NETC 2013
Registration Now Available
July 18-20, 2013
Rock Hill, S.C.
The National Equestrian Trails Conference will be held July 18-20, 2013 in Rock Hill, S.C. The South Carolina Horsemen's Council is excited to be hosting this national conference, which grew out of the Southeastern Trails Conference.
Equestrian trail conferences are driven by the goal of preserving trail riding in natural settings on both public and private land. This conference will focus on preserving cultural heritages-that is, a long-standing tradition of enjoying horse trails in natural heritage settings.
Furtherance of any movement begins with the education of advocates for a cause. The cause we serve is the promotion of land and natural resource stewardship among horsemen, guided by a deep sense of the need for ethical behavior, both ecologically and socially.
Land ethicist Aldo Leopold developed the idea of the "ecological conscience," i.e. the extension of the social conscience to the greater community of soils, waters, plants and animals on the natural landscape. That idea is today universally accepted. If that community is to survive, we must also maintain the assets critical to the environment, thus enhancing our quality of life.
In our conferences we attempt to create awareness among trail riders that we all must become ecologically conscious of the need for stewardship. The vision of trail riders as conservationists is a key theme. The future of our trail riding heritage lies in our commitment to this cause.
We would like to recognize our proud sponsors who have already come on board to help support this exciting topic!
American Quarter Horse Association
Horse Tales TV
Carolina Hoofbeats Magazine
Kentucky Horse Council
South Carolina Horse Council
Southeast Endurance Riders Association
Equine Land Conservation Resource
American Endurance Ride Conference
Chattahoochee Trail Horse Association
Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Association
South Carolina Upstate Equine council
Start Em Right
South Eastern Distance Riders Association
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