October 20 2015
3,000 Miles. 18 Wild Horses. 6 Months. 5 States. 4 Men. A documentary about Conservation, Exploration, and Wild Mustangs
November 13th, 6:30 pm the doors will open to the State of the Art Madras Performing Arts Center. Once inside be ready to experience an exhilarating wild ride documentary along with “four young Texans who have hatched an outrageous plot to adopt, train, and ride wild mustangs 3000 miles.” Beginning at the Mexican border these four men travel the great American West through public lands which include the States of Arizona, Utah, Idaho and Montana to the Canadian Border. Accomplished remarkably on the backs of recently trained wild mustangs adopted from the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM), in little over a five month period. Through the wildest terrain of American public lands, these men endure the wilderness of a romanticized American West to find not only magnificent vistas as stunning as the old master’s paintings but what their own souls hold within. They discover endurance is not just making it to the end of a finish line it entails life skills pushed to the brink of human nature. Strength to provide the ability to survive in what the real American West was and is about today. These men and mustangs experience a journey that faces them down through sickness, death, injury and reveals true meaning of endurance and courage. “The Audience Award winner at Telluride Mountainfilm and Hot Docs Film Festival, Unbranded is a soaring tale of danger and resilience, an emotionally charged odyssey that shines a bright light on the complex plight of our country's wild horses.”
The local nonprofit group, The Warm Springs Horse Network (WSHN) is proud to bring this passionate film for review, as it brings to the forefront the need to recognize these amazing animals for their true value in many cultures historically as well as in today’s world. Many liken these challenges to mankind itself realizing the confines of thriving in today’s world. Horses face yet intensified challenges presented on lands compromised by fire, drought and government regulations. Changing equine perception, we as a people face mounting trials testing even the strongest of men, bringing awareness to the mustang will begin the conversation necessary for the reality of “Wild” and “Mustang” to maintain its origin. The efforts of homing the local mustang foals from the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs became apparent in May 2014. WSHN has been working with the Range Management department since that time. Enabling foals to become welcome productive members of the equine society, winning blue ribbons at the Oregon State Fair, numerous first place ribbons, awards and cash prizes for participation in yearling shows and the hearts of any family who proudly houses a Mustang. The foals from the Warm Springs Reservation are now referred to as Pacific Northwest American Heritage Horses and may be registered as such with the American Indian Horse Registry. As WSHN fast approaches 400 horses’ successfully homed, costs continue to rise for continued care of these orphans. All proceeds from this presentation will go to enable continued efforts to house, care and provide loving homes for foals, along with some mare foal pairs. The WSHN board members wanted to provide a value to the community by showing this exhilarating documentary as it relates in many ways to the foals in our own backyard. WSHN acted quickly to bring this majestically presented production to our own Performing Arts Center here in Madras, Oregon. We know it will touch your heart as it did ours.
Tickets are on sale now - $10.00 may be purchased through the website - http://www.wshorsenetwork.myevent.com/3/online_payment.htm or at the door, November 13th, 2015 6:30 pm.
Warm Springs Horse Network (WSHN)
Contact Person: Beth Matanane 928-221-7601
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