Saturday, December 20, 2014

AERC: Catch the Wave of Endurance Clinics

With the wave of Endurance 101 clinics gaining momentum among AERC volunteers with the goal of attracting new members and to help ‘newbie’ riders move up in distance, has created an “Endurance Clinics” page on its website. The page lists upcoming Endurance clinics, and gives information on holding Endurance Clinics for the beginner to more experienced riders who seek mentorship.

“Endurance 101” is mainly for ‘newbies’ to endurance; “Endurance 201” clinics are more hands-on, and often have mounted demos with a mock endurance ride and vet check. “Beyond the Basics” clinics are “to help riders get through the ‘sophomore slump,’” this who want to increase their level of performance in the sport.

AERC promo materials, and PowerPoint modules are available for those putting on endurance clinics.

For more information, see:

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