August 16 2017
Ride Manager Tennessee Lane's got a lot on her plate right now. In case you didn't notice, she won Tevis less than 2 weeks ago. She's back in La Veta, Colorado, putting the finishing touches on this year's National Championships course.
It's only her second year putting on rides, so what on earth would possess her to put on a National Championship? "Yeah," she said. "I'm a little crazy." But AERC actually approached her about putting on a challenging National Championship ride at this venue.
Tennessee has created some 130 miles of trails, so nothing but the ins and outs of camp repeat, and it's all on private land. She's worked very hard with the local ranchers to get their permission to put on her rides over trails on their land. You can't ride these trails except at Tennessee's rides.
The trails are stunningly beautiful (the twin Spanish Peaks dominate the southern skyline); ridecamp is at 8,000 feet, and it will indeed be a challenging mountain trail. "This is a true representation of the southern Colorado Rockies and I don't intend to butter that up for you," her SoCoEndurance website says. There's plenty of diverse terrain, with climbs and descents and technical stretches to slow you down (so you can enjoy the magnificent scenery) and plenty of flat miles to cruise on.
Currently there are about 20 signed up for the 100 mile ride on Sunday, and about 40 for the 50 on Friday.
More to come at:
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