. The High Sierra Chapter BCHNV has set themselves the goal of increasing their donation this year.
Teaching Future Back Country Horsemen
Last summer, a 4-H leader with the Kalispel Tribe of Indians asked Back Country Horsemen of Washington to give their young people hands-on lessons about horses. Five members of the Northeast Chapter attended their three-day campout in July and assisted tribal program staff in teaching horsemanship to the 15 youth (grades 5-8), their high school age mentors, and some adult leaders.
Located near Cusick, Washington, not far from the Idaho border, the Kalispel Tribe leases land near Priest Lake, Idaho, an ideal place for the young people to camp and learn. The majority of them were tribal members, but the program is open to all youth in the area.
The Northeast Chapter volunteers first taught the basics of safety around horses, horse anatomy, Leave No Trace principles, and packing guidelines. After these lessons, each person had an opportunity to climb bareback onto a quiet, reliable pony for instruction in balance and posture.
Then the children worked one-on-one with the horses, learning more about safety, grooming, tacking up, mounting, and riding while being led by the BCHW teachers on the ground. Each group finished with a short trail ride through a meadow and around stands of trees, before unsaddling and leading the horses to nearby Goose Creek for water.
The kids raved about how much they enjoyed the horses and the Kalispel 4-H leaders asked the Northeast Chapter of BCHW to expand the program
for next year.
Founded in 1976, Back Country Horsemen of Washington was one of the four original member organizations of the newly formed Back Country Horsemen of America. The Northeast Chapter was created in 1999.
It’s Not Only About Trails
Back Country Horsemen of America recognizes the time and effort these member organizations volunteer to the benefit of the folks around them. BCHA is first and foremost a service organization, and that doesn’t just mean on the trails. These stories are only a few examples of the many ways that BCHA member organizations seek to make our world a better place. Back Country Horsemen of America encourages all horsemen and horsewomen to get involved with local causes with their own unique equestrian style.
About Back Country Horsemen of America
BCHA is a non-profit corporation made up of state organizations, affiliates, and at-large members. Their efforts have brought about positive changes in regards to the use of horses and stock in wilderness and public lands.
If you want to know more about Back Country Horsemen of America or become a member, visit their website:, call 888-893-5161, or write PO Box 1367, Graham, WA 98338-1367. The future of horse use on public lands is in our hands!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Tevis Sponsored Junior Rider Program
May 22 2013
We are excited to announce that the first 15 qualified juniors to submit a ride application with a qualified sponsor application for the 2013 Tevis will have their entry sponsored! Yes, our young riders can ride free of charge!
If you would like to sponsor one of our junior riders,
contact the WSTF office.
For more information, click here.
We are excited to announce that the first 15 qualified juniors to submit a ride application with a qualified sponsor application for the 2013 Tevis will have their entry sponsored! Yes, our young riders can ride free of charge!
If you would like to sponsor one of our junior riders,
contact the WSTF office.
For more information, click here.
Friday, May 24, 2013
To Finish is to Win - Full Article
Hitting the long trail, horseback
ARTICLE | MAY 23, 2013 - 1:00AM | BY NADIA RAZA
It is 4:54 pm along a dusty trail in the high desert of Eastern Oregon. I am out of breath, heaving my weight against a wooden post trying to finesse a centimeter of slack in the latch that is holding together a large, awkward barbed wire fence. There is some urgency to my efforts because two humans and three horses are waiting to access the trail on the other side of the fence. We have been riding for 43 miles and we have seven more to go. Welcome to endurance horse riding.
Endurance riding = horses + humans + wilderness + distance — what could be better? Dominated by Arabian horses that evolved with a unique physiological stamina and enthusiasm for distance, endurance riding is a sport, a tradition and a testament to the relationship between humans and horses...
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Hitting the long trail, horseback
ARTICLE | MAY 23, 2013 - 1:00AM | BY NADIA RAZA
It is 4:54 pm along a dusty trail in the high desert of Eastern Oregon. I am out of breath, heaving my weight against a wooden post trying to finesse a centimeter of slack in the latch that is holding together a large, awkward barbed wire fence. There is some urgency to my efforts because two humans and three horses are waiting to access the trail on the other side of the fence. We have been riding for 43 miles and we have seven more to go. Welcome to endurance horse riding.
Endurance riding = horses + humans + wilderness + distance — what could be better? Dominated by Arabian horses that evolved with a unique physiological stamina and enthusiasm for distance, endurance riding is a sport, a tradition and a testament to the relationship between humans and horses...
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Wednesday, May 22, 2013
ACTHA Honors The First Ever Member Ambassador Award
May 21st, 2013
877-99-ACTHA (22842)
May 20 2013
Judy Limsky and her horse Picasso have made ACTHA and trail rider history. To win ACTHA's Ambassador distinction a rider and their horse must accumulate 600 performance points in the open division. This award is the highest award that can be attained in ACTHA. What makes this even more remarkable than the 100+ competitions Judy and Picasso took part in, is the fact they had never competed in any discipline before ACTHA.
"What I find remarkable states Carrie Scrima, an ACTHA Founder, is no matter where we show up on ACTHA's circuits everyone has only great praise for Judy and Picasso. After a lifetime of competing I find this wonderfully refreshing and a good example of the sportsmanship of the ACTHA casual competitor."
So much so that ACTHA has instituted a new award, dedicated to Judy's horse, The annual Picasso Award. This award goes to one who is nominated by any ACTHA member or ACTHA judge for displaying dedicated sportsmanship during the ride season. Nominations are sent to a special email address, to continue to honor Picasso for decades of ACTHA rides to come. Any member or host may be nominated with the winner receiving a complimentary lifetime membership valued at a little under $1,000. ACTHA hopes that this tribute will emphasize how much value is placed on being a good sport in their casual competitions. "If the public were open for nominations I'd nominate Mark Limsky who trailered, volunteered and cheered EVERYBODY on at most every event Judy competed in!" chuckled Robin Tilgham director of National Sales.
As an ACTHA Ambassador Judy will receive lifetime privileges entitling her to complimentary rides and membership. She will also represent ACTHA on a stipend basis at various events around the country. She will hang up her competitive hat and now wear the role of ACTHA Ambassador while enjoying the ride, side by side of newcomers and friends.
The American Competitive Trail Horse Association is based near Austin Texas and for 5 years has been following the below mission.
To create an enjoyable venue showcasing the wonderful attributes of the great American trail horse and granting them the recognition they so richly deserve.
To create a registry open to all breeds and a point designation system which will stay with each horse for its lifetime, thereby adding to their value and distinction.
To create and enable humane treatment options and employment for horses in need.
May 21st, 2013
877-99-ACTHA (22842)
May 20 2013
Judy Limsky and her horse Picasso have made ACTHA and trail rider history. To win ACTHA's Ambassador distinction a rider and their horse must accumulate 600 performance points in the open division. This award is the highest award that can be attained in ACTHA. What makes this even more remarkable than the 100+ competitions Judy and Picasso took part in, is the fact they had never competed in any discipline before ACTHA.
"What I find remarkable states Carrie Scrima, an ACTHA Founder, is no matter where we show up on ACTHA's circuits everyone has only great praise for Judy and Picasso. After a lifetime of competing I find this wonderfully refreshing and a good example of the sportsmanship of the ACTHA casual competitor."
So much so that ACTHA has instituted a new award, dedicated to Judy's horse, The annual Picasso Award. This award goes to one who is nominated by any ACTHA member or ACTHA judge for displaying dedicated sportsmanship during the ride season. Nominations are sent to a special email address, to continue to honor Picasso for decades of ACTHA rides to come. Any member or host may be nominated with the winner receiving a complimentary lifetime membership valued at a little under $1,000. ACTHA hopes that this tribute will emphasize how much value is placed on being a good sport in their casual competitions. "If the public were open for nominations I'd nominate Mark Limsky who trailered, volunteered and cheered EVERYBODY on at most every event Judy competed in!" chuckled Robin Tilgham director of National Sales.
As an ACTHA Ambassador Judy will receive lifetime privileges entitling her to complimentary rides and membership. She will also represent ACTHA on a stipend basis at various events around the country. She will hang up her competitive hat and now wear the role of ACTHA Ambassador while enjoying the ride, side by side of newcomers and friends.
The American Competitive Trail Horse Association is based near Austin Texas and for 5 years has been following the below mission.
To create an enjoyable venue showcasing the wonderful attributes of the great American trail horse and granting them the recognition they so richly deserve.
To create a registry open to all breeds and a point designation system which will stay with each horse for its lifetime, thereby adding to their value and distinction.
To create and enable humane treatment options and employment for horses in need.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Not Tonight wins 160 km at Biltmore Estates endurance ride - Full Article
May 12, 2013
By Pamela@horsereporter
May 4, 2013, Asheville, North Carolina ~ Nicki Meuten riding Not Tonight, aka, Nellie, has won the 160k ride and Best Condition (BC) at this historic event in the time of 9:59:03. Her finish time bettered the last two years finish by almost an hour. (2012 winning 160km ride time was 10:53:19; 2010 winning 160km ride time was 10:19:12) Nicola Gilbert, riding Cleopatrah came in 2nd by 16 minutes.
Don & Nicki Meuten, veterinarians by trade and avid endurance riders, are doubly proud, as their home-bred, FYF Dutch (LS Zand Grey x Lateef Zeda) with Young Rider, Sara Jack onboard, was first and also took BC in the 120km. Sarah Jack is working to qualify to ride in the FEI North American Junior & Young Rider Championships (NAJYRC) to be held July 17-21, 2013, at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, KY.
Meuten’s Winning Strategy
Dawn Osborne, Don Meuten and Sarah’s father, Blaine, crewed the Meuten horses. From Don Meuten: “They came in together off of their separate loops at the last check for (120km) 75s, second to last check for (160km)100s. Both got through great, Nellie out 1-2 minutes in front of FYF Dutch, so we decided that Nicki would just keep up a steady trot to wait for Sarah and Dutch. We told Sarah just to take off (after her release time); to catch Nicki and Nellie was a piece of cake. Dutch can handle it; he is a 100- miler too...”
Read more here:
May 12, 2013
By Pamela@horsereporter
May 4, 2013, Asheville, North Carolina ~ Nicki Meuten riding Not Tonight, aka, Nellie, has won the 160k ride and Best Condition (BC) at this historic event in the time of 9:59:03. Her finish time bettered the last two years finish by almost an hour. (2012 winning 160km ride time was 10:53:19; 2010 winning 160km ride time was 10:19:12) Nicola Gilbert, riding Cleopatrah came in 2nd by 16 minutes.
Don & Nicki Meuten, veterinarians by trade and avid endurance riders, are doubly proud, as their home-bred, FYF Dutch (LS Zand Grey x Lateef Zeda) with Young Rider, Sara Jack onboard, was first and also took BC in the 120km. Sarah Jack is working to qualify to ride in the FEI North American Junior & Young Rider Championships (NAJYRC) to be held July 17-21, 2013, at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, KY.
Meuten’s Winning Strategy
Dawn Osborne, Don Meuten and Sarah’s father, Blaine, crewed the Meuten horses. From Don Meuten: “They came in together off of their separate loops at the last check for (120km) 75s, second to last check for (160km)100s. Both got through great, Nellie out 1-2 minutes in front of FYF Dutch, so we decided that Nicki would just keep up a steady trot to wait for Sarah and Dutch. We told Sarah just to take off (after her release time); to catch Nicki and Nellie was a piece of cake. Dutch can handle it; he is a 100- miler too...”
Read more here:
Monday, May 20, 2013
Colorado: The Heritage Ride

June 15th, 2013 - Greenland Open Space - Douglas County, CO
Saddle Up, It's Time for a Trail Ride - The Council is having its “first” Annual Heritage Ride in Douglas County, Greenland Open Space, on June 15th,2013. The purpose of this ride is to make people aware of our efforts and the equine industry in our state. This ride will focus on education of those in and out of the equine community and will be a fundraiser to support our work in protecting horses in our state. The Colorado Horse Council invites all equestrians to come and join us in a day-long equine adventure, The Heritage Ride.
There will be educational opportunities for you to learn about trail riding, equine safety and much, much more. You will also have the opportunity to ride with guest clinicians, Mike Brashear, Debbie Bibb, and Scott Whinfrey. The ride will be about a 2 ½ hour ride and is right off the hwy at the Greenland open space, just south of Castle Rock.
For more information see:
Saturday, May 18, 2013
First Person: Peace of the long-distance rider

Racing through America helps banker slow down
By Steve Cocheo, executive editor & digital content manager
Astride one of his Arabian horses in an endurance race, Jim Lewien's mind narrows to the trail ahead and his mount's performance. "You don't think about work, the bank, or anything like that," says the Colorado executive. "It's very hard riding, but it's very recreational, because it's very physical and you don't have the same mental element you do on the job."
Lewien, chairman of the Denver region of $22.2 billion-assets Commerce Bancshares, grew up riding the horses of an across-the-street friend. They just hacked around, but he kept that love of riding. Yet, life happened in the meantime, and the banker didn't do much more regular riding, other than working some cattle on a relative's farm. Then, about nine years ago, at 59, he discovered endurance riding and bought several young horses that could grow into good competitors.
Distances vary according to race, rider class, and time and trail available. In common to all races is that under the rules of the American Endurance Ride Conference-its motto is "To Finish Is To Win"-horses undergo checks before, during, and after a race. Lewien explains that a horse pushed too hard by a rider-or its own competitive instincts-won't "pulse down" within the time limit. This costs horse and rider some standing.
"The health of the horse is paramount," says Lewien. Typically, during the days that many events last, the rider sleeps near his horses. (Riders may ride multiple horses in a meet.) Lewien's horse trailer has a small bunk space...
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Friday, May 17, 2013
9 Weeks till the 58th Tevis Cup

With 9 weeks left till the 58th annual Tevis Cup, 66 riders are pre-entered for the ride.
See the entry list at:
Tevis Joint Trail Agreement

2 April 2013
Dear Western States Trail Stakeholders,
During the past several weeks representatives from the Western States Trail Foundation and the Western States 100-Mile Run Foundation have met regarding the future of the Western States Trail. Both organizations have agreed to allocate resources to work together in maintaining the trail, in preserving its historic nature and in ensuring its accessibility to the public. Our long-term goal is to develop a collaborative, strategic vision for future efforts between our organizations in all of these key areas. Both organizations will do this while working in collaboration and cooperation with the private land owners and other interested organizations and foundations as well as local, state and federal agencies that are charged with managing this precious resource.
We plan regularly updating all Western States stakeholders on our progress in this joint trail agreement.
Kathie D. Perry
Western States Trail Foundation
John Trent
Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run Foundation
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Local Washingon endurance riders off to fast start - Full Article
May 15 2013
WALLA WALLA — Walla Walla endurance riders have had a good start to the season.
Dean Hoalst won the 75th “Home on the Range” endurance race in April near Washtucna, followed by a win two weeks later an hour ahead of the next rider at the 50-mile “Tough Sucker” race south of Boise on his horse, Rocket.
At Washtucna, Walla Wallan Heather Ruth Wimer took fourth place in the 25-mile race.
In early May at the 25-mile Prineville, Ore., race local horses Captain Calypso and Sweet Steele, owned by Walla Wallan Ernie Schrader came in second and fourth, with Schrader on Sweet Steele and Katie Glawoski of Stanwood, Wash., on Captain Calypso.
Liz Erb of Walla Walla placed third on a horse owned by local Jerry Parton.
The three finished at the same time but “pulsed down” about a minute apart, Schrader said.
In the longer distance races, the finish time is when the horse crosses the finish line, and subsequently passes the veterinarian exam...
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May 15 2013
WALLA WALLA — Walla Walla endurance riders have had a good start to the season.
Dean Hoalst won the 75th “Home on the Range” endurance race in April near Washtucna, followed by a win two weeks later an hour ahead of the next rider at the 50-mile “Tough Sucker” race south of Boise on his horse, Rocket.
At Washtucna, Walla Wallan Heather Ruth Wimer took fourth place in the 25-mile race.
In early May at the 25-mile Prineville, Ore., race local horses Captain Calypso and Sweet Steele, owned by Walla Wallan Ernie Schrader came in second and fourth, with Schrader on Sweet Steele and Katie Glawoski of Stanwood, Wash., on Captain Calypso.
Liz Erb of Walla Walla placed third on a horse owned by local Jerry Parton.
The three finished at the same time but “pulsed down” about a minute apart, Schrader said.
In the longer distance races, the finish time is when the horse crosses the finish line, and subsequently passes the veterinarian exam...
Read more here:
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Nevada Discovery Ride
May 2013 - 450 Miles for Wild Horses
The Scale Has Tipped...
Right now, more than 35,000 wild horses are warehoused in holding facilities across the western United States. These horses will never be returned to the wild, and they languish in limbo. Government roundups continue annually - at a rate that exceeds adoption demand. Something needs to be done...
Nevada is home to more wild horses than any other state. That's why in May 2013, one mustang, one dog, and one human, will journey across the state to bring attention to their plight and encourage adoption.
The trio will trace the Nevada-portion of the American Discovery Trail: a challenging 450 mile route through mountains and deserts, ghost towns and wilderness, sand dunes and state parks, Pony Express stations and tribal lands. This is the 1st ever solo ride along the Nevada ADT! The equestrian adventure will be captured on film as part of an upcoming documentary about wild horses in the West.
We invite you to follow along on our journey, learn about wild horses, and support our cause. Please consider bringing one of these icons of American history into your home!
The Scale Has Tipped...
Right now, more than 35,000 wild horses are warehoused in holding facilities across the western United States. These horses will never be returned to the wild, and they languish in limbo. Government roundups continue annually - at a rate that exceeds adoption demand. Something needs to be done...
Nevada is home to more wild horses than any other state. That's why in May 2013, one mustang, one dog, and one human, will journey across the state to bring attention to their plight and encourage adoption.
The trio will trace the Nevada-portion of the American Discovery Trail: a challenging 450 mile route through mountains and deserts, ghost towns and wilderness, sand dunes and state parks, Pony Express stations and tribal lands. This is the 1st ever solo ride along the Nevada ADT! The equestrian adventure will be captured on film as part of an upcoming documentary about wild horses in the West.
We invite you to follow along on our journey, learn about wild horses, and support our cause. Please consider bringing one of these icons of American history into your home!
Trail Symposium scheduled for Western States Horse Expo in June
The symposium will feature resources for competitive and non-competitive trail riders.
May 14, 2013
Edited Press Release
Of the over two million horse owners in the United States, 73 percent of them participate in trail and pleasure riding. That’s a staggering figure that makes one sit up and take notice. And that’s exactly what the president of Western States Horse Expo Miki Nelsen did 15 years ago when she founded this event.
"I knew how important trail riding was to horse owners, and how important it is to my own heart," says Nelsen. "I finished the famous Tevis Cup Ride in 1994, meeting the challenge of 100 miles over the Sierra Nevada Mountains. It changed my life — riding for close to 24 hours over that magnificent terrain is something almost unexplainable.
"I also realized that people are anxious for information about trail riding, camping with horses, challenging events on the trail like endurance and competitive trail riding (American Competitive Trail Horse Association [ACTHA] and North American Trail Riding Conference [NATRC]),” continues Nelsen. "So when I planned the first Horse Expo, I wanted trail riders to have a voice in the activities at the Expo. For 15 years, I’m proud to say that we’ve continued to create and grow an informative Trail Symposium within the Expo.”
This year’s Western States Horse Expo, June 7-9, 2013 at Cal Expo in Sacramento, California, promises to host even more trail experts and trail topics than ever before.
International endurance champion Becky Hart will lend her expertise in distance riding to the audience. She is a three-time FEI World Endurance Champion, was inducted into the American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) Hall of Fame, was the AHSA (now USEF) Equestrian of the Year, and won the Tevis Cup Ride twice on the same horse. Her knowledge of the mental and physical qualities of the endurance horse — and what it takes for the rider to succeed—are beyond measure.
Speakers from ACTHA and NATRC are also slated for those who want to ride at a slower pace and travel fewer miles than required for endurance. These two organizations excel in educating people about horsemanship, horse care, veterinary criteria and correct pacing on the trail. For those thousands of people who want to get out on new trails, camp with like-minded people, and see what the judges have to say about their horsemanship and their horse — these competitions are perfect.
Not all the Trail Symposium lectures and demonstrations are about competing on the trail. Horse camping is a wonderful way to be with your horse in the wilderness. Back Country Horsemen of California, represented by the Mother Lode, Sutter Buttes and East Bay units, will set up their "Gentle Use Camp” at the Trail Symposium. These experts will demonstrate what hitches to use, how to tie your horse with a high line, what to pack, how to pack — all the skills necessary to "leave no trace" when enjoying the trails and backcountry.
Horse camping expert Bonnie Davis will once again share her experiences and expertise with the audience. Drawing from her hands-on knowledge, she defines "horsecamping” as getting a horse ready to camp, rigs and trailers; feeds and feeding; weed-free feeds; selecting campsites; keeping a horse in camp; meeting environmental regulations; dealing with bears, mountain lions and elk; safety; emergency care; camping tips and more. Bonnie points out that horsecamping allows a person to enjoy longer trips and spend more time with their horse exploring the trails—regardless of one’s physical condition or age.
Additional presentations at the Horse Expo Trail Symposium are structured to educate horse people about the use and expansion of multi-use trails. Created to inform horse owners of the on-going and pressing issues facing the preservation of trails, the Symposium offers a forum to share ideas and effective actions needed to keep our trails open and used properly. Environmental and political issues will also be addressed, accompanied by blueprints of success when dealing with challenging issues.
For more information about the Western States Horse Expo, June 7-9 in Sacramento, California, visit Be sure to visit your local tack and feed stores for Expo Bucks — $3 off the gate admission price!
The symposium will feature resources for competitive and non-competitive trail riders.
May 14, 2013
Edited Press Release
Of the over two million horse owners in the United States, 73 percent of them participate in trail and pleasure riding. That’s a staggering figure that makes one sit up and take notice. And that’s exactly what the president of Western States Horse Expo Miki Nelsen did 15 years ago when she founded this event.
"I knew how important trail riding was to horse owners, and how important it is to my own heart," says Nelsen. "I finished the famous Tevis Cup Ride in 1994, meeting the challenge of 100 miles over the Sierra Nevada Mountains. It changed my life — riding for close to 24 hours over that magnificent terrain is something almost unexplainable.
"I also realized that people are anxious for information about trail riding, camping with horses, challenging events on the trail like endurance and competitive trail riding (American Competitive Trail Horse Association [ACTHA] and North American Trail Riding Conference [NATRC]),” continues Nelsen. "So when I planned the first Horse Expo, I wanted trail riders to have a voice in the activities at the Expo. For 15 years, I’m proud to say that we’ve continued to create and grow an informative Trail Symposium within the Expo.”
This year’s Western States Horse Expo, June 7-9, 2013 at Cal Expo in Sacramento, California, promises to host even more trail experts and trail topics than ever before.
International endurance champion Becky Hart will lend her expertise in distance riding to the audience. She is a three-time FEI World Endurance Champion, was inducted into the American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) Hall of Fame, was the AHSA (now USEF) Equestrian of the Year, and won the Tevis Cup Ride twice on the same horse. Her knowledge of the mental and physical qualities of the endurance horse — and what it takes for the rider to succeed—are beyond measure.
Speakers from ACTHA and NATRC are also slated for those who want to ride at a slower pace and travel fewer miles than required for endurance. These two organizations excel in educating people about horsemanship, horse care, veterinary criteria and correct pacing on the trail. For those thousands of people who want to get out on new trails, camp with like-minded people, and see what the judges have to say about their horsemanship and their horse — these competitions are perfect.
Not all the Trail Symposium lectures and demonstrations are about competing on the trail. Horse camping is a wonderful way to be with your horse in the wilderness. Back Country Horsemen of California, represented by the Mother Lode, Sutter Buttes and East Bay units, will set up their "Gentle Use Camp” at the Trail Symposium. These experts will demonstrate what hitches to use, how to tie your horse with a high line, what to pack, how to pack — all the skills necessary to "leave no trace" when enjoying the trails and backcountry.
Horse camping expert Bonnie Davis will once again share her experiences and expertise with the audience. Drawing from her hands-on knowledge, she defines "horsecamping” as getting a horse ready to camp, rigs and trailers; feeds and feeding; weed-free feeds; selecting campsites; keeping a horse in camp; meeting environmental regulations; dealing with bears, mountain lions and elk; safety; emergency care; camping tips and more. Bonnie points out that horsecamping allows a person to enjoy longer trips and spend more time with their horse exploring the trails—regardless of one’s physical condition or age.
Additional presentations at the Horse Expo Trail Symposium are structured to educate horse people about the use and expansion of multi-use trails. Created to inform horse owners of the on-going and pressing issues facing the preservation of trails, the Symposium offers a forum to share ideas and effective actions needed to keep our trails open and used properly. Environmental and political issues will also be addressed, accompanied by blueprints of success when dealing with challenging issues.
For more information about the Western States Horse Expo, June 7-9 in Sacramento, California, visit Be sure to visit your local tack and feed stores for Expo Bucks — $3 off the gate admission price!
Monday, May 13, 2013
Arabian Horse World to Cover AERC National Championships

May 13 2013
Equine journalist and photographer Genie Stewart-Spears of Illinois will be covering the 2013 Adequan AERC National Championships in Almo, Idaho for the magazine Arabian Horse World.
The 50 mile ride will take place on September 20th, and the 100 mile ride will take place on September 22. Trails will run in and around the City of Rocks National Reserve.
Based out of Cambria, California, Arabian Horse World is the world's leading Arabian horse publication, offering award-winning coverage of the Arabian breed since 1959.
For more information see: Horse World to Cover AERC National Championships
Tevis Trail Maintenance Alert

TRAIL ALERT: The Tevis Trail Maintenance Crew will be working in El Dorado Canyon on the Western States Trail in the vicinity of Kaput Springs on Friday, May 17; Saturday, May 18; and Sunday, May 19. Please do not ride horses in this segment (near Kaput Springs) during this brief three-day timeframe. It is a safety issue, since the narrow trail on a steep cross-slope has no lateral passage for a horse.
OK to ride nearby segments (from Deadwood down to the Swinging Bridge then ascend to Last Chance) and (from Foresthill to Michigan Bluff, then back to Foresthill).
For further questions, please contact Matt Brownlee, US Forest Service; Tahoe National Forest Trail Manager, at Foresthill Ranger Station; or Greg Kimler, WSTF Governor.
The Tevis Trail Maintenance Crew is always glad to have additional volunteers. You will have to sign the official USFS Volunteer papers.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert H. Sydnor
AERC Trail Master and Tevis Trail Crewman
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Vernon Downs EHV-1: One Horse Euthanized - Full Article
By The Horse Staff
May 08, 2013
A May 8 statement from New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets Commissioner Darrel J. Aubertine and State Gaming Commission Acting Executive Director Robert Williams now indicates that three horses stabled at Vernon Downs Raceway are infected with a strain of the equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1). One of these horses was humanely euthanized, the statement said.
As of May 8, no other horses at New York racetracks or at Vernon Downs, located in Vernon, N.Y., have been reported positive for EHV-1, the statement said.
"The Department of Agriculture and Markets has implemented a 28-day quarantine period," the statement read. "No horses will be permitted to ship in or out of Vernon Downs until 28 days after the Department of Agriculture and Markets has determined that the infected horses stop showing symptoms of EHV-1. Barn number 4 and barn number 2 at Vernon Downs are under strict quarantine, and the only persons permitted to enter these barns are horse caretakers assigned to those barns. Horses in these barns are prohibited from racing or training on the track. These barns will remain under strict quarantine until 28 days after the last signs of EHV-1 are seen in their populations...
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By The Horse Staff
May 08, 2013
A May 8 statement from New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets Commissioner Darrel J. Aubertine and State Gaming Commission Acting Executive Director Robert Williams now indicates that three horses stabled at Vernon Downs Raceway are infected with a strain of the equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1). One of these horses was humanely euthanized, the statement said.
As of May 8, no other horses at New York racetracks or at Vernon Downs, located in Vernon, N.Y., have been reported positive for EHV-1, the statement said.
"The Department of Agriculture and Markets has implemented a 28-day quarantine period," the statement read. "No horses will be permitted to ship in or out of Vernon Downs until 28 days after the Department of Agriculture and Markets has determined that the infected horses stop showing symptoms of EHV-1. Barn number 4 and barn number 2 at Vernon Downs are under strict quarantine, and the only persons permitted to enter these barns are horse caretakers assigned to those barns. Horses in these barns are prohibited from racing or training on the track. These barns will remain under strict quarantine until 28 days after the last signs of EHV-1 are seen in their populations...
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Endurance riding and EquiPak - Full Article
Submitted by Vettec Hoof Care
Thu, 05/09/2013
Meet endurance rider and EquiPak devotee Carey Brock from Delhi, California. Carey and her 7 year old Arab mare Khandy Kiss have made quite an impact in the sport of Multi-Day Endurance, trail rides that can span up to five days and beyond. In a sport where few riders log one thousand miles in one year on the same horse, Carey and Khandy have ridden 2,160 miles together in the last two years and are on track to earn the AERC 3K Award by the end of this year. If she makes it, Khandy will be one of the youngest horses to achieve that distinction.
Carey has been endurance riding for only the last 8 years or so, but her lifelong passion for horses helped shape her philosophy of always putting the well being of the horse at the top of her priorities. At a youthful 63, Carey admits to having to think about self-preservation too, especially with a spirited young Arab she calls “an absolute machine.” “Once you pass 60, you seriously have to consider your safety with a bit more caution than when you were 30...”
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Submitted by Vettec Hoof Care
Thu, 05/09/2013
Meet endurance rider and EquiPak devotee Carey Brock from Delhi, California. Carey and her 7 year old Arab mare Khandy Kiss have made quite an impact in the sport of Multi-Day Endurance, trail rides that can span up to five days and beyond. In a sport where few riders log one thousand miles in one year on the same horse, Carey and Khandy have ridden 2,160 miles together in the last two years and are on track to earn the AERC 3K Award by the end of this year. If she makes it, Khandy will be one of the youngest horses to achieve that distinction.
Carey has been endurance riding for only the last 8 years or so, but her lifelong passion for horses helped shape her philosophy of always putting the well being of the horse at the top of her priorities. At a youthful 63, Carey admits to having to think about self-preservation too, especially with a spirited young Arab she calls “an absolute machine.” “Once you pass 60, you seriously have to consider your safety with a bit more caution than when you were 30...”
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Friday, May 10, 2013
National Equestrian Trails Conference 2013

NETC 2013
Registration Now Available
July 18-20, 2013
Rock Hill, S.C.
The National Equestrian Trails Conference will be held July 18-20, 2013 in Rock Hill, S.C. The South Carolina Horsemen's Council is excited to be hosting this national conference, which grew out of the Southeastern Trails Conference.
Equestrian trail conferences are driven by the goal of preserving trail riding in natural settings on both public and private land. This conference will focus on preserving cultural heritages-that is, a long-standing tradition of enjoying horse trails in natural heritage settings.
Furtherance of any movement begins with the education of advocates for a cause. The cause we serve is the promotion of land and natural resource stewardship among horsemen, guided by a deep sense of the need for ethical behavior, both ecologically and socially.
Land ethicist Aldo Leopold developed the idea of the "ecological conscience," i.e. the extension of the social conscience to the greater community of soils, waters, plants and animals on the natural landscape. That idea is today universally accepted. If that community is to survive, we must also maintain the assets critical to the environment, thus enhancing our quality of life.
In our conferences we attempt to create awareness among trail riders that we all must become ecologically conscious of the need for stewardship. The vision of trail riders as conservationists is a key theme. The future of our trail riding heritage lies in our commitment to this cause.
We would like to recognize our proud sponsors who have already come on board to help support this exciting topic!
American Quarter Horse Association
Horse Tales TV
Carolina Hoofbeats Magazine
Kentucky Horse Council
South Carolina Horse Council
Southeast Endurance Riders Association
Equine Land Conservation Resource
American Endurance Ride Conference
Chattahoochee Trail Horse Association
Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Association
South Carolina Upstate Equine council
Start Em Right
South Eastern Distance Riders Association
Thursday, May 09, 2013
Results from the Biltmore Challenge Endurance Ride
RELEASE: May 6, 2013
Asheville, NC - Endurance riders gathered at the historic Biltmore Estate over the weekend for a ride around the grounds for 80km, 120km, and 160km. Below are the individual results of each division.
80 km
Young Rider: Rae Shumate-Tysor riding Super Sonnic. Time 5:18:35
Senior: Amy Wallace Whelan riding Mahummad Shazam. Time 5:52:58
Young Rider: Sarah Jack riding FYF Dutch. Time 8:21:58
Senior: Jennifer Townes riding Best of Kin PW. Time 8:21:58
Senior: Nicki Meuten riding Not Tonight. Time 9:59:03
RELEASE: May 6, 2013
Asheville, NC - Endurance riders gathered at the historic Biltmore Estate over the weekend for a ride around the grounds for 80km, 120km, and 160km. Below are the individual results of each division.
80 km
Young Rider: Rae Shumate-Tysor riding Super Sonnic. Time 5:18:35
Senior: Amy Wallace Whelan riding Mahummad Shazam. Time 5:52:58
Young Rider: Sarah Jack riding FYF Dutch. Time 8:21:58
Senior: Jennifer Townes riding Best of Kin PW. Time 8:21:58
Senior: Nicki Meuten riding Not Tonight. Time 9:59:03
Tuesday, May 07, 2013
The Great 1,000 mile race

Monday, May 6, 2013
McCook Daily Gazette
Walt Sehnert
Recently we came across an article, which noted that the running of ultra-marathon races (endurance races of 50, 100, even 150 miles) was the fastest growing outdoor sport in America. McCook has at least two dedicated ultra-marathoners, who do credit to their sport. This brought to mind a race that originated in Nebraska some 120 years ago, a super race that tested the mettle of both man and beast, and in so doing set the standard for endurance horse races to today.
In 1893, even in western Nebraska, there was a great thirst for news, whether it was local news or news concerned with events worldwide, fueled by the resources of the Associated Press service, the leading news resource of the day. The AP accommodated newspapers across the land, including the Chadron paper. The AP encouraged its members to contribute stories from their coverage area, to be disseminated to papers across the land and abroad. This, Chadron seemed to do -- with enthusiasm. Chadron had contributed several stories, eagerly picked up by eastern papers.
The trouble was that some of these stories were bogus, idea of a couple of Chadron cut-ups, Emmett Albright, a cowboy from Texas and John Maher, a clerk in the Dawes County Courthouse, (and an unnamed friend at the Newspaper. Maher loved practical jokes, to the extent that he was known as John Maher, "Paralyzer of the Truth." Both boys loved to pull the leg of easterners, with stories of a Petrified Man, the Monster from Alkali Lake, and several others. "Those Easterners want to believe that the West is mysterious, with savage Indians, half-wild cowboys, and damsels in distress. We were just helping to bolster those illusions."
In the fall of 1892 the Germans and the Austrian armies waged a friendly 360 mile endurance race, from Berlin to Vienna. The race turned into a disaster...
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Friday, May 03, 2013
Young Rider Partners With Kerrits to Let Readers “Design Their Own Riding Tights”
One lucky reader will win custom-made riding tights and be featured in a national magazine
May 1, 2013 – Young Rider magazine is inviting artistic young equestrians to let their inner fashion designer out when they enter the Kerrits Performance Equestrian Apparel “Design Your Own Riding Tights” Junior Designer Contest.
The contest, in its third year, invites readers to create a custom pair of riding tights and visit to submit it online between May 1, 2013 and June 30, 2013. Last year, the contest received more than 900 entries.
“This contest offers Kerrits the unique opportunity to receive valuable input and design ideas from young horse enthusiasts across the country,” said Kerri Kent, owner and designer of Kerrits. “Riders that will influence and shape the sport in years to come.”
“Every year, this contest is a favorite with our readers,” said Young Rider Editor Lesley Ward. “Our readers are wonderfully creative, and there is no better way to celebrate that than by applying that creativity to their primary passion: riding.”
About Young Rider
For more than 15 years, Young Rider magazine has taught young people, in an easy-to-read and entertaining way, how to look after their horses properly and how to improve their riding skills safely. It is published by I-5 Publishing LLC.
About Kerrits
Home-grown performance that sprouted in 1986, Kerrits Performance Equestrian Apparel thrives on creating innovative, functional and stylish performance apparel, uniquely designed for women and kids who ride and love horses.
Contact: Lesley Ward, Editor
May 1, 2013 – Young Rider magazine is inviting artistic young equestrians to let their inner fashion designer out when they enter the Kerrits Performance Equestrian Apparel “Design Your Own Riding Tights” Junior Designer Contest.
The contest, in its third year, invites readers to create a custom pair of riding tights and visit to submit it online between May 1, 2013 and June 30, 2013. Last year, the contest received more than 900 entries.
“This contest offers Kerrits the unique opportunity to receive valuable input and design ideas from young horse enthusiasts across the country,” said Kerri Kent, owner and designer of Kerrits. “Riders that will influence and shape the sport in years to come.”
“Every year, this contest is a favorite with our readers,” said Young Rider Editor Lesley Ward. “Our readers are wonderfully creative, and there is no better way to celebrate that than by applying that creativity to their primary passion: riding.”
About Young Rider
For more than 15 years, Young Rider magazine has taught young people, in an easy-to-read and entertaining way, how to look after their horses properly and how to improve their riding skills safely. It is published by I-5 Publishing LLC.
About Kerrits
Home-grown performance that sprouted in 1986, Kerrits Performance Equestrian Apparel thrives on creating innovative, functional and stylish performance apparel, uniquely designed for women and kids who ride and love horses.
Contact: Lesley Ward, Editor
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