Endurance.net would like to extend a special thank you to our advertisers.
At Endurance.net we strive to provide timely local and world-wide endurance riding news, stories, profiles, and educational material to keep our readers and subscribers up to date with the sport of endurance.
We are happy that you have chosen to be a part of our effort. We recognize and appreciate all you do to support the sport of endurance riding with us!
So thanks to each of you.
May we all have a great many trail miles in 2019.
For information regarding advertising on Endurance.Net, please contact Steph Teeter, steph@endurance.net.
Belesemo Arabians - belesemo@mindspring.com
Cypress Trails Equestrian Center - darolynride@yahoo.com
Distance Depot Tack - info@thedistancedepot.com
Dixie Midnight No-Sweat Pads - dixiemidnight@hotmail.com
Drinkers of the Wind Arabians - 208-788-3080
Equipedic Saddle Pads - 575-585-3636
EuroXciser - info@EuroXciser.com
Global Endurance Training Center - info@globalendurance.com
Kerrit's Equestrian Clothing - mary@kerrits.com
Moss Rock Endurance - lisa@mossrockendurance.com
Renegade Hoof Boots - sales@renegadehoofboots.com
Riding Warehouse - info@ridingwarehouse.com
Slypner Gear Trail Supplies - Info@SlypnerGear.com
Specialized Saddles - 915-345-4130
Synergist Saddles - information@synergistsaddles.com
Tailored Tack - amanda@tayloredtack.com
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