August 17 2013
Entry forms for the 2013 Vettec AERC National Championships in Almo, Idaho on September 20 and 22 are now online. Deadline for qualification and entry is September 11. We need entries and payment by this date. Will refund all but $25 admin fee after this date.
Late entries (postmarked after September 11) will in incur a $50 late fee. (don't be late!)
Meals will be provided by Two Trees Catering - good and healthy food! You must reserve dinners in advance to insure that we'll have enough food on hand.
We will have hay for sale (really nice grass/alfalfa, certified weed free) but need to have advance orders.
Corrals may be rented (12 x 12 stock panels) for $50 for the duration. These must be reserved in advance.
If you're not riding, please consider coming out to help! This is a very big event and we'll need a lot of bodies for pulsing, timing, gate watch, cook's help, etc. Come and support our National Event - and let's show everybody how wonderful it can be here in Idaho and the Northwest! And you can bring horses for trail riding on Saturday between events.
Christoph Schork of Global Endurance Training Center will be hosting a hoof care clinic on Saturday - shoes, boots, glue-on boots, glue-on shoes, trimming, all sorts of good info and drawings for prizes.
Trail Maps are online now. (More changes are possible, but unlikely, barring crazy weather events and unforeseen circumstances).
Come on out!
Steph & Regina and crew
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