by US Equestrian Communications Department/Jump Media | Sep 19, 2019, 12:14 PM EST
Maria Muzzio and Landroval (Mark Baldino photo)
The U.S. Endurance Team had a great finish in the FEI Endurance World Championships for Young Riders & Juniors on Wednesday, September 18. The prestigious 120-kilometer competition was held at the San Rossore Racecourse in Pisa, Italy, during the Toscana Endurance Lifestyle event.
“This is a really good result for the program,” said the U.S. team’s chef d’equipe, Mark Dial. "This is the fastest we’ve ridden, and the best team finish we’ve had since I’ve been with the program.” Dial was named U.S. Endurance Team Technical Advisor and Chef d’Equipe in April of 2015.
“This was a great group,” Dial continued. “They rode to instructions, and they could communicate any issues they were having. They were riding some very good horses. Over the past several years, we’ve put together an incredible staff. I have to give the staff credit, too—our vet staff, Kristen Brett, and the selectors. We’ve put together a really good program and we’re starting to see the results.”
In her first U.S. team appearance, Kate Bishop, 16, (Raleigh, N.C.) rode to the top individual placing, finishing in 41st with LR April Breeze, Lisa Green’s 12-year-old Arabian mare. A crew member handed Bishop an American flag as she approached the finish. “I held it high as we cantered across the finish line. That was my favorite moment of the whole ride,” Bishop said...
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