Monday, December 08, 2014

John Parke and Remington: AERC’s First Double Decade Team

December 8 2014

John Parke and his 2013 AERC Hall of Fame horse Remington became AERC’s only Double Decade team when they completed the Death Valley Warmup 50-mile ride on December 6, having completed a 50 mile ride for twenty years in a row.

The 26-year-old, 13.3-hand Icelandic pony, elected to AERC’s Hall of Fame for 2013, has 11,405 miles and is 11th on the all-time AERC mileage list. Park and Remington were also AERC’s Pard’ners Award winners in 2006.

“This was a beautiful ride in the high desert through the Joshua Trees with a view of snow capped Olancha Peak in the Sierras,” Parke said. “We finished under the full moon. It was a good day.”

1 comment:

John Parke said...

Actually, Remington and I might be the first Double Decade Team with 10,000 plus miles, but Mike Tracy and his wonderful horse Aron Moon became the first Double Decade Team that I know of a couple of years ago. Mike and Aron Moon are also Pardners Award recipients and Aron Moon belongs in the Hall of Fame.